Iowa Old Press

Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O'Brien co. Iowa
September 6, 1917

p 1 col 2
Butler - McCrosky
It is passing strange, but nevertheless it is not fiction, that war and love frequently go hand in hand. Thus it is not so much out of the ordinary that Harvey Butler, who is one of Sutherland's soldier boys with Co. E., 168 Ia. Inf. at Des Moines, should have taken sufficient time between drills to win a bride. The charming war bride is Miss Marian McCrosky, of Primghar, and the happy event took place at the Kirkwood hotel in Des Moines, on Saturday evening, September 1st, at 8:30 o'clock, Rev. Astley officiating.

The bride was born and raised in Primghar, and graduated from that high school in the class of 1916. She is a very charming young lady and makes friends with all whom she meets. The groom is the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Butler and was born and grew to manhood in our midst. On June 5th he volunteered to serve his country and we are certain that he will do his "bit". The Courier joins with their many friends in extending them hearty congratulations.

p 1 col 5
Nearly Drowned at Okoboji
The particulars concerning the accident in which Miss Francis Mueller came near losing her life are not quite as reported from the Spencer paper. It said that she and her sister, Florence, and Rev. Mueller had hold of hands "and in the excitement let go." Just the opposite was true. They tried to reach each other but were unable to join hands. Frances was endeavoring to swim in from the place where she let go of the dock and soon found herself unable to make any headway against the outward "tow" of the water. Florence, like a little heroine, jumped in to help her. Neither one cans swim very well. Rev. Mueller, not being able to swim, went as far as he could, but could not reach the girls. Help did not arrive until Frances had sunk and was lying in eight feet of water on the bottom of the lake. Harley Edwards, a young man living right on the edge of the lake came, and although fully dressed, jumped in and brought Florence to the boat. Then Rev. Mueller showed the young man where Frances was and he very quickly and successfully dove and brought up the unconscious girl. Resuscitation measures were used and in a moment Frances revived. This happened on Monday forenoon, August 20th, and the family returned home on the following Wednesday evening. -Peterson Patriot

p 5
The following is a list of Sutherland young ladies who left last week to teach school in different towns: Mabel Sweeney, Indianapolis, Ind; Clara Hitchings, Bakersfield, Calif.; Elmina Louthan, Pocatello, Ida.; Lila Butler, Bedford, Ia.; Della Butler, Exira, Ia.; Maude Barry, Rolfe, Ia.; Nina Nichols, Phoebe Schwerdtfeger and Lucetta Stockwell, Sioux Rapids, Ia .; Minnie Rumper, Calumet, Ia.; Lucille Watts, Silver City, New Mexico; Elizabeth Davis, Primghar, Ia.

p 8 col 4
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Robinson attended Mr. Robinson's sister's wedding at Eagle Grove last Wednesday.

[transcribed by A.N., January 2012]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O'Brien co. Iowa
September 20, 1917

p 1 col 3
Mesdames John Holt and C. N. Merrit departed Sunday for Big Rock, Ia., accompanied by Mr. Holt, being called there because of the serious illness and subsequent death of their mother.

p 5 col 3
Mr. and Mrs. John Spensley, of Benton, Mich., arrived in Sutherland last Friday to visit at the home of their niece, Mrs. Alex Farquhar.

Mr. and Mrs. Simon Woolston were called to Cherokee Tuesday because of the death of the latter's uncle, Joseph Dishaw, who passed away unexpectedly there at his home that morning.

p 8 col 3
Paul Braunschweig and his bride, also his mother, departed the first of the week for an extended visit among relatives at Frasclaville, Ind.

p 8 col 4
Kas - Tierney
The Sacred Heart church was the scene of a very pretty wedding Thursday, Dec. 20th, 1917, at 9:30 o'clock when Mr. Jake Kas and Miss Agnes Tierney were joined in holy matrimony, Rev. Father Wendl, the parish priest officiating. They were attended by Miss Nellie Sweeney, as bridesmaid and Mr. Walter O'Donnell as groomsman.

The bride is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tierney. She was born and grew to womanhood in the vicinity of Sutherland. Her friends are known by her acquaintances. The groom is the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kas, of Random Lake, Wis., but has been in and around Sutherland for the last four years and is a highly respected young farmer.

After the marriage ceremony the bridal party returned to the home of the bride's parents where a wedding dinner was served. There were about forty near relatives of the bride and groom present. Mr. and Mrs. Kas took the train that evening for Random Lake, Wis., for a short visit with his parents and other relatives. They will also visit at Milwaukee, Chicago and Rockford, Ill. Upon their return they will make their home on a farm northwest of Sutherland. Their friends extend best wishes to them for a happy wedded life.

[transcribed by A.N., January 2012]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O'Brien co. Iowa
September 27, 1917

p 1 col 4
Mysterious Disappearance
The people of this vicinity and the locality of Calumet have been aroused by the sudden disappearance of a Mr. Lageman, who has been working since spring for Mr. Schaullau, who resides three miles west of Sutherland. He description was given us as follows:

Alfred Lageman is 21 years old, has reddish hair and blue eyes. On day of disappearance he wore a blue serge suit and tan shoes. Thursday morning, September 21, Mr. Lageman drove to Primghar with his horse and buggy to see a lawyer about an account in Missouri. He was seen about Primghar several times during the day but no trace has been found of him since. His horse and buggy were found about three miles south of Primghar at 3 o'clock in the afternoon going south at a slow rate of speed.

The gentleman, whose home is at New Haven, Mo., is a member of a large family, he having four brothers and five sisters. He, with a number of other Missouri young men came to this county in the spring to work on farms. He had a good sum of wages coming and had only drawn a five dollar check before leaving for Primghar. He is a splendid young man and friends know of no reason why he should leave and fear that he has met with foul play or suddenly lost his reason. About twenty men have been searching for several days and have phoned to his home at Missouri, but have failed to obtain any clue. Mr. Lageman had registered at Calumet for the selective army draft, but was not in this draft - his number being way down the line.

p 1 col 6
Announcements of the marriage of Mrs. J. F. Clark, of Walnut Grove, Minn., to Mr. R. A. Nichols, of Revere, Minn., which occurred on Sept. 8th, has been received by relatives and friends here. Mrs. Nichols was formerly Miss Viola Pickering and she has a number of warm friends in Sutherland who offer hearty felicitations.

p 1
Word was received in Sutherland last Friday from Mr. and Mrs. Ray Crum who now live near Melville, Mont., telling of the death of their youngest child and only daughter, Mary Lou, who was almost five years old, which occurred Sept. 18th. The news came as a shock to the many friends here, especially to those who knew little Mary Lou, and all hearts respond in true sympathy for them in this sad bereavement.

p 3, col 4
W. A. Brady left Thursday evening for Vernon, Kans, having been called there by the death of his half-brother, J. B. Prutzman.

p 5 col 2
Mrs. James Farquhar came home Monday from a short visit with relatives at Sioux City.

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Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hughes returned Wednesday of last week from Williamsburg where they had been called because of the death of the latter's sister's husband.

p 5 col 4
Sam Roseland's family has received word that the doctors at the Mayo hospital at Rochester, Minn., had decided that he was suffering from a double fracture of the skull. It was the intention to operate on his yesterday, Thursday. The doctors think that his strength and general good health will insure him a quick recovery. -Paullina Times

[transcribed by A.N., January 2012]

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