Iowa Old Press

Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O'Brien co. Iowa
March 1, 1917

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Judge Boies has approved sale made by the guardian of Kendric and Edward Meltvedt of their interest in NE1/4 section 3 Union township at $182 per acre. The sale was made to Berdines B. Axdahl.

p 1 col 4
Marriage licenses have been issued to the following:
Sam VanKekerix 23
Martha Bueller 18

John Terpatra 21
Maggie Van der Plaata 21

LeRoy Dobricka 22
Paullina Timmerman 22

p 1 col 5
Notice of Appointment of Administrator
Notice is hereby given to all persons interested: That on the 15th day of February 1917, the undersigned was appointed by the District court at O'Brien County, Iowa, Administrator of the Estate of Caroline Jaacks, deceased, late of said county. All persons indebted to said estate will make payment to the undersigned and those having claims against the same will present them, legally authenticated, to said court for allowance. Dated this 16th day of February 1917.
R. J. Locke, Attorney for the Estate

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David Harkness and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Harkness went to Sheldon Tuesday morning to attend the funeral of the former's sister, Mrs. B. Seymour.

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Dobricka - Timmermann
At the Methodist parsonage in Sutherland Tuesday, Feb. 27, at eleven o'clock a.m. occurred the marriage of LeRoy M. Dobricka and Pauline A. Timmerman, both of Waterman township. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dobricka and the bride the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Timmermann. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Brown as the only witnesses. These are very choice young people and the best wishes of all will attend them as they begin life together. They will reside on a farm near Moneta after March 1st.

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Mr. and Mrs. Frank Powers went to Paullina Tuesday to attend the funeral of the latter's nephew.

p 8, col 3
-Mrs. Shueder [sic - Schueder] passed away at her home early Sunday morning. Interment was made in the Liberty Twnp. cemetery. Rev. Rixmann officiating. Mrs. Martha Ruge arrived from Ida Grove Monday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Shueder.
-Ernest Menke and Lizzie Runge were married at the home of the groom's parents Tuesday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Will Menke came down from Primghar Friday to attend the funeral of Mr. Menke's brother, Henry.

[transcribed by A.N., October 2011]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O'Brien co. Iowa
March 8, 1917

p 1 col 1
Young Physician Claimed By Death - Dr. Frank D. Schwerdtfeger Fails to Survive Operation After Lingering Illness
Frank D. Schwerdtfeger was born in Sutherland, Iowa, May 15, 1888 and died at the Mercy Hospital in Chicago, March 5, 1917. He graduated from the Sutherland High School in 1907. After his graduation from the Medical Course in Northwestern University in 1911, he located at Royal, Ia., in January 1912. On September 10, 1912, he was married to Pauline E. Sargent, of Harley, Rev. George Gilbert officiating. He is survived by his wife, baby daughter Ruth, Elizabeth his mother, two brothers and three sisters. He united with the Methodist church of Sutherland in 1907 but later was transferred to the M. E. church at Royal.

Dr. Schwerdtfeger started on his medical work with every qualification for a successful career. But after a little over a year's practice he was taken sick on Aug. 15, 1913, with typhoid fever and was unable to practice again until March 1914. On Easter Sunday, 1015, he was again taken sick with osteomyelitis of the left femur bone. He was taken to the hospital at Harley, Ia., where for almost a year he suffered intense pain and several operations were performed in the hope of helping him. Health apparently began to return and he was taken back to Royal to the new home that had been built during his absence.

Here he carried on the practice that came to his office though unable to make any professional calls. He interested himself in organizing the young men and boys of Royal into a band. He became their leader though having to be taken to rehearsals in his wheel chair. But in the fall of 1916 he was taken ill, a third time, and on January 19, 1917 was taken to Mercy Hospital, Chicago where on March 5th, his left limb was amputated at the hip joint in the hope of stopping the course of the disease. Death followed about nine hours later before he had fully recovered consciousness.

Dr. Schwerdtfeger was of a genial, sunny disposition and because of his deep interest in all people he was greatly loved. In spite of his long illness and intense suffering he was always cheerful, plucky and optimistic. To his patients he was a friend as well as a doctor, to his band boys "Doc" was always a source of inspiration and to all who knew and loved him, the influence of his life will be a blessing.

The funeral services were conducted from the Methodist church in Sutherland, Thursday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock, Rev. George Gilbert, of Marcus, preaching the sermon. The Masonic order, Mr. J. T. Reeves, of Hawarden, presiding, conducted the burial service. Interment was in the Waterman Cemetery.

p 4 col 2
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Moore mourn the loss of an infant son. Funeral services were held in the Friends church Sunday afternoon.

[transcribed by A.N., October 2011]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O'Brien co. Iowa
March 15, 1917

p 1 col 1
Priegnitz - Ehrig
On Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock the marriage of Miss Milly Priegnitz to Ernst C. Ehrig occurred here in Sutherland at the home of the bride's aunt, Mrs. Emma Kummerfeldt. Only a few near relatives were witnesses to the marriage ceremony which was performed by J. C. Briggs, Justice of Peace. The bride and groom were attended by Miss Lena Gaines of Primghar, and Herman Priegnitz, brother of the bride. The bridal pair left on their honeymoon, on the evening train, for Waterloo where they will spend a couple of weeks visiting the groom's parents. After their return they will go to housekeeping here in Sutherland, the groom having rented the Snyder property in the Litzell addition. Mr. and Mrs. Ehrig are well and favorably known in the community of Gaza and have a host of warm and close friends who extend congratulations and best wishes.

Mrs. W. T. Stephenson, of Deep River, and Albert Schwerdtfeger, of Sioux City, came to Sutherland last Thursday to attend the funeral of their brother, Dr. Frank Schwerdtfeger, Mrs. Stephenson remaining here to visit home folks until Sunday evening.

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The remains of Peter Peters who died last Thursday at Pukwana, S. Dak. were shipped to Paullina where the funeral was held on Monday of this week. He was a former resident of this locality, we understand, and will be remembered by a number of our readers. Among those going from Sutherland to attend the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. D. Selk and Henry Frerk.

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Mary A. Hitchcock seeks to establish her title to lots 3 and 4, in block 6, Sanborn. She alleges that property was bought with her money but title wrongfully taken in name of her husband. He has now died and his heirs are claiming an interest. She asks that title be quieted in her favor against the claims of Emma Fairchild and Harmon Wm. Hitchcock.

p 4 col 1
-Miss Kathryn Langholz and John Bern were united in marriage Sunday at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hans Langholz. The bride and groom left for Gladbrook Monday morning.
-The will of John Cowan Jr. has been filed for probate. He formerly resided at Paullina. The will gives the property to his wife and names George Raw as executor.

Death of Henry Traver
Henry Traver died at his home five and a half miles southwest of Paullina, Wednesday night about midnight. He has been a sufferer from stomach ailment for some time, but was not seriously ill until Sunday. Mr. Traver leaves a wife and nine children to mourn his death. The funeral arrangements have not yet been completed. Mr. Traver has been a resident of this community for twenty-five years and will be sadly missed by a large circle of friends and relatives. Paullina Times

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Wm. Greenfield sues his wife, Alice Greenfield, for a divorce on statutory grounds.
Wm. Greenfield has petitioned for a divorce from his wife, Alice Greenfield. Among other charges, he accuses her of cruel and inhuman treatment, claiming that he was the target for sticks of cordwood, wash tubs, etc., and that butcher knives were occasionally used, to the detriment of his health and peace of mind.

[transcribed by A.N., October 2011]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O'Brien co. Iowa
March 22, 1917

p 1 col 2
Celebrates 91st Birthday
Mrs. Jane Morey Bailey celebrated her 91st birthday last Thursday, the 15th inst., at the home of her son, A. C. Bailey. A very fine three course dinner was served. The crowning decoration being a pyramid cake for the center of the table, with her initials and the date of her birth, on the top of which were nine white candles to represent ninety years and one pink candle for the one year. Another feature of the festive part of the happy occasion were some fine, fresh Lake Trout from Ontario, Canada, sent by her grandson, Orlo Flinders. Mrs. W. P. Davis voices the sentiments of the guests in some pleasing lines, which were as follows:
"They tell me, you are ninety-one,
And always ready to have some fun,
With son and daughter always near
To help fill your heart with cheer,
Plenty of grandchildren to make you glad,
So you should never be moody or sad.
Great-grandchildren just as sweet
As it has been my lot to meet,
Neighbors and friends you count by the score
And you certainly could not desire any more.
May these rich blessings bring sweet content
Till the months and the years of your life are spent
And may you be happy each birthday
As you journey along on Life's Highway."

p 1 col 6
Young Couple Spring Surprise - Fred Yungbuth [sic] and Miss Ida Bussell Quietly Married Wednesday Evening
The marriage of Miss Ida Mae Bussell and Fred L. Yungbluth was solemnized at 8:00 o'clock on Wednesday of this week at the H. N. Slick home in Sutherland, by W. H. Hardaker, pastor of the Church of Christ.

It was a quiet affair, the groom's sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Bruner, being the only relatives who were witnesses to the ceremony and having kept any knowledge of the approaching event from their friends, it now becomes as a big surprise to all of them.

The bride who is a stranger to Sutherland people, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Bussel, of Wisner, Neb., but has taught the fall and winter terms of school here at District No. 1, Waterman township. Those who have come to know her speak of her very highly as a capable young woman, possessed of attainments which fit her to become a helpmate to the one whom she has given her heart and hand. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Yungbluth who live three miles east of Sutherland and is a worthy and industrious young man.

After a short visit with the bride's parents at Wisner, the young couple will return to Sutherland and reside on the home place of the groom's parents. The Courier joins friends in wishing the realization of their fondest hopes in married life.

p 4 col 1
Letters of Administration
State of Iowa, O'Brien County, No. 1377
To All to Whom These Presents Shall Come
Know Ye, that Calumet State Bank, Calumet, Iowa have been appointed by the District Court of said county, Administrators of the goods, chattels and estate of Louise Schueder, deceased, late of Calumet, O'Brien County, Iowa, with full power and authority to take possession of the same, in whose hands soever they may be found, and, in general, to do all other acts in the premises, and fully to discharge every duty required of them as Administrators aforesaid, as the law shall or may direct. The Administrators will publish notice of their appointment once each week for two consecutive weeks in some newspaper printed and published in O'Brien County, Iowa. Witness my hand and the Seal of the Court, aforesaid this 12th day of March 1917. Julius Krebs, Clerk

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-Mrs. C. W. Severance received the sad news that her sister, Mrs. A. B. Rusk, of Dickens, died Monday morning. Owing to her own physical ailments, Mrs. Severance was unable to attend the funeral.
-Leo Wilson came down from Sioux Falls, S. Dak., Wednesday to spend the remainder of the week here at the home of his sister, Mrs. Walter Burns. Leo has just returned from the Mexican border where he has been for the past eight months with the 4th Regiment of South Dakota National Guards.

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Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Stewart arrived here last Saturday from Des Moines and are visiting at the home of the former's sister, Mrs. G. W. Butler. Oscar and his bride just returned recently from their honeymoon which the spent in California, and while there they purchased a stock ranch near Three Rivers, which they expect to make their home. They are on their way back now, and will travel the remainder of the trip in their auto, which they left here at the beginning of the winter.

[transcribed by A.N., October 2011]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O'Brien co. Iowa
March 29, 1917

p 1 col 1
Mary A. Hitchcock secured a decree against her daughter establishing her title to residence property in Sanborn title to which was taken in the name of A. A. Hitchcock although the wife furnished the purchase money. the court reformed the deed so as to vest title in the widow instead of the husband

Declaration of intention to become citizens of the United States have been filed by Johann F. Oeffner of Gaza, a native of Germany; Otto F. W. Herwig, of Gaza, also a native of Germany; Henry L. Pingeon, of Sanborn, native of Switzerland, Hermann Norman, of Gaza, na [missing text]; [missing text] Hutchinson, of Paullina, a native of Ireland.

Bussear - O'Donnell
Although this nuptial event occurred several weeks ago, it is still a matter of news to nearly everyone in this, the old home place of the bride, and her many friends here will be interested in reading this account of the marriage, which was handed to us this week, taken from the Otis (Colo.) Independent.

Mr. Emmet Bussear and Miss Ruby O'Donnell, both of the Burdette country, were married Saturday, February 10th, in the Catholic church at Yuma, Rev. Father Juily, of Fort Morgan, speaking the words that united this young couple for life.

The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Bussear residing north of town and is an industrious young farmer. The bride is one of Washington county's most successful teachers and is now teaching the Lewis school. The will reside on the bride's farm northeast of Otis. That theirs may be a long, happy and prosperous married life is the wish of their many friends.

A marriage license was issued last week to Severn Town, 29 and Nellie Waldheim, 24.

Death of Mrs. Wm. King
Death came to this excellent lady Monday morning at 7:00 o'clock. Within the past year she suffered a number of attacks of paralysis and there was a slight attack on Sunday evening. Her death was not unexpected; nevertheless the people where ever she was known feel that they have sustained a loss and express sympathy for the bereaved relatives. -Primghar Bell

p 4
Gaza - F. W. Martin and wife returned Wednesday from Kansas, where they were called on account of the death of a relative.

[transcribed by A.N., October 2011]

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