Iowa Old Press

Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O'Brien co. Iowa
December 15, 1917

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Allingham - Watts
The marriage of Miss Lucile Watts to William Allingham took place Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Johnson, 315 Arizona St. The bride is a popular member of the teaching staff of the public schools who has made hosts of friends since coming to Silver City who will be surprised to learn of her marriage. The ceremony was planned to take place later in the year but the combination of a holiday and an urgent business call which took the groom to El Paso, Tex., proved too much to withstand and the event was set ahead a few weeks. The bride wore a handsome traveling suit of blue cloth with gold trimmings and hat of Vatican design in harmony. The rooms were decorated with ferns, autumn foliage and American flags, and the Rev. Robert Browning read the beautiful Episcopal ring service. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, close friends of the bride and groom were the only ones attending the ceremony. The newlyweds will make their home in the Blackwell bungalow continuing in their respective positions and after December 15 keeping "open house". The bride is a native of Sutherland, Ia., and came to Silver City last September to become teacher of music and art in the public schools. The bridegroom came to Silver City from Portland, Ore., and is a graduate of the Oregon Agricultural college. He is head of the manual training department of the public schools. (Silver Lake Enterprise, New Mexico)

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Gieser - Braunschweig
The marriage of Miss Bertha Gieser to Mr. Paul Braunschweig was a happy event which took place on Thanksgiving Day at the new home of the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Braunschweig who live five miles east of Sutherland. Rev. Hesse, of Aurelia, performed the ceremony in the presence of about fifty relatives and friends at 3:00 o'clock in the afternoon. The bridal pair were attended by Miss Ida Gieser as bridesmaid and Mr. Eldo Braunschweig as best man. A bountiful wedding dinner was served immediately following the ceremony.

The bride is the youngest daughter of Peter Gieser of Hartley and is a young woman highly honored by those who know her. The groom is the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Braunschweig and is an industrious young farmer with the right qualities for making a success in life. They have started housekeeping on the home farm of the groom's parents. The Courier extends best wishes to the happy pair as they start out in wedded life.

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Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Hill who have lived in Sutherland and vicinity for about thirty years, sold their residence here the latter part of the week to R. W. Lee and have moved Brookings, S. Dak, where they have bought property and expect to make their home in the future. They will be greatly missed because of their long residence in this community. Their many friends wish them well in their new home.

Mrs. S. J. Jordan and granddaughter, Sarah Lou Jordan, departed on Thanksgiving Day for Turlock, Calif., where they will attend the Sixtieth Wedding Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Russell, the latter being a sister of Mrs. Jordan.

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F. W. Greendling returned home last week from Colfax, Ill., where he had been called on account of the illness and death of his father.

Miss Lulu Peterson and Mr. Herald [sic - Harold] Drake were presented with a buffet as a bridal gift, at a reception held in the hall last Monday by a crowd of young people. Refreshments were served and games of different kinds indulged in until a late hour.

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Mrs. Bert Durand and baby, of Hartley; Mrs. John Prew and children of Sutherland, spent Thanksgiving Day with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Braunschweig and attended the wedding of their brother, Paul, that evening.

[transcribed by A.N., November 2011]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O'Brien co. Iowa
December 20, 1917

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Cupid Busy During Week

Crosser - Mann
The Methodist parsonage in Primghar was the scene of a quiet wedding on Thursday morning, December 13th, of interest to the people of Sutherland, as it united the lives of two of our splendid young people - Miss Hallie Mann and Mr. Milton J. Crosser. Rev. T. S. Bassett was the officiating clergyman who performed the ceremony in the presence of he groom's sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. John Sweeney, who were the only witnesses.

The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Mann, who are a prominent family of Grant township, and she possess those necessary qualities which go to make a worthy and helpful life companion. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Crosser, who are among the well established and highly respected citizens of Sutherland. He is a young man of splendid standing because of his integrity and thrift.

The happy couple departed on the evening train on their honeymoon tri to Pierre., S. Dak., where they will spend a few days visiting at the home of the bride's sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Barry, after which they will return and make their home on the groom's father's farm, northeast of Sutherland. Best wishes from a host of friends is extended to them for a joyous and happy wedded life.

Drake - Peterson
Harold C. Drake, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Drake, of Sutherland, and Miss Lulu Peterson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Peterson, of Gaza, were married at the home of the bride, at high noon on Wednesday, Dec. 12th. The immediate relatives of the bride and groom and a few intimate friends constituted the wedding party. The ceremony was performed by Rev. W. M. Swann, of the Congregational church at Primghar. The house was tastily decorated, the bridal pair taking their places beneath a canopy of green and white, ornamented with flowers, where they took upon themselves the sacred vows. After the ceremony a wedding dinner was served. We extend our congratulations and wish them a long and prosperous married life.

Plagman - Salzkorn
A very pretty wedding was solemnized at the Methodist parsonage in Calumet on Sunday afternoon, Dec. 16th, the contracting parties being Mr. Fred Plagman, of Peterson, and Miss Jessie Salzkorn, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Salzkorn, who life south of Sutherland. The young couple will make their home south of Cherokee, sometime n the near future. We join their many friends in extending hearty congratulations and best wishes.

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County-Seat News

Katherine R. Sahlke has brought suit against her husband, Peter August Sahlke, for a divorce, alleging desertion as grounds therefore.

Marriage licenses have been issued to:
Fred Plagman
Jessie Salzkorn

Chas. D. Brummer
Susan Matthew

Fred Fredericks
Martha Meelhause

Jake Kas
Nordessa A. Fierneyn

Walter Hirt
Anna Goering

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Harris - Linder Wedding
On Wednesday evening, December 12th, occurred the marriage of Miss Vera Eliza Harris, third daughter of Mrs. Anna Harris, and Mr. Chas. J. Linder, eldest son of Mrs. Anna Priegnitz. The wedding occurred at the home of the bride's mother at six o'clock and was attended by forty relatives and friends of the young people. The bride was very charming in a handsome taupe suit. Little Mildred May Young acted as flower girl and little Vivian Harris, sister of the bride, as ring bearer. The ceremony was performed under a pretty wedding bell of mistletoe. In the evening a reception was given by the two sisters of the bride, Mrs. Clarence E. Smith and Mrs. Orlo J. Smith at the home of the former, where a color scheme of yellow and white was carried out in the decorations. A large number were in attendance at the reception at which a three-course luncheon was served.

This bridal couple has a large circle of friends in this community who will wish them much happiness in their new relation. They departed this (Friday) morning on a short trip to Lawton and Holstein for a visit. They expect to go on a farm near Sutherland in the spring to make their home. - Paullina Times

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Mrs. Frank Mayhew arrived home the first of the week from Maquoketa, Ia., where she had been called to attend the funeral of her brother.

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A. H. Noethe was notified last Saturday by a telephone call from Alton that his mother had died suddenly, and he left with his wife on the afternoon train for that place. Mr. and Mrs. Matt. Noethe and the Misses Viola and Lorene Noethe also went to Alton Monday to attend the funeral which was held Tuesday morning.

[transcribed by A.N., November 2011]

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