Iowa Old Press

Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O'Brien co., Iowa
June 13, 1907

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Marriage licenses have been issued to Clarence Hons and Sadie Moeller; E. L. Lewis and Mae. R. Tripp.

Jos. Reynoldson was called to Rochester, Minn., Monday by the death of his brother-in-law at that place. His death was the result of an operation performed in a hospital there.

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Miss Katie Young, of Woodstock, Minn., attended the Smith-Clifford wedding at this place last Wednesday evening, and remained until Saturday visiting with her brother, Nate Young, and other relatives.

The death of Mrs. Louisa Nessley occurred last Saturday morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Frank Conn, in Hartley. Mrs. Nessley had been making her home with Dr. Conn and family here for the past several years and has a host of friends and acquaintances who will be deeply grieved to learn of her death. She had recently been visiting with a daughter, Mrs. Morris Seeley, at Fairbury, Neb., and was taken sick while there. Mrs. Conn went to Fairbury and her mother accompanied her home. After a short time she recovered from her sickness, but was taken sick again, after a week of convalescence from which she died at the time stated. A son from Moline, Ill., J. H. Nessley, and Mr. and Mrs. Morris Seeley, of Fairbury, Neb., arrived Saturday evening, and together with Dr. Conn and family accompanied the remains to Cedar Rapids on the Sunday afternoon train. The remains were laid to rest in the family burying ground at that place Monday. She was 67 years and 27 days old, and aside from the sickness of the past few weeks had enjoyed very good health. Her death was quite sudden, and the cause of sincere mourning by the relatives and friends.

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Nott - Henderson
Paullina Times -At two o'clock Wednesday afternoon of this week at the house of the bride's mother, Mrs. Joseph Henderson, south of Paullina, occurred the marriage of Miss Beatrice M. Henderson to Fred S. Nott, Rev. Dr. Thompson performing the ceremony and the wedding march being played by Miss Violet V. Henderson, sister of the bride. Only the near relatives were present to witness the ceremony. The bride has been for some time one of O'Brien county's prominent school teachers and is a lady of excellent character. The groom has been engaged in business the past year in Sutherland and is a young man of sterling good habits and enjoys the confidence and esteem of all, who are glad that he has chosen so wisely in the selection of a life partner. The same evening the couple took the train at Cherokee for Chicago and other eastern points on their wedding tour. They will make their future home in Calumet, Iowa.

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A May Wedding
Clay County News -At the cottage home of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Mitchell in Spencer, on Wednesday May 29, 8:30 p.m. occurred the marriage of Mr. John F. Dunn and Miss Ethel Chesley, both of Sutherland. The couple appeared at their best and the little cottage home was most beautifully adorned with large vases of cut roses from Chicago. The wedding ceremony was performed by Rev. Gerald L. Bohannon of this city, while the only witnesses were Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Mitchell. These young people are of the best felicities of their community and we bespeak for them a happy and prosperous future. They will be at home to their friends in Sutherland after June 10.

[transcribed by A.N., January 2012]

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