Iowa Old Press

Sheldon Mail
Sheldon, O'Brien co. Iowa
February 3, 1905

Rolly Cobb, who is in the Milwaukee's service at Hull, has been sent to Chamberlain temporarily.

Fred Kellar, who has been manager of the branch house of Swift & Co. at this place has been transferred to Des Moines. He is succeeded here by Clarence McKellip, an industrous young man.

D.A. Miller, our genial creameryman, is at Mason City attending a convention of creamerymen.

R.B. Piper, who was raised in the office in the days when his father was making it famous, has resigned his position in the Milford Savings Bank and on the first February will take charge of the Mail.

George Buntley has gone to Ashland, Wis., to attend a business college.

[transcribed by S.F., January 2007]


Sheldon Mail
Sheldon, O'Brien co. Iowa
February 10, 1905

Weather Observer Beach informs us that the government thermometer this morning registered 25 degrees below zero.

Miss Mae Winslow expects to leave Saturday for Chicago to spend a few weeks in the wholesale millinery houses, getting the latest styles in millinery.

The undersigned unite in a call for an anti-saloon convention of O'Brien county to be held in Sheldon on Monday, February 20: H.S. Smead, G.L. Sprague, John C. coates, John H. Keller, Jas. Morfitt, W.T. Morfitt, I.N. McIntire, J.R. Tipton, John McCandless, H.B. Perry, F.J. Clay, Joseph Rider, F.O. Kehrberg, B.T. Woods, George W. Whitmore, S.H. Logan, D.A. Anderson.

Miss Gertrude Hospers had a basket social at the Ling school house in Floyd Township Friday evening.

On Wednesday, Mrs. Fred E. Frisbee entertained the Silent Stitchers. This afternoon Mrs. Frisbee is "at home" to a number of her neighbors. On Valentine's Day, Mrs. Frisbee will entertain about seventy five guests in the form of a reception in two periods, from 2:00 o'clock until 4 and from 4 to 6. On the 16th Mrs. Frisbee will give a "Cake Walk Party" at which she will entertain a still larger number of guests.

[transcribed by S.F., January 2007]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O'Brien co., Iowa
February 24, 1905

p 4
Public Sale
The undersigned will sell at public auction on the northeast quarter of Section 25, Grant township, O'Brien county, 4 miles north and 4 miles east of Sutherland, 7 miles north and 3 miles west of Peterson, 7 miles south of Moneta and 5 miles west and 3 miles south of Royal, on Monday, February 27th, commencing at 10 o'clock a.m., the following described property, to wit:
Sixteen head of horses, consisting of roan mare coming 1 years old, weight 1,560; roan gelding coming 4 years old, weight 1,375; two dark iron gray geldings coming 4 and 5 years old, weight 2,700; black mare coming 4 years old, weight 1,400; black gelding coming 4 years old, weight 1,250; two bay geldings coming 3 years old, weight 2,200; brown mare 12 years old, weight 1,150; bay gelding 13 years old, weight 1,400; brown gelding 13 years old, weight 1,200; two mares, bay and black, coming 2 years old; bay gelding coming 2 years old; iron gray colt coming 1 year old, and one fall colt.
Twenty-three head of cattle: six milch cows (four giving milk now), three 2-year-old steers, seven yearling steers, two yearling heifers, four calves, one Short-Horn bull, eight fall pigs.
Farm machinery, etc.: Piano binder, Champion binder, McCormick corn binder, Jones mower (nearly new), 10-foot hay rake, corn planter with 80 rods of wire, two 16-inch riding plows, 18-inch walking plow, 14-inch walking plow, four-section steel harrow, three-section steel harrow, two riding cultivators, walking cultivator, disc seeder with grass attachment, Sterling seeder, two wagons, truck wagon, two-seated buggy, bobsled, potato plow, feed grinder, water tank, three sets double harness, set fly nets, hay rack, and other articles too numerous to mention.
About 12 tons of timothy hay in barn, 7 stacks of clover straw, and about 150 bushels corn. Six dozen Back Langshan chickens.
Free lunch at noon.
Terms of sale: All sums of $10 and under, cash. On sums over $10, 11 months' time will be given on approved notes bearing 8 percent interest from date of sale. All property must be settled for before being removed.
J. Farquhar, Prop.
W. R. Ritchie, Auctioneer
T. B. Bark, Clerk

p 5 col 1
George E. Yocom and wife returned Friday from Illinois, where they have been visiting since their marriage last December.

Geno Harkness was married recently to a lady living at Linn Grove. Geno and bride visited relatives here the first of the week.

p 5 col 2
Joseph Clifton and wife of Orchard, Neb., came Monday evening to visit relatives in and near Sutherland. The couple had just been married that day. Mr. Clifton is a brother of Mrs. Wm. Gilbert and an uncle of the Clifton boys of this place.

p 5 col 4
William Thomas Hostler born in Sinking Valley, Penn., August 4, 1862. He came to Cedar county, Iowa, with his parents in 1867. He united with the Methodist Episcopal church in 1881. On December 21st, 1882, he married Louie A. Mitchell. To this union was born two daughters, Eva and Olive. They lived in Cedar county, Iowa, until 1896, when they moved to O'Brien county.

He died at ten o'clock Tuesday night, February 7, 1905. He left a wife, two daughters, two sisters and three brothers to mourn the loss of a loving husband, father and brother.

Bro. Hostler, united with the First Church, Sutherland, on coming to O'Brien county. He has held official position in the Church during almost all the time since coming here. Without fulsomeness it can be reverently and truthfully said, he was a Christian gentleman. Those who knew him best bear fullest testimony to his worth. Sturdy honesty, unflinching obedience to the right as he saw the right, and an implicit faith in the Son of God marked his daily life. He will be missed in the church and community. - Communicated

[transcribed by A.N., May 2012]

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