Iowa Old Press

Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O'Brien co., Iowa
January 1, 1904

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Announcements were received in Sutherland Saturday of the marriage, at Ada, Ohio, of Miss Mattie Smith and D. T. Lebo. Nearly everybody in Sutherland knows and likes the bride. The groom is instructor in telegraphy in the Ohio Northern University. May happiness be theirs.

[transcribed by A.N., November 2011]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O'Brien co., Iowa
January 8, 1904

p 4
Not a marriage license has been issued since December 16th and the hard times seem to have affected the usual crop of Christmas weddings.

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W. T. Hostler of Grant was called to South Dakota last week by the dangerous illness of his mother. She had a stroke of paralysis, and Saturday night passed away. Monday the remains were taken to Benton county, Iowa, for interment. Mr. Hostler stopped off here from Monday night until Tuesday and then followed the other relatives to Benton county.

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Herman Dithmer Married
Last Tuesday at New Hampton Herman Dithmer was married to Miss Kitty Schuetz. Several years ago Herman was working at the blacksmith trade in the central part of the state and that time met Miss Schuetz. The happy couple came her at once after their wedding to visit his relatives and [...] a few days before going to their home at Rock Rapids. We offer congratulations.

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Mary Elizabeth Cooper was born at Mentor, Ohio, May 10, 1904 [sic - probably a typo in the paper & should have been 1854]. In 1861, she moved with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Cooper, to Delaware county, Iowa. She was married in 1877 to Henry Van Alstine [Alstyne]. In 1883 they moved to this county and later to Dickinson county, near Milford, where she died last Monday, Jan. 4, 1904.

She leaves one son and one daughter besides her husband. All were with her at the last, doing all they could to aid her in her illness. One sister, five brothers and her father are left of the original family. Her mother died about twelve years ago.

The funeral was held from the Methodist church Wednesday, the interment being in the Waterman township cemetery. A large number of relatives and friends attended the funeral. The Cooper families north of town have the sympathy of all in their bereavement.

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Tutt - Jockheck
Vidette - Married, at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Tutt, of Maple Valley, Miss Belle Tutt and Mr. Louis Jockheck of Sutherland, Iowa, Rev. Cole, the Methodist minister of Alta performing the ceremony in the presence of about sixty invited relatives and friends, at three o'clock Wednesday, December 30, 1903. After the congratulations, a sumptuous supper was served. The bride and groom left the following morning for Sioux city to spend a couple of weeks with the groom's parents after which they will return to Alta and then go to housekeeping in Sutherland.

The bride is an estimable young lady. She has taught school in this county and clerked in several of the stores in Alta. The last few years she has owned and conducted a millinery establishment at Sutherland which business she will continue. The groom is an energetic young business man of Sutherland.

[transcribed by A.N., November 2011]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O'Brien co., Iowa
January 15, 1904

p 4
Marriage licenses issued January 1st are: Everett N. Edes and Nellie J. Esklund; Geo. Frark and Anna Quick.

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Pearl Bruner received a telegram Wednesday morning telling him that his oldest sister had died the day before at her home in Audubon county. The funeral was set for Thursday and as the train connections were not good Pearl found that he could not get to the funeral, so he did not attempt it. His sister was married and had two children, aged about eight and four years.

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Troth - Hockert
One of the prettiest weddings of the season occurred last evening in the southwest part of the city when Mr. and Mrs. David Hockert gave in marriage their daughter, Harriet, to Mr. H. C. Troth, of Sac City. Mrs. Snodgrass started them on their journey of life by the "Heavenward March." The bride was attired in a beautiful cream brilliantine with folds of white satin and trimmings of lace and ribbons, and carried bride's roses. It is needless to describe the feast of viands that were in readiness, to which all did ample justice. They received many valuable presents of silverware and china. A number of friends were present among whom was a sister of the bride, Mrs. Noel, of Albert City, Ia. The groom is the telegraph operator at the Milwaukee station and is one of Sac City's Christian young men. Mr. and Mrs. Troth left Rockwell City amidst showers of rice on the 9:35 train for Sac City, where their new home was in readiness to receive them. May theirs be a long and happy life,. - Rockwell City Advocate

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A New Bank for Linn Grove
The Security Bank of Linn Grove is the name of the new bank that was started in town on December 26th. It is a branch of the State Security Bank of Sioux Rapids, and its promoters are well known to everyone in and around Linn Grove. They are C. B. Mills of Clinton, Iowa, formerly of Sioux Rapids, one of he most prominent bankers in Iowa, J. H. McCord and Adelbert Tymeson, Jr., of Sioux Rapids. These gentlemen need no introduction to the residents here. They are at present located in the building between the meat market and D. W. Thomas. These temporary quarters will be occupied only until a more commodious and suitable building can be secured. The following is from the Sioux Rapids Republican-Press of last week: "The originators of the new bank go into the town with ample capital and experience, and with a record as successful bankers. Mr. C. B,. Mills is cashier of the second largest bank in the state of Iowa, is so well and favorably known here that the new institution starts out with the confidence of all and Messrs. McCord and Tymeson have demonstrated their ability to conduct a bank conservatively, and in such a way as to be able to give their customers at all times such accommodations as are consistent with good banking. It is a safe prediction that the new institution will be successful, and very satisfactory to its patrons and friends at Linn Grove." - Linn Grove Independent

[transcribed by A.N., November 2011]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O'Brien co., Iowa
January 22, 1904

p 4
Minnie V. Carpenter wants a divorce from her husband, Geo. W. Carpenter, on statutory grounds; she also asks for care of their minor child.

Notice of Appointment of Administrator
Notice is hereby given to all persons interested: That on the 29th day of December, 1903, the undersigned was appointed by the District court of O'Brien county, Iowa, administrator of the estate of George Bookman, deceased, late of said county. All persons indebted to said estate will make payment to the undersigned, and those having claims against the same will present them, legally authenticated, to said court for allowance.
Dated this 2d day of January, 1904
R. J. Locke, Att'y for the Estate
Henry Chesley, Administrator

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Mrs. M. S. Draper's mother died Sunday as was buried Tuesday, the interment taking place south of Cherokee.

Fong Loung, a Chinaman, moved here from Sanborn this week and will run a laundry in the Louthan building, next east of the doctor's office. His ad appears in this issue.

Miss Lottie Damman left Monday morning for Ferney, S. D. The next morning was set for her wedding with Lewis Vick who is new agent for the North-Western at Ferney. Mr. Vick was operator at the station here about a year ago and worked at various stations on this division for some time. He was not able to get away from his station to come here so Miss Damman went there. Ferney is on a branch of the North-Western and is a short distance southeast of Aberdeen. May happiness attend the pair.

[transcribed by A.N., November 2011]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O'Brien co., Iowa
January 29, 1904

p 4
Sheriff Price went to New Sharon Saturday to attend the funeral of a sister-in-law.

Miss Geneva King who has been visiting with her brother Lincoln King during the summer was recently married to Mr. Levi Mansmith of Grant, Iowa.

Marriage licenses since January 13th are as follows: Arthur Wenckens and Mary VanAusdahl; Nick Jurgensen and Katharina Sieh; Geo. Jepson and Weibke Schenner.

p 5
Tuesday morning at about three o'clock W. H. Woods was awakened by his dog. The animal pushed his nose against Mr. Woods's face to rouse him. When Mr. Woods opened his eyes he saw that there was a fire in the house. He roused Willis Hill who boards there and the young man promptly put out the fire which was burning fiercely one of a pair of double doors between the sitting room and the parlor. It is probable that the heat from a hard coal stove started the fire. The heat cracked a pane of glass in a window nearby. Had it not been for the intelligent action of the old reddish-yellow dog the house would probably have been destroyed. Miss Pearl Conaway who boards with the family assisted Willis in putting out the fire.

[transcribed by A.N., November 2011 & C.H., July 2012]

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