Iowa Old Press

Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O'Brien co., Iowa
[no date on microfilm, likely from the Courier between Nov 1 & 20, 1903]

p 4
R. L. Cook secured a decree of divorce from his wife, Bertha Cook.

The application of John McCandless to have E. Y. Royce sent to the state hospital at Cherokee as an inebriate was continued and the guardianship matter was made permanent. The inebriacy proceedings will not be pressed during his good behavior.

The divorce case of Bertha Brown vs. J. S. Brown was again before the court in an application of the defendant for an order in regard to the care of the children, but after the court had intimated that if he made any change of the custody of the children that they would not be given to the defendant nor to his parents the motion was withdrawn and the case carried over.

[transcribed by A.N., May 2012]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O'Brien co., Iowa
November 20, 1903

p 5 col 5
Wedding Bells

Miller - Triplett
On Wednesday, Nov. 11th, occurred the wedding of Fred Miller and Miss Retta Triplett. Mr. Miller has lived in the neighborhood northeast of town for several years, and Miss Retta has been living in Sutherland with her parents since they moved off the farm. She has a host of friends, and all will hope that she will be happy and prosperous. We are not informed as to the plans of the young people as to whether they will make their home here.

Short - Stanley
Mr. William Short Jr., so well and favorably known here, was married on Wednesday night to Miss Blanche Stanley of Highland township. Miss Stanley is the oldest daughter of the last Mrs. S. C. Larrabee and possesses such traits of character as to compel all her acquaintances to become and to remain her friends. In choosing a life partner Will has chosen wisely, in fact each is to be highly congratulated because of the real worth of the other. When in the winter or early spring they move near Moneta the best wishes of all will follow them. The ceremony was performed at the Larrabee home by Rev. F. C. Lewis of Gaza.

Locklin - Elliott
In addition to the two weddings in this vicinity the Courier is this week called on to record that of two California people. At the home of the bride's brother, W. C. Elliott, in Los Angeles, Cal. on Monday, Nov. 16th, Rev. Robert McIntyre of the Me. E. church officiating, Herbert W. Locklin and Miss Mabel May Elliott were married.

We are not acquainted with the groom, but the bride is well known to many Sutherland people as the daughter of E. J. Elliott who lives at the west edge of town, and all who know her will wish her abundant happiness. The couple immediately after the wedding went to San Diego by sea and then started for a trip through old Mexico. They will be at home in Los Angeles after Dec. 1st.

[transcribed by A.N., May 2012]

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