Iowa Old Press

[Transcribers note: the May issues of the Sutherland Courier on microfilm were only partially there, sometimes making it difficult to determine the exact date of the paper]

Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O'Brien co., Iowa
May 15, 1903

p 5 col 1
John O'Donnell and wife received word Monday that their daughter at Glenwood was very ill with inflammation of the bowels. Tuesday Mrs. O'Donnell left for Glenwood and Thursday morning John received a telegram from her telling him to come at once. He left on the afternoon train. No further particulars have been received.

p 5 col 1
Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Bark and Mrs. W. H. Woods expect to start Monday for San Diego, California. Mr. Bark and Mrs. Woods go for the purpose of looking after property owned there by the late L. A. Worth. Mr. Bark has been appointed administrator of Mr. Worth's estate and will be appointed executor as soon as the will left by the deceased is admitted to probate. The will is at present at San Diego. The will, it is understood, gives his property to Mrs. Woods, his cousin. It is not known how long a time will be required to attend to the business in California.

p 5 col 3
A Kansas wedding
We have received a clipping from the Rooks County Record of Stockton, Kansas, telling of the wedding of Miss Marie Sterling who lived in Sutherland several years with her parents. Her mother is a sister of the Flinders brothers and Mrs. Hawley. The date of the paper is not given but we presume the wedding was on April 29th. This is the clipping

On Wednesday the [...] eight o'clock a pleasant [...] occurred at the [...] of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Sterling, at which time their charming daughter Miss Marie, was united to Mr. Clarence Hazen, son of Commissioner Hazen, of Hobart township. The ceremony was performed by Presiding Elder Baber, of the U. B. church at Cawker. Owing to the storm many expected guests were kept away, but the list of bridal presents was numerous and costly. Both the bride and groom have an extensive acquaintance in Rooks county and are exceptionally popular and highly esteemed. They will reside on the groom's farm 6 miles southwest of Stockton. The Record extends congratulations.

p 5 col 4
Administrator's Notice - Notice of the appointment of T. B. Bark
State of Iowa, O'Brien County - Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned has been duly appointed and qualified as Administrator of the estate of Lionel A. Worth, late of O'Brien County, deceased. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same will present them, duly authenticated, to the undersigned for allowance.
T. B. Bark, dated May 8, 1903

[transcribed by A.N., November 2011]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O'Brien co., Iowa
May 15 or 22, 1903

p 4
Hearing on the probate of the will of Jackson Woods is set for May 14, 1903

The will of Wm. Steinberg was probated and Fred Stockman appointed executor.

Flora E. Keller has been granted a divorce from her husband, John H. Keller, and also alimony in the sum of $300.

Pauline M. Eastman was granted $300 temporary alimony in her divorce case against L. O. Eastman and the case was set for trial at the October term of court.

[transcribed by A.N., November 2011]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O'Brien co., Iowa
May 22, 1903

p 5 col 1
The graduating class from the high school this year consists of two - Misses Zelma Cobb and Lulu Baker. Both are from the country.

p 5 col 2
A child of Wm. Schuett in east Grant died Tuesday night of colic. The little one was only a few weeks old and he was quite feeble for some time before its death.

p 5 col 3
Card of Thanks
In our recent time of trial we were helped very much by kind friends and to them, especially to Mrs. L. J. Smith, Mrs. Morris and Miss Lulu Conklin, we offer our sincere thanks.
Mrs. David Patrick and Family,
John Bruner and Family.

p 5 col 4
Mrs. Wm. Gilbert's sister-in-law, Mrs. Jos. Clifton of Orchard, Neb., has been very ill and a letter from there early in the week informed Mrs. Gilbert that the patient was not expected to recover.

p 5 col 4
Mrs. Henry Bruner passed away from earth Saturday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. David Patrick, in Sutherland. There was no particular disease, she simply failing from old age. Funeral services were held at the residence Monday afternoon, and the remains taken to Exira, in Audubon county, for interment. We have been furnished with the following obituary:

Luceny King was born in Bracken county, Kentucky, in February, 1823. She was married to Henry Bruner in 1842 and located in Putnam county, Indiana. Twelve children were born of this union, four of whom died in infancy. The family came to Iowa in 1853, locating in Green county. In 1873 they moved to Exira, Audubon county, where they remained until the death of her husband in 1892, when she gave up the cares of housekeeping and went to live with her children. Most of her time since has been spent with her daughter, Mrs. Patrick, at whose home in Sutherland, Iowa, she died, Saturday, the 19th day of May 1903.

Three of her sons served their country during the civil war. She gave herself to the service of God in 1857, and joined the Methodist Episcopal church, remaining a consistent member until her death, when as a chock of corn, ready, she was garnered by the great harvester.

She rests from her labors, and her works do follow her. What a happy meeting there has been between her and her son Harrison who went home to that better land but two weeks before her. It was a surprise to her to meet him, she not having heard of his death. Seven children, forty-seven grandchildren and forty-nine great-grandchildren survive her.

p 5 col 5
Mrs. Fred Tagge of Hartley died Sunday, May 10th, of cancer.

Myron Damon, one of the early settlers in the northwest part of the county, died last week at his home in Worthington, Minn.

[transcribed by A.N., November 2011]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O'Brien co., Iowa
May 22 or 29, 1903

p 4
Jos. Reynoldson and wife were called to Dubuque Saturday by the death of Mr. Reynoldson's mother.

The body of E. A. Frazier who died in California was brought here for interment Tuesday evening. The funeral services were in charge of the Masonic fraternity and he was laid to rest Wednesday morning with Masonic ceremonies, Rev. C. M. Phoenix assisting.

[transcribed by A.N., November 2011]

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O'brien County