Iowa Old Press

Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O'Brien co., Iowa
June 19, 1903

p 5

Miss Ruth Conaway who has been living in Colorado for about a year and a half arrived Monday for a visit with her parents in Grant.

Mrs. Carrie Nation was a passenger on No. 16 Monday night. She sent a telegram from here, but apparently got off the train mainly to call attention to herself.

Card of Thanks
To the many friends and neighbors who so kindly assisted us in caring for our daughter Agnes in her recent illness, death and burial and for their sympathy and many beautiful floral tributes. We thank them all very sincerely.
Mr. and Mrs. O'Donnell

Agnes O'Donnell was born Nov. 5, 1885, and died at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John O'Donnell of Liberty township, Saturday, June 13, 1903. She was brought home ill some weeks ago from Glenwood in the hope that her health would improve, but she became worse and finally yielded to that grim disease, tuberculosis. Her parents have the sympathy of all in their bereavement.

Adam Lenhart died Thursday, June 18th at the home of his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Rausch, in this township. He was 84 years old and near the last his heart became rapidly weakened until his death followed. He was born in Germany and settled in Rock Island county, Ill., when he first came to American, moving finally to Iowa. The remains were taken to Dickinson county for interment.

R. H. Tinkham received a telegram Saturday afternoon, calling him again to Humboldt to see his father. He went that evening. His father died Monday morning. Mrs. Tinkham and the children went down Monday evening to attend the funeral. Mr. Tinkham returned Thursday and Mrs. Tinkham and the children will come Saturday.

June Weddings

Sanborn Pioneer: Married - At Larchwood, Ia., Wednesday, June 10, 1903, Mr. Clare Hakeman to Miss Edna Snider, both of this place. The young couple are well known to our readers, the groom being the popular young lumberman and a fine businessman, and the bride being the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Snider. Their many friends will wish them much happiness together. The young couple will being housekeeping in the elegant house just completed on Fifth street.

Thursday evening, June 11th, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Rowland near Madison, S. D., their daughter Esther A. was married to Samuel L. Brown. The bride will be remembered by Sutherland people as a little girl, though she has visited here since she graduated from the high school at Primghar. The groom was a classmate of hers at Primghar and bought a farm near Madison about a year ago. The Rowland family have many friends and former neighbors in this part of Iowa who will wish for the happiness of the newly wedded couple.

From clippings from the Thomson Review and the Fulton Journal, both Illinois papers, we learn that Will A. Adams and Miss Katherine E. Miner of Thomson were married at the home of the bride's mother at noon on June 3rd. The groom is well known here, being the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Q. Adams of Sutherland and having two brothers north and one in this town. Will worked for some time as a student of telegraphy and railroading in Sutherland. For about six months he has been working for the C. M. & St. P. railroad and holds the position of night operator at Hickory Grove. He is a bright young man and a hard worker, and will have the best wishes of many friends in this community. His bride is a member of the Christian church and is prominent in church and Sunday school work. She was also secretary of the W. R. C. of Thomson.

[transcribed by A.N., March 2012 & C.H., July 2012]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O'Brien co., Iowa
June 26, 1903

p 5 col 2
Mrs. A. G. Boyles left Thursday night for Mechanicsville, called there by a telegram to the effect that her mother is not expected to live. Mrs. Boyles is not sure how long she will stay.

Mrs. Will Youde and her little boy went to Rolfe Tuesday and on Wednesday attended the wedding of her brother Chas. W. Siefkin and Miss Hortense Ratcliffe. Charley spent most his boyhood days in this neighborhood, and Miss Ratcliffe will be remembered as one of the teachers in our schools a few years ago. May their married life be happy.

Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Bark and Mrs. W. H. Woods returned Wednesday from their trip to California. We understand that the work of settling up the affairs of the late L. A. Worth was a very vexatious task, as the laws of California and their administration seem designed to take for the officials and creditors all of the funds that can be got out of the estate of a deceased tourist or temporary dweller in the state.

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Parker - Clark
Announcements were received in town early this week that Dr. E. W. Parker and Miss Gertrude Clark were married at Askaloosa, Iowa, on Thursday, June 18th, and that they would be "at home" in Sutherland after July 18th.

This is a wedding that has been expected for some time by the friends of the couple. Dr. Parker has lived in Sutherland so long that he needs no introduction nor praise from the Courier. Miss Clark has been one of the teachers in the Sutherland schools for several years and has gained the respect and friendship of the community. The couple will receive the best wishes of a host of friends. They returned Wednesday from a wedding trip to Milwaukee and are keeping house at the pleasant home of the doctor in Sutherland.

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Dan Ginger and family returned from Hagerty Sunday afternoon. They had been to attend the funeral of Mrs. Ginger's grandfather.

[transcribed by A.N., March 2012]

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