Iowa Old Press

Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O'Brien co., Iowa
September 19, 1902

p 5 col 1
Mrs. Henry Haines went to Pierson last Friday, returning Tuesday. She went to attend the funeral of an old friend and neighbor, Mr. Southwell, a banker and grain dealer.

D. Patrick received a telegram Monday evening, telling him that a cousin at Marshalltown is very near death. He left Tuesday morning for that city. His cousin is suffering from cancer.

p 5 col 2
The Fort Dodge Messenger of the 8th chronicles the death of Father McKeogh, formerly Catholic priest in charge of this pastorate.

Henry Gleason who went east last week was called to Clifton, Ill, by the illness of his mother. She died about a day after he reached there, and was buried Saturday. His father, Mr. John Gleason, accompanied Henry back to Sutherland, they arriving Wednesday.

[transcribed by A.N., March 2012]

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