Iowa Old Press

Paullina Times
Paullina, O'Brien co. Iowa
January 5, 1899

It has been learned that the little [son?] of Mr. and Mrs. George Dunn of Carroll, Iowa, died on Saturday of last week and was buried on Sunday last. The Paullina friends of this family extend heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved ones.

The farm dwelling of David Griggs, in Baker township, O'Brien county, valued at about $1,500, was burnt to the ground Monday. It is a total loss. A part of the contents was [?]. Amount of insurance unknown. David Griggs is quite an old settler in this county. The family seem to have met with their share of [?] and misfortunes this past year. His son, Jerry Griggs, was killed an accident last May, and on the day of the funeral his house and all the buildings were demolished by a tornado. He lived two or three miles from his father's place.

This evening at 8:30 o'clock occurred the marriage of Miss Clara Belle Barney to Mr. William E. Bowers, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Barney, south of town. Rev. McCaffree officiated, and only the relatives and a few intimate friends were present. The bride is a charming young lady and her friends are numbered by the score. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Bowers, well known people in this section. He is one of the numberless good boys in this part of the county. The Times hastens to congratulate and offer its best wishes along with the many who will do likewise.

Grandpa Green, father of Mrs. Peterson and Mrs. Hubert Sprague, has returned from his Clay county visit.

S. A. Carter accompanied Ed Lindstrum to Sioux Falls Saturday where the latter will take the Keeley cure for drunkenness.

[transcribed by A.N., October 2014]


Paullina Times
Paullina, O'Brien co. Iowa
January 12, 1899

The celebrated and notorious Elizabeth Streeter was again in evidence last week at Primghar. She is now after her husband, whom she claims has been unfaithful to his marriage vows. She alleges that he has been to Sioux City and wandered from the straight and narrow path of virtue and mingled with the wickedness around him. She wants a divorce and wants it quick and has employed a firm of Sioux City lawyers to assist her. Her business here was connected with the sheriff's office.

Mrs. G. H. Cook died at her home here last Friday morning and the funeral was held from the Congregational church on Sunday. Mr. Cook is seriously ill and was unable to attend the funeral. Mrs. Paul Buell and husband of Mapleton were here attending the funeral. Mrs. Buell is a daughter of Mrs. Cook.

The marriage of Harry S. Nye and Amy McCroskey is announced to take place Wednesday of this week. They have the best wishes of a host of friends. They will begin housekeeping in the house immediately east of the Algyer home.

[transcribed by A.N., October 2014]


Paullina Times
Paullina, O'Brien co. Iowa
January 19, 1899

Theodore Kelsey, who lived in Liberty township for many years, but who moved to South Dakota two or three years ago, died at his home on January 8th. He was brought back to this county for burial which took place in the Sutherland cemetery. He was an old soldier and a member of the G. A. R.

P. Brundage, who has been ill with lung fever so long, underwent a surgical operation Tuesday. Gangrene had set in in his left limb and Doctors Cram and Perley amputated the same just below the knee. He is bearing up well under the shock and hopes are entertained of his early recovery.

Wm. Herbst and family departed Thursday evening for their new home in New York state.

John Metcalf attended the funeral of Judge Rothrock at Cedar Rapids this week, and is now in Minnesota on business.

[transcribed by A.N., October 2014]


Paullina Times
Paullina, O'Brien co. Iowa
January 26, 1899

Born - To Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ralfs, January 22, 1899, a daughter. To Mr. and Mrs. John Schuknecht, January 22, 1899, a son.

Irving L. Holt of Chicago visited his sister, Mrs. S. A. Martin, and his father Dr. Holt, here a couple of days this week. Mr. Holt is connected with the Kimball Piano Co.

Marriage licenses have been issued to R. E. Waldo and Mary L. Hedges; Edw. Bahde and Augusta Wittrock.

Sheriff Coleman went to Sanborn Tuesday and arrested W. L. Parson and a woman who had been living with him as his wife. The warrant was issued at the instigation of the wife of Parson who came here from Des Moines for the purpose of commencing criminal proceedings.

Sheriff Coleman brought W. L. Parsons and his paramour, Nellie Stanford down from Sanborn Tuesday night. They waived examination in two cases, one of lewdness and the other of adultery and bonds of $500 were fixed in each case. In default of bonds they are in jail. Mrs. Parsons, the wife of one of the defendants, is prosecuting the case.

[transcribed by A.N., October 2014]

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