Iowa Old Press

Paullina Times
Paullina, O'Brien co. Iowa
December 21, 1899

Born - To Mr. and Mrs. Will Simm, Jr., December 20, 1899, a daughter.

The marriage of Mr. J. B. Jones of this place to Pearl Wade of Hartley, Iowa, occurred at the residence of the latter at Hartley last Sunday, Rev. D. A. McBurney performing the rites. Bert Jones is well and favorably known to Paullina people, and is universally admired for his exemplary habits and gentlemanly ways. He recently embarked in the blacksmith business here, and is now running the Koch shop. The bride is unknown to Paullina people, but is said to be a lady of refined tastes, and the couple will no doubt receive a hearty welcome from the Paullina people. They will reside in the Sprague house on north Mickley street.

Chas. S. Harris returned to this place after his preliminary hearing at Hartington, Nebraska, for the killing of Blenkiron at Belden, Nebraska, a week ago Sunday night. His brother George returned at the same time. They arrived in Paullina on Sunday. Charley was admitted to bail in the sum of $10,000 which was furnished by his Nebraska friends without any effort on his part. Charley says very little of the matter, but appears to feel the seriousness of the affair. From accounts obtainable it seems that he acted only in self defense, and he thinks that can be readily shown at the trial in April. His two papers have been left in charge of his men at Belden and Randolph and he expects to remain here until after the holidays. The papers and citizens of the community where the unfortunate occurrence took place seem to favor Charley's action, and, knowing the dangerous character of the victim, claim that it was a miracle that the same thing had not occurred long ago. The Blenkirons are wealthy and prominent people of northeastern Nebraska and are related to Mrs. Wm. Harker of Sanborn, widow of the late Wm. Harker.

Wm. Bell, Jr. once a well known resident of Dale township but now located in Washington state, is here with his family on a short visit. He is a son-in-law of Mr. Shearer.

Joseph Henderson returned this week from Norwich, Canada, where he went to attend the funeral of his mother. He visited at his old Ohio home a few days upon his return.

Mrs. M. J. Burns, who has made her home with her brother, J. F. Boyer, here the past two years, left Sunday night for Morrison, Illinois, where she will visit relatives prior to her pleasure trip to Europe. In company with a lady friend she will sail the 3d day of January for Italy. They expect to be gone the greater part of a year.

Edith Jensen was granted a decree of divorce and alimony from her husband.

[transcribed by A.N., October 2015]


Paullina Times
Paullina, O'Brien co. Iowa
December 28, 1899

Dr. Bushy and Mrs. Cook, his mother-in-law are visiting relatives at Alexandria, S. D., during the holidays. Dr. Kuehn is also visiting his parents at Wabasha, Minnesota.

The Wisconsin Lumber Company have brought suit against Ann Farquhar of Grant township to subject her real estate to the payment of a judgment against Alex. Farquhar.

Marriage licenses have been issued to R. B. Culbertson and Ella Jones; Chas. Pratt and Amelia Petterson; Geo. W. Grinn and Anna Leonard; Guy E. Pollard and Ruth Palmitier.

A Court On Wheels
The Cherokee Times says that the Cherokee justice of the peace who has Mrs. Streeter's case in hand had tired of waiting for the lady to recover from her sickness and "recalling Mohamet's experience with the mountain promptly informed the attorneys in the case that as the prisoner would not come to the court, the court would go to her, and the ex-landlady's bedside the hearing was resumed as above" says the Times. "Squire Green wants it understood that this innovation is to form no precedent and that his court will be put on wheels only on rare occasions, such as this, where parties are pining for justice and are unable to go after it. Mrs. Schraeder's hearing was concluded and Justice Greene's decision was that the evidence warranted him in binding her over. Bail was fixed at $700 which Mrs. Schraeder expects to furnish."

Mabel and Fern Coiner of Rolfe are stopping a few days with their sister, Mrs. H. F. Burmeister.

Mr. and Mrs. Mart Jensen of Rushmore, Minnesota, have been passing the holidays with Mrs. Jensen's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Christ Nielson, in Baker township.

Uncle George Johnson of Sutherland was the guest of his daughter, Mrs. A. P. Jacobs, this week. Uncle George is one of the county's pioneers and oldest citizens, but still retains the good health and activity he enjoyed in '76. He has friends in all parts of the county who are glad to meet and enjoy a reminiscent chat with him.

[transcribed by A.N., October 2015]

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