Iowa Old Press

Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O'Brien co. Iowa
October 1, 1897

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A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert W. Louthan of Ames the first of last week but the little one lived but a short time. Monday morning of this week the young mother followed the babe into eternity. The remains of both were brought to Sutherland on Tuesday and the funeral held from the Grant church. The interment was in the cemetery in the northeastern part of Highland township. Thursday Gilbert returned to Ames, stopping a few hours at Linn Grove to visit an uncle. His many friends in this vicinity will sympathize deeply with him in his affliction.

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Whereas - Death has entered the home of our beloved sister, Mrs. Mallory, and called to its last home the dear babe of our sister,
Resolved - That we the members of the E. O. C. Ord., W. R.C. 105, extend our deepest sympathy to the family thus bereft; and commend them to the tender mercies of our heavenly Father, who has permitted this affliction and who alone is able to heal the broken hearted.
Resolved - As a token of respect and esteem, that these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of the crops, a copy presented to the family and the city papers.-Mrs. Hicks, Mrs. Olive Hockert, Com.

[transcribed by A.N., January 2012]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O'Brien co. Iowa
October 8, 1897

p 1
Articles of Association, Old Settlers of O'Brien County
The undersigned associate themselves for the purpose of maintaining an Old Settlers' Association in O'Brien county, Iowa, and we organize as follows:
Art. 1. Name of Association O'Brien County Old Settlers' Association
Art. 2. Its objects: Fraternal, Social, Historical, Benevolent
Art. 3. This Association shall hold at least one yearly meeting. All meetings to be called by Ex. Com. of said Association and time and place of such meeting to be designated by the same.
Art. 4. Officers shall consist of Pres., Vice Pres., Secretary, Treasurer, and Historian whose duties shall be those usually pertaining to such offices, and these officers shall constitute Executive Committee of said Association.
Art. 5. Secretary and Treasurer shall serve without bond except the bond of honor that unites us.
Art. 6. Any settler of O'Brien county prior to Dec. 31, 1878, and family, and any settler of adjoining county prior to said date and now a resident of O'Brien county and any settler of now adjoining county, who were settlers of same prior to organization of said O'Brien county, i.e., Feb. 6, 1859, and wife, husband, widow, widower, of any one under the foregoing, are eligible to membership in this Association.
Art. 7. Executive Committee shall make all by-laws and appoint assistant committees etc., etc., as are necessary to carry into effect objects of Association.
Art. 8. Executive Committee shall consist of officers of Association whose term shall be one year, and until successors are duly elected, and until officers are elected and qualified the following are named: Pres., J. C. Doling; Vice. Pres., Oliver Evans; Sec. J. E. Baldwin; Treas. Mrs. E. C. Foskett; Hist., Mrs. R. W. Woods.
In witness whereof we have hereby subscribed our names,
James O. Hakeman
D. Harkness
N. Remington
G. W. Nelson
R. A. Steele
Jennie E. Baldwin
H. H. Waterman
Chas. Youde
J. C. Doling
E. C. Foskett
W. E. Baldwin
Celia M. Foskett
Roma W. Woods
J. Wagoner
E. A. Barry
W. H. Woods
L. A. Worth
State of Iowa, O'Brien Co. On this 27 day of Sep., A. D. 1897

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The law suit of Sheldon versus Snook the latter part of last week attracted considerable attention. Notes, mortgages, attachments and sales said to be illegal were all mixed together in the case.

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Passed into the Unknown
Last week we gave the news that Miss Jennie Davis had a severe hemorrhage of the lungs. She recovered from the immediate effects of the hemorrhage but Sunday her lungs became too weak to act with much vigor and Sunday night she quietly passed away from this life. She has been ill with consumption for a long time and for about a year it has simply been a question of how long she could last.

She was forty-one years old and leaves three sisters and two brothers. One sister, Miss Susie Davis, lives at Rockford, Ill. Miss Ella Davis is living in Sutherland with the third sister, Mrs. D. M. Sheldon. One of the brothers, W. L. Davis, lives at Belvidere, Ill., and the other, Thad H., in Nebraska.

The remains were taken to Belvidere Monday night, accompanied by Mrs. Sheldon and Miss Ella Davis. The interment occurred Wednesday.

[transcribed by A.N., January 2012]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O'Brien co. Iowa
October 15, 1897

p 4 col 3
George Woodman was given a decree of divorce from his wife, Gertie Woodman.

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The most important cases for their consideration are the cases against Mrs. Streeter and Thomas Harvey. Mrs. Streeter failed to appear in person or by attorney. It seems that she has disappeared and her bondsmen are released and the county will have no recourse on anyone. The bond originally was but $200 although the woman is charged with swindling parties out of several times that amount; later her bondsmen surrendered her and she was placed in the hands of a constable at Sanborn and her whereabouts are now unknown.

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Geo. Colcord and Henry Gottsch went to Sheldon last Friday and disinterred the remains of a little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Colcord, buried about twenty-three years ago. The old cemetery at Sheldon had been abandoned and the little one's remains were brought to Sutherland. A remarkable thing was the fact that the coffin was in a good state of preservation, only the screws in the coffin lid being rusted off. The skeleton was also well preserved.

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We have been handed a program of the third annual convention of the Political Equality Association of the eleventh district of Iowa. The convention will be held at Cherokee on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of next week. Mrs. Roma W. Woods of Sutherland is president of the association and will give an address Wednesday evening. Mrs. C. R. West and Mrs. Acer Campbell of Primghar also have places on the program. Thursday evening there will be a debate on the question, "Should Women Have the Right to Vote?" Mesdames Belden and Kennedy of Sioux City have the affirmative side of the question and Messrs. Molyneaux and Hobart of Cherokee the negative.

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The case of assault charged by John Theissen against D. L. Story was settled outside of court we are informed.

[transcribed by A.N., January 2012]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O'Brien co. Iowa
October 22, 1897

p 4
William Gardner, who claimed to be owner of some horses levied on by the sheriff under an attachment against Mrs. Streeter, recovered judgment for the value of the horses which the jury placed at $20.

The divorce case of Harges vs. Harges is set for Thursday.

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Master Boyd Trousdale, the wonderful boy singer and female impersonator, at the opera house Saturday night.

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Mrs. Streeter is Caught
Rock Rapids, Oct. 19 - Special: Mrs. Streeter, the woman who caused such a furore in this section a few weeks ago, and whose transactions here and elsewhere have been noted in the press dispatches, was located Saturday night by Marshal R. B. Moon, of this place, and is now in custody in O'Brien county. For some time Mrs. Streeter has not been seen, but a few days ago a Mrs. Fox appeared in Sioux Falls whose transactions with several firms there were very much like Mrs. Streeter's operations in northwest Iowa and southwest Minnesota. The officers in South Dakota were close on her trail, when she disappeared as if by magic and was seen no more. Saturday Marshal Moon learned of a Mrs. Peckler who was receiving mail at the Carmel post office, in Sioux county, and informed the Primghar officers of his suspicions. He proceeded to Carmel, and late Saturday night he and Deputy Hudson found Mrs. Peckler, who was none other than the smooth tongued Mrs. Streeter. Sioux Falls officials were notified of the capture and an effort will be made to take her there. Sioux City Journal

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Pickering - Jones
Monday afternoon at five o'clock, at the home of the bride's parents, occurred the marriage of Miss Ida Pickering and Rev. C. Durant Jones. Miss Mattie Beam was bridesmaid, Eugene Gates was groomsman, and Rev. H. B. Green performed the ceremony. Aside from these only the immediate relatives of the bride were present. The young couple left on the evening train for Stanhope where Rev. Jones will preach for the next year. Both these people are well known in this community, Rev. Jones having preached here in the Christina church for several months, coming here from Larrabee. He is a young man of much ability and earnestness and will surely succeed in his chosen calling. Miss Pickering has been a leader in the Good Templars' Lodge and was a prominent teacher. She will be a true helpmeet for her husband.

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The grand jury adjourned last Saturday and returned five indictments. Harley Little was indicted for attempted rape; Mrs. Streeter for obtaining property by false pretense and George Williams for rape. Williams lives in Cherokee county but the grand jury charge that he came up to Sutherland a week ago Saturday and committed the crime on his niece, Mrs. Charles Hanson at Sutherland. Williams will make no statement and expects to be released on bonds in a few days.

The sheriff of Minnehaha county, South Dakota, was here Monday night and had witnesses here to identify Mrs. Streeter. These witnesses declare she is the same woman who worked a neat confidence game on Sioux Falls parties about three weeks ago. Her method there was about the same as here. With her smooth ways she went into Sioux Falls, succeeded in buying several farms, purchased goods at the stores, farm machinery, horses, cattle and anything she wanted. In one place she went to a store keeper, told a plausible story about the land she owned and succeeded in getting a large bill of goods on credit and also got $52 in cash as a loan; this is identically the same game she played on Peaker at Sutherland. She went to farming the land she bought there and when her true character was exposed she had one of her farms all plowed up and nine teams at work putting in some fall wheat. It seems impossible that a lone woman could do this without money and only a quick wit and smooth tongue, but that she can do it is evidenced by her record here as well as at Sioux Falls. She is now under indictment by our grand jury and under the sheriff's charge here but is ill and is being temporarily kept at a hotel.

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Grover Ashby from New York arrived at his Uncle Robert Cleghorn's last week.

[transcribed by A.N., January 2012]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O'Brien co. Iowa
October 29, 1897

Marriage licenses have been issued to Earl Wentworth and Ruby W. Wells; Geo. Schneider and Lena Boldenow.

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Mrs. Henry Shierholz of San Francisco, mother of Henry Shierholz who lives east of town, arrived Monday from California for a visit. She will visit other relatives in Iowa before going home for the winter.

[transcribed by A.N., January 2012]

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