Iowa Old Press

Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O'Brien co. Iowa
November 5, 1897

p 5 col 3
Mrs. W. H. Downer has applied for a divorce from her husband in the Sioux Falls courts. They will be remembered here as they managed the Park Hotel last winter.

p 8
A sudden sadness spread over the people of west Highland last Friday. Friday morning Mrs. August Mough gave birth to twins and passed into eternity in about an hour afterwards, leaving her husband and five small children, the oldest being but a little more than three years old, to mourn her loss. What is such a home without a mother? Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lago have done the Christian act and have taken the twin babies to raise. Where could a better home be found? The funeral service took place Sunday.

[transcribed by A.N., April 2012]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O'Brien co. Iowa
November 12, 1897

p 4 col 4, 5
In the attachment cases against Mrs. Streeter last spring 700 bushels of corn were levied on by the Sheriff and have been stored with Dennis DeMars in Grant township. Last week Mrs. Streeter went to DeMars and representing that she had settled all her difficulties got him to arrange to haul the corn to town and sell it. She had several men and teams hired and was about to consummate her object when Sheriff Carter got wind of her maneuvers and went down and after a hot chase over into Clay county arrested her and brought her to town and she is now getting daylight in square chunks. It is generally conceded that she is crazy, but still not so crazy but that she can do some pretty smooth lying and work smooth deals.

Sheriff Carter says he has not done such tall sprinting since he chased chickens in Georgia in war times, as he did lat Saturday night trying to overhaul Mrs. Streeter. He was trying to put her in jail when she asked permission to step around the corner a minute and the next thing the sheriff knew his lady prisoner was making tracks for the open country and liberty. Carter isn't built for sprinting but he knew his duty and he took after her and by making prodigious efforts got within reaching distance and tried to seize hold of her flowing raiment. But the time lost in stopping to take hold lost him the point and his prisoner flitted on in the moonlight, still ahead. By this time his breath was coming rather short and realizing that it was time for a supreme effort he took a tumble and fell so far that he and the ex-prisoner rolled over on the ground together. She did not give up without a tussle and for a few moments put up a pretty lively fight. When overpowered she pretended to go into a fit and stiffened out straight and rigid but soon gave that up when the sheriff commenced dragging her. Take it all in all she is making life miserable for the jail officials and they would be glad if the Dakota authorities could be prevailed upon to come and get her.

p 5 col 1
Chas. Whitcomb, the noted robber, of Cherokee county, was sentenced last Friday to ten years' imprisonment at Anamosa.

Mrs. S. J. Jordan with her son Clay and daughter Aural left Tuesday evening for Grand Mound to attend the wedding of Ralph and Kittie Jordan. Clay returned yesterday morning.

p 5 col 3
A Happy Wedding
At the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Jordan, a few miles north of Grand Mound, Iowa, at ten o'clock Wednesday forenoon, occurred the wedding of Miss Kittie M. Jordan and Ralph C. Jordan of Grant township in this county. The bride has taught several terms of school in Grant township and is well known as a young lady of refinement and genuine worth. The groom is too well known in this vicinity to need any introduction or praise from us. It is enough to say that in connection with his father, S. J. Jordan, he is proving himself to be a thorough-going young business man, and in the line of stock feeding as well as general farming the Jordans are leaders.

The happy couple will take a short trip to Chicago, returning to Sutherland next week. Their announcements, received yesterday by many friends in town state that they will be "at home" after Nov 25th. They will make their home with S. J. Jordan's family and the bride will teach the winter term of school in District No. 9 in that township. The Courier joins with many other friends in offering its wishes for a life-long continuance of the happy and auspicious beginning of the wedded life of these young people.

[transcribed by A.N., April 2012]


Sheldon Mail
Sheldon, O'Brien co. Iowa
November 18, 1897

Dr. Cram's family cow is dead. A post mortem examination revealed as the probable cause of death the presence of forty-eight nails, half a dozen staples and about one hundred tacks.

These young people were here from Sanborn to the ball of the bontons Friday night: Misses Neva Boyd, Edna Green and Minerva Snyder and Messrs Arthur Vyse, John Johnson and Claire Hakeman.

[transcribed by S.F., February 2011]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O'Brien co. Iowa
November 19, 1897

p 4 col 3
W. H. Brown and Setta Robinson were married at the home of the bride's parents last night by Rev. D. E. Skinner last Thursday night.

Application has been made to Judge Oliver to release Mrs. Streeter on a writ of habeas corpus. It is understood that no defense will be made, on the understanding that Mrs. Streeter will leave the country for good and permanently.

Charlie Crichfield, an erstwhile resident of Primghar, has got into trouble at Marshalltown. He was pursuing his old business of fish peddling and not finding profits very large tried a scheme to get his fish for small cost. He would order fish to be sent C. O. D. to a fictitious person; the fish were uncalled for and being perishable were sold by the express company for the express charges. Crichfield would "happen" around at the time of the sale and get the fish. The thing occurred so regularly that the wholesale fish house at Chicago became suspicious and had Crichfield arrested for using the United States mails to defraud and the chances are that Crichfield will have to serve time in the penitentiary.

p 4 col 5
Sanborn Pioneer: Dr. Irmine Gunsul left on the evening train Wednesday for Minneapolis. From there she will go to Boston where she will be one of the instructors in the Institute of Osteopathy. Miss Irmine is one of our young ladies, having grown up from childhood among us and the good success she had in her practice in South Dakota has been very pleasing to her many friends. We wish her success in the east.

Reinbeck Cor. of Star-Clipper: Charlie Lewis arrived here Friday night from Pierre, S. Dak., with the remains of his brother Will, who perished in the blizzard of last Thanksgiving while trying to keep his sheep from straying. The body was found in good condition this summer after the snow had melted. He was laid to rest in the family lot in the cemetery here Saturday, and memorial services were held in the M. E. church Sunday morning. Charles will spend a month here with his parents and two little daughters.

p 5 col 1
Mrs. Tennah Jordan, a sister-in-law of S. J. Jordan, was married to Charles W. Merwin at the First M. E. church at Sheldon, Tuesday, Nov. 16th.

One day last week A. Pingel and his five sons spent one whole day in J. D. Long's corn field. The result was a big pile of corn in the crib and neighborly friendship that much stronger. If all neighbors were of this kind lawyers would have to hustle harder for a living.

p 5 col 2
Walter Price and Miss Lizzie Sohm returned Saturday morning from Buena Vista college at Storm Lake.

p 5 col 3
Card of Thanks
We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks to all the friends and Rebekahs who assisted in sending their floral tributes and attending in a body to our mother's last resting place.
A. W. H. Stone
E. B. Stone
Mrs. E. W. Dobson
N. E. Stone

Hans Behmer had a bad accident yesterday afternoon. He was doing some carpenter work at Frank Dodge's when he fell, striking on his face and shoulder. His shoulder was lamed, his lower jaw dislocated, the back part of the left side of the upper jaw broken and his chin and lower lip badly cut. When he got up he found that his teeth didn't match and he caught hold of the lower jaw and pulled it into place. Coming to town he was fortunate enough to meet Dr. Parker just north of town so no further time was lost in getting his hurts attended to. It was a bad fall and might easily have resulted worse. It is to be hoped he will not be laid up long.

[transcribed by A.N., April 2012]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O'Brien co. Iowa
November 26, 1897

p 5 col 3
Doc Stearns reports that Frank Shirley, a boy of about fourteen, was drowned at Sioux Rapids Wednesday about noon while skating. The body was recovered by means of rakes and hooks. The boy was the son of the proprietor of a billiard hall there.

p 5 col 4
Mrs. Streeter was in town last Friday and gave her farewell blessing(?) to several before going on south. [transcribers note: the question mark is in the original text and is not the transcriber's editorial mark]

p 5 col 5
In Memoriam
Hall of Virginia Rebekah Lodge No. 51, I. O. O. F.
Sutherland, Iowa, Nov. 23, 1897
Whereas - It has been the will of the Supreme Ruler to remove from our midst, one of our worthy members, Sister Esther A. Stephenson. She was a kind, living wife and mother, and a faithful friend, and one whose daily social life was an example to all associates, there be it
Resolved - That while we realize our loss, we do not forget the far greater loss sustained by the family.
Resolved - While we realize our loss let us bow our heads in humble submission to him who doeth all things well. May her removal from us tend to make us all more zealous in the cause she loved so well and labored so faithfully to uphold. Her loyal heart was ever quick to respond to the wants of those in need and ever ready to lend a sympathizing hand to relieve all in distress.
Resolved - That these resolutions be entered upon our records, a copy sent to the bereaved family, and to the papers for publication.
Com - Mrs. Analiza Nelson, Mrs. Phoebe A. Short, Mr. Otto Port

[transcribed by A.N., April 2012]

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