Iowa Old Press

Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O'Brien co. Iowa
August 13, 1897

p 5 col 2
Henry Shierholz went to Everly Saturday and took the train for Clayton county, being called there by a dispatch telling of his father's death. The funeral was held Monday. The old gentleman would have been ninety-two years old in October.

p 5 col 3
A company is being formed at Calumet to go to Alaska in search of gold next spring. They will share fortunes or misfortunes alike.

Last Saturday W.S. Hitchings received a check of $2,000 for Mrs. E. F. Aldred. This being the amount of insurance carried by the late E. F. Aldred in the New York Life Insurance Co., of which Mr. Hitchings is agent.

p 8
Mr. and Mrs. Merrit were called to attend the last sad rites of Mr. Merrit's father at Cherokee Tuesday. Mr. M.'s father has been suffering a long time with Bright's disease.

[transcribed by A.N., April 2012]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O'Brien co. Iowa
August 20, 1897

p 4
D. W. Wellman of Baker township has been visiting his son at Dell Rapids, South Dakota, but died there suddenly the first of the week. His remains were shipped home and he was buried here Tuesday.

Some of the bondsmen of Mrs. Streeter are dissatisfied with their position and are endeavoring to be released from their obligation. Mrs. Streeter's whereabouts are not definitely known and her bondsmen are worrying, fearing that she may not return.

The annual session of the teacher's institute commenced Monday with County Superintendent Seckerson in charge. About the usual number of teachers are in attendance although the A grade this year is smaller than usual. The instructors assisting the superintendent are as follows: A.V. Storm of Storm Lake, professor of didactics and history; Prof. Simpson of Sheldon, physics, civics, and economics; R. B. Daniel of Sanborn, professor of Algebra; M. P. Fobes of Sutherland, professor of grammar, rhetoric and history; Miss Clara Klinefelter of Des Moines, primary methods. Following is a list of those in attendance:

Gertie DeYoung, Mae Belle Elliott, Mattie Hills, Etta M. Frederick, Fannie Brown, Bessie Beers, Alice Jones, Jennie Winn, W. H. Brown, Florence Worden, Florence Henderson, Albert W. Hakes, Allie Weaver, Frances Dunkelman, E.A. Thomas, Kate L. Seright; --16.

Mae Gaskill, Lettie Smith, Blanche Eaton, Orpha Webster, Roxie Webster, Estella M. Boot, Sophie Shinkle, Clara Bonath, A. J. Quinn, Nellie Holladay, Etta Redmond, Edith Van Benthuyser, Cora Robinson, Anna Kneen, Hattie E. Richardson, Dollie Hockert, Geo. J. Clark, Ruby Clark, Della Sims, Eva Powell, Mae Mallady, Kittie Larch, Esther Titus, G. O. Enright, Carrie G. Hune, Sue M. Matson, Edith Campbell, Addie Appleton, Mary Cameron, Maggie Sullivan, Emma Donohue, Dora Young, L.E. Yeoman, Ralph Waldo—34.

Myrtle Foskett, Chas. Steen, Mary Wood, Gussie Woolston, Nellie Woolston, Nellie Algyer, Nina Simkins, Mayne McCrath, Clara Free, Fred Crapeman, H. D. Skinner, Fred Upton, Bryant Elliott, Geo. Farley, Rush C. Walter, Kittie M. Jordan, Mabel G. Love, Julia Blake, Nannie Cannon, Bertha Dubois, Lillian Rollins, Jas. Carmichael, Fannie Arbuckle, Irene Stearns, Lucy Doyle, Meda Robbins, Lu Retta Triplett, Josie Nye, John Welch, Lillian Fox, Blanche Cole, Merte Rodgers, Sarah Egy, Gertrude Hanson, Mabel Boyd,--35.

F. F. Davis, Anna Elliott, Jennie Hazlet, J. B. Sherbon, J. Frank Kelly, Clarance Kelly, Clow Stearns, Mary Dammann, Lottie Dammann, Minnie Farran, Ruth Conaway, Bertha Powers, Emma Duff, Myrtle Upton, Grace Shinkle, Beatrice Henderson, Cad Winter, Chrissie Dodge, Sibyl Vance, Nellie Cilley, Isom Waggoner, Pearl Thomas, Nellie Walsh, Florence Husted, Kate DeYoung, Mae Shinkle, Agnes Barry, Lizzie Brady, Jane Walker, Kittie Doling, Josie Sherrill, Della Shafer, Maggie Sherrill, Effie Raymond, Nellie O'Grady, Mae Brigham, Lillian Rember, Edith Smith, Nellie Bailey, Elia Hart, Viva Stone, Mamie Martin, Myron DeLong, Mina Lyle, Hally Ocheltree, Lenora M. Barry, Estella Fairley, Nellie Daggett, --48.

p 5 col 3
Ladd -Woodbury
Monday afternoon, Aug. 16, 1897, at 5:30 occurred the marriage of M. C. Ladd and Miss Minnie M. Woodbury. The ceremony took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Hayes, Rev. H. B. Green officiating. The wedding was a quite one, only Mr. and Mrs. Hayes and E. O. Woodbury, the bride's brother, being present. The newly married couple left over the Illinois Central railroad the same evening for Warren, Ill., where Mr. Ladd will teach next year as principal of the public schools.

Both the contracting parties are well and favorably known in Sutherland. Mr. Ladd was principal of the Sutherland schools in 1894-1895. He has also taught for seven or eight years at our neighboring towns of Paullina and Marcus. He has a fine reputation as an instructor. He is also a musician of much than average ability, and is a gentleman of good personal appearance. Miss Woodbury has lived in Sutherland for more than two years and in that time has made many warm friends. She has devoted herself to studying and teaching music. She is highly accomplished as a singer and plays the piano, organ, violin and other stringed instruments. The numerous friends of the couple will join with the Courier in wishing them abundance of happiness and prosperity.

p 5 col 4
Mrs. Streeter Arrested Again
Rock Rapids, Aug. 18 - Special: Mrs. Streeter, the woman who caused the banks and merchants so much trouble in O'Brien county a short time ago, was arrested here today by Sheriff Carter and will be taken back t Primghar. The woman was out on bail and was negotiating with parties at Luverne for the purchase of a hotel, when her bondsmen became uneasy and had her taken in charge by the sheriff. She has been here for several days driving over the country. - Sioux City Journal

p 8
Quite a number from this vicinity attended the funeral of A. W. Martin last Friday at Peterson. Abe had many friends here who join in sympathizing with the family in their sad bereavement.

[transcribed by A.N., April 2012 & C.H., July 2012]


Sheldon Mail
Sheldon, O'Brien co. Iowa
August 26, 1897

Mr. Rolston has returned to the Brethren church.

It is reported from Seattle that George Berray and his oldest son have gone to the Klondike region in search of gold.

I.L. McDonnell, one of the employees of the Prairie Queen mill, contemplates starting a shorthand school.

Scott Logan bought 1,000 bushels of old wheat of Wm. Dummet last Friday at 90 cents per bushel.

[transcribed by S.F., February 2011]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O'Brien co. Iowa
August 27, 1897

p 5 col 1
Rev. E. L. Benedict and Alex Younger were here Monday on the sad mission of burying an infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Younger.

p 5 col 2
Miss Jennie Montgomery of Cherokee county, who is well known to a number of our people, was married Wednesday evening.

[transcribed by A.N., April 2012]

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O'brien County