Iowa Old Press


Paullina Times
Paullina, O'Brien co. Iowa
April 2, 1896

Mrs. Putnam gave a party last Friday evening in honor of her brother John Lemel and a large number of young folks were present.

Marriage licenses have been issued to Anton Miller and Mary Nelson; Wm. Simons and Mary Graney; Robert Miller and Nellie Bysom.

The funeral of the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Artherholt was held last Friday. The mother is still quite ill, but hopes are entertained of her recovery.

The marriage of Fred Wolf, one of the editors of the Bell and Miss Ethel Sanford, was performed in the presence of a few relatives last Thursday evening.

Action for divorce has been commenced in district court by Eva Libby against her husband W. T. Libby. He is charged with drunkenness, cruel and inhuman treatment.

Sheriff Carter took "Aunt Katie" to the insane asylum last Saturday night. She is an inoffensive old lady who has been working in various families and hotels here for the past eight or more years, but has occasional fits of insanity. In these times no one wants to run the risk of having her around, so she has to be sent to the asylum at a great expense. If the county supervisors would make arrangements to keep this class of patients at the poor farm it would be a great economy. Many of them could earn their board in the work that they could do.

Little Gracie, the 11-year-old daughter of W. E. Benner, of Baker township, died Sunday evening, March 29th, of appendicitis, having been sick only since last Wednesday. An operation was performed Sunday morning in the hope of saving the child's life, but it was unsuccessful. The funeral was held at ten o'clock on Tuesday morning at the Philby church, the services being conducted by Rev. Troutman. The remains, accompanied by many friends of the family, were taken to Sheldon for burial.

Mrs. Rose L. Cook died this morning. Funeral services will be held in the M. E. church Saturday at 1 o'clock. A fuller mention will be made next week.

W. H. Elder went to Beaman yesterday to attend the funeral of a brother-in-law.

Mrs. Wood who has been visiting with her daughter, Mrs. John Manley, the past week returned to her home at New Richland, Minnesota, last Thursday.

[transcribed by A.N., August 2017]


Paullina Times
Paullina, O'Brien co. Iowa
April 9, 1896

County Seat Items
Edward Large and Miss Nellie Stark were married here last Saturday by Rev. R. C. Courtney. They drove up from Sutherland early in the morning and after getting Pomp McCormack to swear to their "qualifications" procured a license. Shortly after the ceremony was performed a telegram was received from Rev. H. B. Green of Sutherland, informing the clerk that the young lady was under age and asking the withholding of the license. But love had the laugh on its side that time, and the ceremony was already legally performed. The practice of freely signing to an affidavit in these cases where the parities are practically unknown, is to be greatly condemned however, and if the grand jury would look into these matters and punish the guilty parties, it would serve as a lesson that is needed.

Miss Edna O. Mead of Sanborn was adjudged insane Tuesday, and the sheriff will take her to Independence this week.

The clerk issued a marriage license Tuesday to Claude M. Gates and Elzina Palmitier.

Mr. Ed. Large and Miss Nellie Stark, both of Sutherland, were united in marriage at Primghar last Saturday. We extend the usual congratulations hoping their voyage through life may prove pleasant and happy.

Thomas Faust, C. H. Fields and Chris. Ashbash took in the dance at Paullina Monday night.

Albert Litka, while arranging his seeder, caught his fingers in the gearing mashing two of them so they will have to be amputated.

Henry Litka while out hunting accidentally discharged his gun, shooting himself through the ankle. We hope it will not prove a serious case.

Word came this week of the death of Albert Bruer on last Friday at [Po?]mona, California, where he had recently gone to live with his grandparents. Albert will be remembered as the bright little boy who made his home with J. P. Bruer here a few years ago. Advices state that his death was caused by shooting, but nothing further can be stated. He was about 14 years of age.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hoke, near town, suffered the loss of their little daughter Hazel on Monday April 6th, death being caused by typhoid pneumonia. The age is given as about 3 years and four months. The funeral occurred at the home yesterday, the ceremony being in charge of a Cherokee county minister, and the last rites performed at Union cemetery. The parents are greatly grieved at their irreparable loss.

Miss Tillie Andresen left last Friday for Des Moines where her presence was required at the bedside of her sister Mrs. Moynihan, formerly Maggie Andresen of this place.

The nuptials of Mr. John Strahmann and Miss Rosa Lange were celebrated at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Lange, in Caledonia township on last Sunday, April 5, 1896, after the sacred tie was solemnized by Rev. Horn at the German church in presence of a large audience. This young couple are well known and respected throughout the community. The best wishes of their friends go with them on their matrimonial voyage. They will make their home on a farm in Caledonia township.

The marriage of A. J. Braig of this place to Miss Josie Manderscheid of Cottonville, Iowa, occurred at the latter place on Tuesday of this week. Mr. Braig is the agreeable young man who has had charge of the mechanical work in the Cowan harness shop for some months past. The bride is a stranger to our people. The couple arrived here yesterday morning and will begin married life by moving soon into the house recently vacated by John Gardner in the north addition. Paullina people will extend to them a hearty welcome.

Rose L. Holdridge was born in Jackson county, Iowa, March 3, 1875. She came with her parents to Paullina eleven years ago, where she was converted and united with the M. E. church at 11 years of age. Her marriage to Robert L. Cook occurred on March 18, 1891. The family moved to western Kansas in the spring of 1893, but returned to Paullina last September. Sister Cook was in a feeble state of health at the time of her return here, and gradually failed until the morning of April 2, 1896, when the messenger of Death called her home. She died in the triumph of living faith in Christ at the age of 21 years and 30 days. She leaves a husband and two children, and large circle of relatives and friends. Funeral services were held in the M. E. church April 4th at 1 o'clock after which the body was laid to rest in Union cemetery.

[transcribed by A.N., August 2017]


Paullina Times
Paullina, O'Brien co. Iowa
April 16, 1896

The following notice of the death of a character well known here is taken from the Chicago Record of the 11th: "Lovindia H. Brigham, aged 45 years, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John S. Burgess, died at her brother's, Charles H. Burgess, residence 450 Chestnut St., Englewood, Ill. Funeral today at 2 p.m."

The death of Mr. John Boller occurred yesterday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Jurgen Rohwer, in Liberty township, at the age of 83 years, 4 months and 15 days. Deceased came to this country from Illinois three years ago to make his home with Mr. and Mrs. Rohwer. His wife died just before he removed to that state. The funeral will be held tomorrow and the remains given to the final resting place in Union cemetery.

Martha Mone of Story county arrived this morning on a visit to her cousins, Chris and Andrew Meltvedt.

Hazel Hoke, the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hoke, died Monday afternoon, after a brief illness, of typhoid pneumonia. She was born December 11, 1892, and died April 6, 1896, at the age of three years, three months and twenty-five days. She was a very bright child and will be missed by her parents. But as our dear Savior said, "Suffer little children to come unto me," she has obeyed His call. Obsequies were conducted by Rev. Neil at the home on Wednesday morning, after which the remains were conveyed to the Paullina cemetery, where they were laid to rest.

[transcribed by A.N., August 2017]


Paullina Times
Paullina, O'Brien co. Iowa
April 23, 1896

W. S. Hitchings left Tuesday evening for Sioux City with his little boy in order to consult a specialist and have the child examined. The little one has been troubled with some seemingly incurable ailment for the past seven years.

[transcribed by A.N., August 2017]


Paullina Times
Paullina, O'Brien co. Iowa
April 30, 1896

A marriage license was issued last Saturday to David Yeager and Lucy Mercer.

There are now thirteen insane patients in the state insane asylum who were sent there by O'Brien county. They cost the county at the rate of $14 per month per patient, or a total of $182 each month.

Quite a number from here attended the Hoppe-Mier wedding at Germantown Sunday. They all report a pleasant time.

Last Monday everybody was wondering what was the matter with J. A. Wonderlich, for he seemed to be the happiest man in town. They were later informed that a bouncing baby boy had arrived at his home Saturday evening and Al was having a little time over the event.

The tolling of the bell at the M. E. church at an early hour last Sunday morning announced the sad, but not unexpected death of Mrs. E. J. Elliot, whose departure had been hourly expected for some days. The funeral services were conducted in the M. E. church Monday afternoon and the building was filed to its utmost capacity with friends of the deceased, who had done all that could be done to alleviate her suffering. All was done that loving hearts and willing hands could do, but of no avail. She passed away Sunday morning at an early hour, surrounded by the entire family who have the sympathy of the community in the hour of sorrow and affliction.

Miss Lucia Hitchings, accompanied by Mrs. C. E. Achorn, leaves today with her little brother Ray for Kirkville, Missouri for treatment by a specialist at that place. It is hoped the little fellow will return much improved.

We understand a son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Dagger who are in Buena Vista county last week.

A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Dick Laue in Dale township on Saturday, April 25th.

[transcribed by A.N., August 2017]

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