Iowa Old Press


Paullina Times
Paullina, O'Brien co. Iowa
September 5, 1895

The long lost John Johnson who succeeded in swindling so many of our merchants, bankers and farmers some three years ago has been found. He was recognized last Thursday at Adrian, Minn., by J. B. Hames. O. H. Montzheimer and W. W. Artherholt immediately went there as representatives of a couple of the swindled banks to secure such portion of the lost money as was possible. It was a race between the attorneys to see which would get there first, but the livery team was no match for a bicycle and Montzheimer got there first getting security for his claim. On Friday Johnson consented to return with the attorneys and he arrived here the same evening, at which time he made arrangements with relatives here to enable him to continue his farming in Minnesota until his creditors should be paid in full. He is thoroughly penitent and desirous of settling everything up and the general opinion seems to be that he will do that if left alone. He is a hard worker, and while in Minnesota has succeeded in making quite a good bit of money, so as to be in a position to settle with his creditors.

Born - To Harold Lees and wife, on [?], August 27th, a son. Dr. [?] attending. All doing well and [?] happy, especially papa Lees. - Bradgate Harold

John Frederick Steen, aged 79 years and 11 months, passed on to his reward last evening at 9:00 o'clock after an illness of a year and a half. Deceased was the father of John, Theodore and William Steen of this place, August C. Steen of Fonda and Mrs. Henry Voss of Hartley, both well known here. Deceased was born at Holstein, Germany, in the year 1815; was united in marriage in 1842 to Annie Wiese, who died two years ago at this place. Mr. and Mrs. Steen landed in this country in 1876, settling at Tama City. They moved here to live with their sons in 1880. Mr. Steen was a member of the Lutheran church. The funeral will be conducted at the home of John Steen tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock by Rev. Andrew Herron.

The thieves who broke into the store of Charlie Elliot at Hawarden, brief mention of which was made in this paper last week, have been captured. They proved to be four boys, Homer Kinkead, Charles Scott, Thomas Connell and Dal Stevens. They have confessed and told where the goods were concealed and most of it was recovered. The lads are now in jail awaiting the action of the grand jury. Charlie's Paullina friends are glad to know of his good fortune in recovering the goods.

Miss Ellen Fife, of O'Brien county, is here to remain a month with her relatives - the Philips, in Buckingham. She is a daughter of David Fife, formerly of south Perry. - Traer Star Clipper

[transcribed by A.N., August 2015]


Sheldon Mail
Sheldon, O'Brien co. Iowa
September 12, 1895

J.H. Clark gave Grandpa Neff a buggy ride on Monday. It was Mr. Neff's 83rd birthday.

Alderman Boyd dedicated Mayor Royce's new hotel bus, horses harness and all, Tuesday by displaying the outfit on the street. the outfit is an attractive one as good in fact, as can be scared up in a town of this size anywhere.

Lottie Toothaker on Saturday, Sept. 7, her 12th birthday, gave a party for 15 of her friends.

Mrs. E.B. Pearson is now ready to do all kinds of hair work to order. Residence 2 blocks north of the post office.

The weather is scorching hot these days, for September, but as the corn crop is safe we can swelter without a murmur.

The city authorities have put down two street crossings of paving brick as an experiment; one between the First National Bank and the office of the Empire Loan and Investment Co.; the other between E.H. McElhose's photo gallery and James Wykoff's residence. The bricks were made at Fort Dodge and seem to be a superior article.

[transcribed by S.F., March 2010]


Paullina Times
Paullina, O'Brien co. Iowa
September 12, 1895

Mike Hopp and Miss Maggie Ludiwisse were married at the Catholic church here Tuesday, Rev. Anler officiating. May their matrimonial canoe sail smoothly.

What promises to be a sensational suit was brought in district court last Thursday by Mrs. Challin of Sheldon, against her husband, Lewis Challin. She alleged in her petition that he had subjected her to cruel and inhuman treatment and threatened to take the children away from her. Judge Ladd issued an injunction restraining him from molesting the children and also ordered property of the defendant to the amount of $1000 attached to secure her alimony and attorney fees. Later the litigants got together, settled their differences and agreed to live together again and the suit will be dismissed.

Marriage licenses the past week have been issued to J. F. Stone and Clara Goodyear, Vernon Lee and Jane McKeegan, J. B. Blossom and Jennifer R. Nunns, Oliver Halsted and Lydia Ramsey.

Born - To Mr. and Mrs. Marlon [?], of Highland township, on October 7th, a son.

We clip the following item from the Crawford (Neb.) Gazette of a recent [?], concerning the marriage of Virgil Daniels, a former well known and respected Paullina boy: "On Wednesday, August 28, 1895, a ceremony was performed at the home of Miss Jeannie Johnston, at Bloomington, Neb., that made this young lady and Virgie Daniels man and wife. Mrs. Daniels has lived in this part of the county so long that there will [?] be need of an introduction. He is a young man of whom all speak well, and who commands the respect and [?] of everyone. The bride, too, is not without friends in Crawford. The young lady is a sister of Mrs. Rev. [?], and having visited at this place on more than one occasion, she acquired many warm friends. The young couple arrived here from Bloomington Monday morning, and for the time being, will reside on the Hamstreet [?], south of town. Crawford people in general join with the writer in extending all good wishes for the happiness and prosperity of the newly-wed couple.

Sheriff Carter was in town yesterday morning with Mr. and Mrs. Brad Peasley and daughter, on the way to Orange City where Judge Oliver heard habeas corpus proceedings. Mr. Peasley was under arrest for the crime of rape upon his own daughter who accompanied the family. It is said the arrest was due to some malice on the part of another daughter at Little Sioux, Iowa. "Shady" Bailey, the Primghar lawyer, was with the party and will see that no guilty man escapes - an exorbitant fee.

J. E. Masterson and daughter, of Fairbury, Illinois, arrived Saturday on a visit to the former's sister, Mrs. H. H. Crow. They departed Monday.

[transcribed by A.N., July 2014]


Paullina Times
Paullina, O'Brien co. Iowa
September 19, 1895

Mr. and Mrs. John Eulberg are rejoicing over the arrival of a bright baby girl, born last Thursday.

F. N. Beck, J. Eulberg, H. Schemmel, A. Neuroth, and M. Roeder attended the funeral of Mrs. P. Schnee at Hospers Tuesday.

Mrs. Peter Schnee crossed the dark river of death to the brighter place beyond at her home last Saturday night. A fond husband and several small children are left to mourn the loss of a loving wife and mother, the remains were laid to rest in the quiet cemetery at Hospers Tuesday, followed by a long line of sorrowing friends who extend their sympathy to the bereaved father and motherless children. The unusually large funeral showed high esteem in which she was held by the community.

The 16-months-old child of Mrs. Ingamel died yesterday morning at the home of Chris Fife, in Dale township, of cholera infantum. Mrs. Ingamel is a sister of Mrs. Chris Fife and was here from Tama county on a visit to the former. The remains were taken to Tama county yesterday afternoon for burial and were accompanied by Chris Fife and the child's mother.

October Term of Court
W. A. Thompson sues D. M. Scott Thompson for a divorce claiming that he married the defendant under the supposition that she had secured a divorce from her first husband. Plaintiff now finds out that no legal divorce was granted and asks to have the marriage set aside as null and void.

Ida Walling sues Riley Walling for divorce on grounds of desertion.

Mrs. Waterman returned Monday from Pocahontas county where she was called to attend the funeral of her aged mother.

Born, Monday, September 16, to Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Williams, a girl baby, weight 11 pounds.

T. F. Ward will return with his bride the last of next week. They are spending their honeymoon in Yellowstone National Park.

Marriage licenses issued the first of the week are as follows: Wm. Meyer and Salina Schlicht, Lewis Litzell and Lottie Fritson, Albert Cooper and Emma Brown, J. D. Bower and Ella Cummings.

[transcribed by A.N., July 2014]


Paullina Times
Paullina, O'Brien co. Iowa
September 26, 1895

Miss Dora Smith, of Mechanicsville, Iowa, is the guest of her uncle, A. P. Jacobs, and family.

Wilber and Addie Wasser of Cedar county, grandchildren of Mrs. Kiser, arrived Tuesday on a visit.

Mrs. H. H. Crow was called to Rolfe Friday last, on account of the sickness of her sister, Mrs. Guy Rich.

Miss Ben, of Leland, Illinois, arrived Tuesday on a visit to her sister, Mrs. Frank Wells of this township.

Mrs. Baker, of Alma, Nebraska, arrived yesterday on a three months' visit to her daughter, Mrs. George Raw.

Marriage licenses issued by the clerk of court since last reported are: August Pommarke and Kate Cordas; Earl A. Cline and Amy H. Greenfield.

[transcribed by A.N., August 2015]

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O'brien County