Iowa Old Press


Paullina Times
Paullina, O'Brien co. Iowa
June 6, 1895

The funeral of her grandfather called Mrs. O. H. Montzheimer to Webster City the first of the week.

Ed Guenther and wife rejoice over the arrival of a baby boy at their home last week.

Born - to Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Ross on Friday, May 31st, a son.

The death of Wm. Harker, of Sanborn, occurred at West Baden Springs, Indiana on Saturday, May 23 [note, day of week and date do not correspond]. Mr. Harker was one of O'Brien county's most prominent business men and an influential character. Fourteen years ago he helped to organize the first banking institution in Sanborn and called it the O'Brien county bank. About the same time he and his partner, J. L. Green, platted what is known as Harker & Green's addition to Paullina. They also built several business buildings in Paullina which are still here. Later, we believe, all the property of the firm here was bought by Wm. Harker. Considerable property here still rests in his name. His passing hence robs Sanborn of a leading citizen and a firm friend. It is estimated that he was the wealthiest man in Sanborn and his estate is valued at about $150.000. The cause of death was heart failure. He was buried last Sunday in accordance with the Masonic custom. Masons from all surrounding towns were in attendance. Those from this place were J. V. Adkins, Stephen Harris and John Metcalf.

Guy W. Rich and Miss May Masterson Married
Tuesday, June 11th, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Crow occurred one of the most pleasant social events in the annals of the village, the marriage of Miss May Masterson to Guy W. Rich of Rolfe. The house was beautifully decorated with flowers in honor of the occasion and the delightful odor of carnations and roses were everywhere met. High noon was the hour set for the ceremony. The strains of Mendelssohn's wedding march, skillfully executed by Miss Idella Herron, announced the approach of the bridal party who entered the parlor unattended and took their places in the bay window under a magnificent horseshoe of roses and carnations, where the Rev. A. Herron, using the impressive ritual of the Presbyterian church, joined their lives.

The bride looked her very best in a tasteful costume of crystal silk. She carried an exquisite bouquet of bride's roses and wore no other ornaments. The groom wore the conventional black suit and never looked more gallant or happy. Between fifty and sixty guests, the intimate friends of the contracting parties witnessed the ceremony and united in the heartiest congratulations immediately afterwards.

An elegant dinner was served, consisting of all the good things of the season. Each one seemed to enter into the spirit of the occasion and everything went "merry as a marriage bell." The high esteem in which the young people are held was shown in the large number of useful and elegant presents given them.

Miss Masterson was a primary teacher here three years and has a warmer place in the hearts of the parents and children than any one who has ever been here. The happy couple left on the 5 o'clock trains for parts in the east and will be at home to their friends after July 1st, in Rolfe, Ia., where we learn from a Rolfe paper that Guy has an elegant home in course of erection. The guests present from out of town were Mrs. Will Metcalf, of Los Angeles, California, and the Misses Johnson, of Sanborn.

Mrs. N. E. Jacobs is at Marshalltown where she went to attend the funeral of her mother.

Mrs. W. C. Metcalf, formerly Miss Mavis Pratt, of Los Angeles, California, arrived Tuesday morning on a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Pratt.

[transcribed by A.N., November 2014]


Paullina Times
Paullina, O'Brien co. Iowa
June 13, 1895

Attorney C. S. Macomber of Ida Grove was here last Thursday in the interest of Mrs. Harker in the matter of the estate of William Harker late of Sanborn. The will was produced and read, and July 5 was the day set for its probate. At that time Judge Ladd will hold an adjourned term of court to probate the will. Elizabeth Harker the widow, gets the homestead and $40,000 in cash. A nephew, Jas. J. Harker, is to receive $5,000. $3,000 is to be put into a tomb or vault for the reception of the bodies of the deceased and his wife. David Palen, E. T. Parker and Geo. H. Peck are appointed trustees to superintend and have charge of an opera house to be built by them out of the funds of the estate and to the cost not to exceed $10,000. Specific directions are given as to the size, material to be used, etc., etc. The balance of the estate is to be equally divided between his brothers and sisters. The executors are Elizabeth Harker, J. R. Brady, J. H. Daly and C. A. Babcock.

Announcement of the marriage of Dan W. Barnes to Ollie M. Bird at Liberty Center, Iowa, on June 12th has been received at this office. Dan was at one time manager of the Commercial [hotel?] of this place and his many friends will join The Times in hearty congratulations.

Following is a synopsis of the concluding business of District Court: Marietta Hurd vs. Jno. B. Hurd, decree of divorce granted and household goods are divided between litigants. A decree of divorce was granted to Julia C. Boyd against her husband E. A. Boyd.

A little child of Mr. Baker died this morning and will be buried this afternoon. It was three weeks old.

Chas. Kloster came up from Sioux City Friday and accompanied his niece, Linnie Proctor, to Sioux City where she will spend the summer vacation.

[transcribed by A.N., November 2014]


Sheldon Mail
Sheldon, O'Brien co. Iowa
June 13, 1895

Frank Nelson and Miss Julia Anderson were married a few days ago. Frank is one of the reliable and efficient employees of the Prairie Queen Mills. We congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Nelson wishing them a long and happy married life.

J.J. Hartenbower is mingling with Sheldon friends again for a season. Jerry has bought the old Iselin farm north of town. It is one of the few whole section farms remaining in this region.

The old settlers picnic at Boyden last Saturday attracted a goodly number of Sheldon people. D.A.W. Perkins and Milt Allen were among the speakers on the occasion.

Mayor Royce, of the committee on railroad transportation to the celebration at Sheldon July 4th, says the committee have already assurances of excursion rates for 200 miles on the three railroads.

[transcribed by S.F., February 2011]


Paullina Times
Paullina, O'Brien co. Iowa
June 20, 1895

Gone to Her Reward
Mrs. L. Grady passed from this life at seven o'clock Sunday afternoon at St. Joseph's hospital in Sioux City, at the age of 46 years, where she had gone for medical aid. A husband, five sons and four daughters are bereft of a loving wife and mother's care. The large number of mourners who followed the corpse to the Catholic cemetery here Wednesday shows the general esteem in which she was held.

Wm. Schemmel and Miss Annie Rahe were united in the bonds of wedlock Tuesday morning by Rev. Anler. Both bride and groom are highly esteemed young people and are too well known to need comment. In the afternoon and evening many invited friends enjoyed themselves with refreshments, dancing, etc., in H. Schemmel's grove east of town. The many and costly presents showed the esteem in which the young couple is held. May their life be one of peace.

J. R. Culp and Miss Georgia Hastie were married at Somerset, Iowa, yesterday at noon. They will return this evening. Both contracting parties are people of wide acquaintance here and enjoy the confidence and respect of a large circle of friends. Mr. Culp is numbered among our best citizens and [?] and the bride was last year a successful teacher here. Success, we [?]y, with many others.

Washington Alexander, well known to all the older settlers of O'Brien county, died this morning at his home in Sutherland.

Fred Schlitzmier, of Sheldon, has been in jail for several days on sentence from Justice Court. Monday he was before the insane commissioners. They postponed action until Commissioner Peck could go to Sheldon and take further testimony. It is likely that Schlitzmier will be sent to Independence.

Mrs. David Fife left Monday evening for Monroe, Iowa, in response to a telegram announcing sickness in the family of her daughter, Mrs. J. W. Smith.

Miss Tib Carper, sister of Mrs. J. A. Warner and a former Paullina girl, is visiting here with friends. She has been teaching school near Anamosa, Iowa.

On motion County Auditor was instructed to send the three Hudson children, now in Home for Indigent children, to their mother at Elmira, New York.

On motion County Auditor was instructed to take necessary steps for sending Rodemaker child to Home for Indigent children.

[transcribed by A.N., April 2015]


Paullina Times
Paullina, O'Brien co. Iowa
June 27, 1895

We failed to mention births in the families of A. B. Noe of this place on the 13th [may be 18th] and Al Hulce, south of town, on the 20th.

Two sweet girls arrived Sunday to be counted by the next census enumerator. One of them will make her home with Mr. and Mrs. Wells Sutherland, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter McCroskey have consented to adopt the other.

A large delegation of our citizens including delegations from the masonic society attended the funeral of Uncle Wash. Alexander at Sutherland Saturday. The old gentleman was well known here and had many friends among our citizens.

Marriage licenses were issued last week to R. D. McMillan and Clara Henry; James Storing and Sasie Waeckerly; Grant Arnold and Maud White.

[transcribed by A.N., April 2015]

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