Iowa Old Press


Paullina Times
Paullina, O'Brien co. Iowa
December 5, 1895

Miss Minnie Cook expects her mother from Oregon this week.

M. A. Manning has been appointed administrator of the Stolp estate at Sheldon.

[transcribed by A.N., June 2015]


Paullina Times
Paullina, O'Brien co. Iowa
December 12, 1895

George Hill, the young gentleman who has been working for Olaus Idso, north of town for some time, departed this week for Emmetsburg, Palo Alto county, near which place he will be united the latter part of the week to Miss Anna Heng. They will return about March 1st and live on the James Gifford place in Dale township which Mr. Hill has leased.

Will C. Metcalf arrived yesterday morning from Los Angeles, California, after an absence of over a year. We have not learned whether or not Will has returned for good.


Stricker - Peper - At Keystone, IA., about December 5th, 1895, Claus Stricker of Paullina, Iowa, to Miss M. M. Peper of Keystone, Iowa.
At last our Claus has renounced the cruel, impetuous life of bachelorhood and adopted the pleasures of home and married life. This event was kept a profound secret and even intimate friends did not appear to think that Claus would so soon step off the brink of bachelorship into the benedictine current. The bride is not known to us, but we will vouch for Claus' selection of a life partner on the strength of his good tastes and the fact of his being an all around tip-top fellow. Success. These newly married people are spending the honeymoon at Dysart, Iowa, and expect to remain there during the winter.

Roseland - Hodgdon - At the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hodgdon, of this township, on Sunday, December 8, 1905, Rev. Andrew Herron officiating. Mr. Samuel Roseland to Miss Della G. Hodgdon.
This promising marriage was witnessed only by a few intimate friends of the parties and immediate friends of the parties and immediate relatives of the bride. The bride is the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hodgdon, highly respected people of this township, and is a young lady of winsome ways. The groom is a well known young man of the community and numbers his friends by the score. They left yesterday for a few weeks visit at Marshalltown.

Ruther - Flyer - At the home of Peter Ruther, a brother of the groom, on Friday evening, Dec. 6, 1895, Jurgen Ruther to Miss Julia Mary Flyer, Mayor La Rue officiating.
The bride is quite well known in Paullina and was employed for some time in the family of J. W. F. Steen as domestic. They will move soon upon a new farm recently purchased in Palo Alto county.

[transcribed by A.N., June 2015]


Sheldon Mail
Sheldon, O'Brien co. Iowa
December 19, 1895

An old-fashioned husking bee was held at W.H. Ankrum's Tuesday.

Attorney Day, Col. Darnell, Father Farrelly and Pastor Cummings will debate the sufferage question at the meeting to be held next month under the auspices of the Political Equality club.

[transcribed by S.F., February 2011]

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