Iowa Old Press

Sheldon Mail
Sheldon, O'Brien co. Iowa
January 7, 1892

The Sheldon Hotel company held its annual stockholders' meeting in the parlors of the Arlington, Thursday evening. C.S. McLaury was elected president and secretary for the ensuing year. W.M. Smith, treasurer; Fred Frisbee, J.S. McLaury, H.M. Crocker, G.Y. Bonus and F.T. Piper, directors.

A fine gold-headed cane was presented to the proprietor of the Sheldon Carriage Works, inscribed, "Presented to J.C. O'Donnell by his employees. Christmas 1891" A silver cup and saucer was given to B.T. Woods, foreman of the blacksmith shop. Two days before Christmas Mr. O'Donnell instructed Fred Baudler to go "round among the married men in his employ and take their orders for meat for their Christmas dinners."

[transcribed by S.F., July 2010]

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