Iowa Old Press

Sheldon Mail
Sheldon, O'Brien co. Iowa
July 9, 1885

The celebration of the Fourth in Sheldon was a complete and gratifying success. To begin with there was the usual early morning salute, with Geo. E. Berray at the gun, so everybody rose with the sun whether they wanted to or not. The procession was headed by the Sheldon Cornet Band, which was followed by a carriage containing Senator Barrett, President of the Day, Committeemen Scott M. Ladd and the speaker, Capt. J.S. Lothrop. Next in order was the Liberty car, drawn by the four houses and containing fifty prettily costumed young ladies of Prof. W.S. Wilson representing the 38 states and 10 territories. There were 166 vehicles containing exhibits of business firms. Wagon number seven, representing the business of our contractors and builders, Messrs. Berry & Mitchell, Walter Barrager was putting in a door frame, Collins was at work at the bench, Gardner was painting, while Berray & Mitchell and their tender were naturally as life engaged in building a brick chimney. Barry's cry for "mort" was so familiar and natural in its appearance as to commend the closet attention and call forth frequent outbursts of applause.

[transcribed by S.F., March 2010]


Sheldon Mail
Sheldon, O'Brien co. Iowa
July 16, 1885

Bill Van Campen has hoisted a sign: "Traveler's Home". Sheldon now sports four restaurants and seven hotels.

Mrs. G.W. Sherwood and the children are down from St. Paul to spend the summer on the Sherwood Stock Farm situated near Sheldon. Mr. Sherwood is compelled to remain in St. Paul to superintend the construction of a big bridge across the Mississippi river, for which he has the contract.

A running race, mile hear, between horses owned by W.B. Bowne and Frisbee Brothers, attracted a good number to the Fair Grounds Monday forenoon. G.B. Lyons wagered $25 to Bowne's $15, that the Frisbee sorrel was the swiftest nag of the two. The horses ran almost neck and neck three-fourth of the mile, when Bowne's horse fell and the sorrell passed under the wire, the winner.

W.C. Hagy is building a fine home near the Baptist church.

[transcribed by S.F., March 2010]

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