Iowa Old Press

Sheldon News
Sheldon, O'Brien Co. Iowa
July 17, 1884

A Fatal Stroke.
Sioux City Journal -- "A heavy thunder storm passed over Sheldon Friday forenoon. During the storm a house of a farmer named Hanson, six miles east of town, was seen to be on fire. A neighbor climbed on the roof of the kitchen shed, through which the flames were coming, and put out the fire, which had been kindled by the lightening in a partition. Failing to rouse anyone in the house, he opened the door. Four people were lying on the floor, apparently dead. Mrs. Hanson and a man who was working on the farm, were found to be still breathing and presently recovered consciousness. Hanson and his son were both dead. The boy showed no marks of the bolt that had killed him. The father bore only a slight burn on the top of his head.
His lip was cut and bleeding, but this was probably from falling. Mrs. Hanson, left in an instant a childless widow, is still suffering much from the stroke." The funeral service was conducted by Rev. Brintnall on Sabbath and attended by an immense throng of people. Owing to the warm weather it was found necessary, however, to bury the bodies on the preceding afternoon.

[Submitted by D.L., October 2003
Submitter notes: John Hanson is the son (11/4/1848 - 7/11/1884), described as "the boy" in the article. His father was Hans Wilhelmsen (6/19/1821 -7/11/1884), although in the article he is named Mr. Hanson.]

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