Iowa Old Press

Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
February 15, 1884

One of our citizens visited Paullina last Friday and says only three or four teams were on the streets in the middle of the day.  Vacant buildings were plenty, however.

We received some Grant townships items last week too late for publication.  Our correspondent should mail his items in time to reach us as early as Wednesday night.

Steph HOYT has his ice house filled clear to the top with good ice and is now patiently waiting for the warm weather when he may derive some benefit from the same.

There is talk of a grand Leap Year party coming off soon.  We will state for the benefit of those wishing to know that we are not engaged yet, but can not tell how soon we may be.

The snow is much deeper in the eastern part of the State than here.  Nearly all the railroads have been blockaded for several days.  Northwestern Iowa is not such an awful country for snow as some would like to have it, but we certainly are getting our share of the “beautiful” this winter.

If whisky costs us as a nation $1,000,000 per day, what does it cost us in reputation and morals—Sheldon Mail. Something has gone wrong with “Pomp.”  The last time we saw him he was not figuring on the cost of “reputation and morals” but he was mightily interested in the price of whisky.

The following, clipped from the Spencer News, is in opposition to the theory advanced by the anti-prohibisints (sic), who preach that the saloons make the town: 
Last year we had no saloons in our town and business was pretty dull, and it was assumed by some that the dullness was caused by the lack of saloons.  This year we have three saloons and business is duller than last year.

Wright CLIVER and E.W. GUENTHER were brought before Mayor HITCHINGS last Saturday morning and fined $5 and costs each for disturbing the peace and quite (sic) of our little town the night before.  Later in the day CLIVER was arrested and taken before Squire SAGE on the charge of committing assault and battery on the person of Ed. CLIFT, and was fined $10 and costs.  It seems CLIVER had been “laying” for Ed. Several weeks, waiting for a chance to “use him up,” and Friday night the longed-for time came.  CIFT (sic) had no idea that there was any hard feeling existing between CLIVER and himself and so was not as cautious as he might have been.  He complied with CLIVER’S request and stopped.  CLIVER said a few words, drew off and hit him a tremendous blow in the eye, knocking him (unable to read the rest of the article).

Personal Mention.

L.C. TREDWAY is clerking for L.W. FAIRBANK.

Frank PATCH, of Hartley, transacted business in town last Saturday.

P.M. NELSON followed the crowd and went to Sioux City Monday morning.

M.C. PORTER received a visit over Sunday from his father, who resides near Alta.

Supt. ALGYER, of Primghar, was in town the first of the week.  He is as fat and jolly as ever.

Wm. KELSEY and family arrived from Illinois last Friday evening and will make this their home.

J.D. CLAPSADDLE, the man who takes possession (sic) the HARRINGTON farm, arrived Tuesday morning.

Dr. ROES went to Paullina Tuesday.  He will visit Sutherland again in about a month and remain one week.

Attorneys DUNN and COLCORD and J.F. SHEPARD transacted business before Judge SHIRAS at Sioux City the first of the week.

Rev. D.M. YETTER, of Peterson, called at our office last Monday.  He is now holding a series of meetings at the HIATT school-house.

G.W. NICHOLES returned from Nebraska Tuesday night.  While there he purchased a house and lot at St. Paul, and will soon go there to live.

J.H. DONNELLY left Tuesday morning for Eagle Grove to work for the railroad company.  He seems to be on the right side of the “brass-collared gentry.”

E.H. FARNSWORTH, is worse again.  The change in the weather made the rheumatism take another hold of him.  It is to be hoped that he will soon be around again.

Mr. A. MILLER, formerly in partnership with J.M. SLICK at this place, returned to Sutherland Wednesday night.  He will go to farming about 8 ½ miles south of here.

D.M. SHELDON left Thursday morning with two cars of stock for Chicago.  Before returning he will go to Stephenson, Michigan where he has a stock of general merchandise.

John D. GILBERT left Monday morning for Sioux Rapids where he will work the tree business.  Mr. GILBERT is a good man for the business and is selling a good many trees.

O.H. HIGBE, who is teaching near Erie, called at our office last Saturday.  He is one of O'Brien county’s best teachers, and is a hard and earnest worker for the advancement of education.

J.D. HARRINGTON shipped his stock and household goods from here Wednesday to Eureka, Kansas, where he expects to make his home.  Mr. HARINGTON (sic) was a good citizen and will be missed by his many friends.

Marion CARTER returned from his Nebraska trip Monday morning.  He says the rest of the party are scattered all over the State, but they are no better pleased with the country that he was they won’t take up more than a county apiece.

Mr. L.M. EBY, who has been looking around here for a business location, left for his home in Illinois Monday morning.  He is much pleased with the prospects of Sutherland, and says he will no doubt return soon and enter into business.  He is the kind of a man we want.

A.C. BURNSIDE, C.A. WEST, Wm. KENYON and Wesley STEELE returned from Nebraska Tuesday morning.  They were not very well pleased with the country, and report the snow as keep there as it is here.  They all had a good time, but think O’Brien county is as good a place as Nebraska.

[transcribed by C.B., June 2005]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
February 22, 1884

Read the notice for the wolf hunt a week from to-day.  The boys are going to turn out in full force and a grand good time is expected.

The second Quarterly meeting of the Peterson circuit of the M.E. Church will be held at Sutherland Saturday and Sunday, March 8th and 9th.

CLEVELAND & BARK now have their office at the CLEVELAND House where they can be found at all hours ready to supply the traveling public with good teams.

The lyceum held at the DOYLE school house, in Highland township, is said to be one of the most successful ones in the county.  A large crowd attend each meeting and much interest is manifest.

Jim H. BARNEY, the same Jim who helped the “Aldine Dramatic Club” out the evening they played “Down by the Sea,” will give an entertainment at the hall next Tuesday evening.  Come out and hear him.  He is a whole show by himself.

Wolf Hunt.
The citizens of O’Brien, Clay and Cherokee counties will please organize for a wolf hunt on the 29th day of February.  It is proposed that the following named persons will take charge and organize within the above named territory, starting so as to come together at 2 o’clock P.M. on the bottom land on section 11-94-39 (Waterman township.)  This place is located northeast of lower stone ford on Waterman creek or directly west of Mike SWEENEY’S farm.  Parties are cautioned not to close in on the botton (sic) until the hunters are seen coming in from all directions.  The following are parties requested to organize at the different points:
South of Peterson township, J. MCCORMACK; south of Waterman township, Silas STEELE; west of Waterman township, R.M. VANHORN; west of Grant township, Geo HOUSEMAN; north of Grant township, H. MCGEE; north of Clay township, Morg. SHULL; east of Clay township, Geo. MARTIN; east of Peterson township, J. HUXLEY.
It is hoped that all will turn out and help make the hunt a success.

Personal Mention.

Wm. WEAL and family visited Sanborn Wednesday.

E.P. MESSER, went to Chicago last Friday on business.

C.H. BRINTNALL transacted business at the hub Monday.

Aaron BROWN, of Cherokee, was in town Monday morning.

E.C. CUMMINGS visited LeMars last Saturday and returned Sunday.

Mrs. J.W. JONES left for the eastern part of the State Monday morning.

Dr. LOUTHAN and J.B. DUNN transacted business at Cherokee Wednesday.

F.C. WHEATON, principal of the Hartley schools,  was in town last Saturday.

Mr. J.N. BURROUGHS, of Erie, is said to be quite sick.  Dr. LOUTHAN is attending him.

Jas. H. WELLS, of Marathon, attended the teachers Association at this place last Saturday.

Mr. J.H. REAGER started Thursday morning for Buena Vista county to visit relatives and friends.

Mr. Grant WEBSTER, of Sulpher Springs, Buena Vista county, is visiting with friends in Grant township.

Mrs. Dr. J.M. LOUTHIAN (sic) went to Toledo last Friday to visit the Dr.’s folks.  She returned Wednesday.

L.A. ROHMBURG, of Dubuque, has been looking after his interests in this vicinity during the past week.

Mr. Jurgen COURT, of Trare, Tama county, who has been up here looking for land, left for home Monday morning.

Messrs. JOHNSON, HAKEMAN and HARRIS of Paullina, attended the Masonic meeting at this place Saturday night.

E.H. FARNSWORTH is still unable to get down to attend to his duties at the P.O.  Mrs. FARNSWORTH is also quite sick.

John ROTHERMEL, a Grundy county man, has been employed by John PORTER & Son to work in their lumber yard at this place.

C.J. SIEH came up last Friday to look around and prepare for building.  He left for his home in Grundy county Monday morning.

G.G. NEWMAN, of Bloomington, Wisconsin, visited with his cousin, T.B. BARK, the first of the week.  He returned to his home yesterday.

Miss Eureka LOUTHAN, who has been visiting with her brother, Dr. LOUTHAN, since his marriage, left for her home in Toledo, last Friday morning.

Dan HOWE, of Monroe, Wisconsin, is visiting with friends in this vicinity.  He has been at work during the past year surveying the different counties in the State for county maps.

Joe MURPHY was down from Sanborn the first of the week.  He reports the skating rink paying very well.  Joe is one of Sutherland’s best boys and his many friends here are glad to know that he is prospering.

Mr. A. MCCREATH, of Tama county, the man who purchased the Cap. EDWARDS place last fall, came up last week to look around and get ready for taking possession about the first of March.  He started for home Monday morning.

Farm for SALE.
The farm known as the ‘Squire Mack place’, three and one-half miles from Sutherland.  Inquire of D.C. BARRY, Grant township.

Incorporation Dance.
There will be a grand ball, at Sheldon’s Hall, Friday evening February 22d.  Music by Dodge’s string band, assisted by E.J. LEWIS, coronetist.  Tickets for dance, 75c.  Supper at the REAGER House.  All are invited to attend and have a good time.  E.E. PETERSON, C.E. ACHORN – Com.

[transcribed by C.B., June 2005]

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