Iowa Old Press

Sheldon Mail
Sheldon, O'Brien co. Iowa
January 2, 1880

The Congregational Church of this city is badly in need of a new bell. The hideous music of the present "rattletrap" is becoming a public nuisance.

Mr. J. F. Toy, a wide-awake banker of Storm Lake, has a telephone line in operation between Storm Lake and Alta, a distance of about ten miles. He publishes a notice in the papers that people can have free use of the line until the first of January.

Cherokee Times, Dec. 25: "An Ida county doctor performed recently a most skillful operation on a girl of that place, aged 11 years. The patient was suffocating from diphtheria, when as a last resort the physician cut open the windpipe and by means of a tube, the child breathed through the operation...and the child is now said to be nearly well.

[transcribed by L.Z., July 2006]


Sheldon Mail
Sheldon, O'Brien co. Iowa
January 9, 1880


"Would Grant accept?" Would a duck swim?

Henry Hospers was on Monday reelected chairman of the Sioux County Board of Supervisors.

There are quite a number of Indians camped around Okoboji Lake. The BEACON says they spend their time fishing and begging.

The St. Paul & Sioux City railroad company have advertised that town lots will be sold at a reduced rate to those who will make improvements with a reasonable time. Application can be made to D.A.W. Perkins.

The big mill is about ready for business. The well diggers are now down about 300 feet, but the prospect of striking a good vein of water is not very flattering. (Later-as we go to press we learn that at a depth of 274
feet a splendid vein of water was struck.)

[transcribed by L.Z., June 2006]

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