Iowa Old Press

Muscatine Journal and News-Tribune
April 25, 1945

Sgt. Oakes Back In States From Italy Theater 

Columbus Junction—Mrs. Perry Oakes received a telegram that her son, Sgt. William Oakes of the Red Bull division has landed at Boston from Italy where he has been stationed. He is expected home from Jefferson Barracks, Mo., soon.  He has been with the armed forces four years, entering service April 17, 1941.

Sgt. Oakes has been overseas three and one-half years. He was first sent to Ireland. Since then he has been in Africa, Italy, and other places. He does not expect to be returned overseas.

First Lt. Bennie W. Burrows, is spending a 30-day leave with his wife, Mrs. Anita Burrows, 601 East Tenth street, and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Burrows, 710 East Tenth street, was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross on March 8, for extraordinary achievement in action.

The citation accompanying the award read as follows:
“While serving as lead bombardier in group formation on heavy bombardment missions against the enemy, Lt. Burrows led combat formations against vital enemy installations at Tour-an-en-Brie, France, and Duren and Hemmingftadt, Germany, despite heavy, accurate anti-aircraft fire on each mission. The technical skill and devotion to duty displayed by Lt. Burrows reflect great credit on himself and the armed forces of the United States.”

S/Sgt. Ray Schroeder was wounded in action in Germany on April 7, according to word received by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Schroeder of Wilton.

The nature of the wounds and in what action they were received was not disclosed in the message.

[transcribed by L.Z., Dec 2019]

Iowa Old Press
Muscatine County