Iowa Old Press

Iowa Democratic Enquirer
Muscatine, Muscatine Co. Iowa
March 3, 1849

[re: gold rush companies]

Report on General Regulations

The undersigned and others who may be hereafter associated with them, agree to observe and abide by the following Rules and Regulations, for the mutual protection and safety of their persons and property, to continue from their departure from the Missouri River to their destination in California:
1. That each Emigrant shall be furnished and equipped with such teams, provisions, arms, amunition and camp equippage as shall be required by the committe on outfit.
2. That said committee shall consist of three, viz: ___ ___ ___ Who may be removed by a majority vote of the emigrants hereby associated, whose duty it shall be to see that each emigrant is duly supplied with all such things as are necessary or their comfort, health, safety, progress; and whose duties shall continue until the termination of this expedition.
3. There shall be a Committee on Regulations, Consisting of ___ ___ ___ (subject to removal by a majority) whose duty it shall be to see that the rules are carefully observed, and to make all rules to regulate the affairs of the emigrants, as they may deem advisable, and to adjudicate all questions of dispute and to see that the rights of each emigrant are protected and enforced.
4. It shall be the duty of each emigrant to obey all decisions of the said Committee on Regulations, and in default thereof such recusant emigrant shall be expelled from the protection of this association.
5. Any emigrant who sahll be afflicted with sickness on the road, shall be taken care of by some one, to be designated by the committee on regulations, from day to day; and in case of death of any emigrant, his effects sahll be disposed of in such manner as shall be determined by the committee on regulations, and the proceeds thereof returned to his friends and relatives as speedily as possible.
6. That in case any team shall fail, or any wagon shall be broken, or any other casualty happen, not through the negligence of of the owner, it shall be the duty of each emigrant to contribute his share of labor, money or property to repair such injury.
7. If any part ownder of any team or other property pertaining to this emigration, shall after the day of departure, hereafter to be fixed and published, wilfully fail to go, aid and participate in this expedition, the remaining part owners or owner shall become the proprietors of the whole of such team or other property, to be paid for in California, or on the return of such remaining part owners or owner to Iowa; the value to be fixed by three appraisers appointed by the Committee on Regulation.
8. There shall be a Superintendant of this Association who shall see that these rules are strictly enforced, and cause all orders of the Committee on Regulations to be executed; and shall have command of the daily processions, time of departure each day, and time and place of encampment at the close of each day,subject to the orders of the Committee on Outfit.
9. Said Superintendant shall be elected by a majority; and in executing the duties of his office shall be clothed with military power, and it shall be the duty of each emigrant to obey him as such: Provided, that the orders and commands of such Superintendant may be over-ruled by the Committee on Regulations, except in cases of actual conflict with opposing adversaries not members of this Association.
10. Said Superintendant may be removed by a majority of this Association.
11. No spirituous liquors to be carried by any emigratn, except for medical purposes.
12. The Association shall observe the Sabbath day, if practicable and shall not travel on that day, unless absolutely necessary.
13. The Committee on Regulations shall have power to impose fines and penalties for a violation of these rules.
14. The Superintendant may appeal from the decision of either of the Committees over-ruling his orders, to the decision of the Association, when duly assembled.

Report on Outfit.
Each two or three persons joining said company shall be provided with a good well built wagon, capable of bearing such load as its owners may see fit to put in; but not to exceed, in any case over 3,000 pounds; with such covers as will turn rain. To have an extra king-bolt, and two extra linch pins, and two gallons of tar. For the team they shall have at least one yoke of oxen to every 700 lbs. but not less than three yokes to any wagon; ages from 5 to 6 years.
For tent, Osnaburg of sufficient size to accommodate three persons.

Each wagon should be supplied with tools for repairs, such as an axe, auger, saw, drawing-knife, two gimblets and a hatchet.

Arms and Amunition- Each man shall be provided with a good substantial rifle or shot-gun, to carry not more that fifty balls, to the pound of lead, a good bowie or butcher-knife, 2 lbs of powder, 18 lbs. of lead and 1,000 percussion caps.

Provisions- Each man shall have 150 lbs of flour, 70 lbs of hard bread, 30 lbs beans, 150 lbs bacon, 20 lbs dried beef, 10 lbs lard, 5 lbs sugar, 1 lb tea, 30 lbs salt and 10 lbs soap.

Cooking Utensils- For each mess a camp kettle, a frying-pan and bread pan.

Cordage- Each man shall have at least 20 feet of good 3-4 rope, Tackle, chains, yokes, bows, etc., of good quality.

Bedding- Two Blankets, or their equivalent, per man.

[transcribed by C.J.L., August 2003]

Iowa Old Press
Muscatine County