Iowa Old Press

Red Oak, Montgomery co. Iowa
Friday, June 1, 1917

Commencement Exercises Were Held at Beardsley Theater Yesterday (Thursday) Evening
Last Class To Graduate From Old High School Building

Joseph V. Axelson
Fay R. Foster
Eva A. Meyer
Mary Isabella Brown
Ruth Martelle Harris
Helen Hall Jackson
Mae E. Lund
Gladys Esther Morgan
Ervilla Pearl McKenzie
Neva E. Replogie
Edward Smith
Mary Frances Schadel
Ivan J. F. Wieland

Marion R. Campbell
A. Richard Clements
Paul E. Culver
Paul Denlinger
Glendon L. Danbom
Grant C. Falk
Grace Leola Hewitt
Floyd L. Falk
Maurice M. Foote
Max Kerrihard
Kitty E. Karnes
C. Velney Nelson
Paul R. Olson
L. Manoff Planteen
Laura Josephine Beeson
Llyod Welch Pogue
O. Smith Reily
Russell W. Shields
Ray W. Lary
Virgil D. Woods

Arthur Ahlstrand
Earl O. Butler
George C. Crawford
G. Harl Hawkins
Russell L. Hull
Francis H. Peterson
Russell W. Perkins
C. Russell Peterson

Doris L. Allen
Mary Isabelle Brown
Margaret L. Burdick
Clint Cozad
Lelia A. Gilmore
Ellen S. Honett
Leah C. Jackson
Veda V. Kampe
Mayme M. Lamb
S. Maxine McClure
Elfie Eleanor Nelson
Zella Marie Rice
Margaret Rhodes
Adina A. Vidstedt
Vera M. Walden
Ruth G. Wyckoff
Martha M. Wyckoff
Ruby Mae Zaelke

The class of 1917, which will, no doubt be the last class to graduate from the old high school building, will become members of the Alumni association tonight, all the other events of commencement week having been held previously.

The first of the graduating class events was the Junior-Senior reception held some time ago. The came the annual sermon to the class, which was delivered Sunday evening, May 27, in the Methodist church by Rev. F. N. Willis, D. D. Wednesday evening, May 30, was class night, and the play, "The Fortune Hunter," was rendered at the Beadsley theater. Following is the cast of characters of the play: Nathaniel Duncan, "Nat," The Fortune Hunter, Welch Pogue; Henry Kellogg "Harry," a rising young financier, [article cut off]
[top of next column]
...a servant in the Wythering house hold, a dark-town cavalier, Paul Olson; Foreman of the Workmen, Floyd Falk; Third Workman, Russell Perkins; Irma Garden, a maker of ties, Effie Peterson; Gwendy, the girl from home, Ruby Zaelke; Joanne Wythering, a niece of Pendleton Wythering, Helen Jackson; Myndalia Wythering, a maiden sister of Pendleton Wythering, Veda Kampe; Tinsel Danby, possessed of an unholy interest in her neighbor's affairs, Laura Beeson; Vain Brewster, her echo, Vera Waldron; Cindy, a maid also of chocolate complexion, Margaret Rhodes. The second play given last night was "The Gentle Jury," and the cast of
characters was as follows: Cyrus Hockett, sheriff, Manoff Planteen; [article cut off here]

[transcribed by B.R, November 2005]

Iowa Old Press
Montgomery County