Iowa Old Press

Red Oak, Montgomery co. Iowa
Friday, May 1, 1914

Red Oak Ladies Won in Clarinda Contest -- Two Basball Games -- Busy with Class Play

Students in the high school continue to keep busy with declamatory contests, base ball games, other athletics and preparations for the commencement week events. Dates have been fixed for the events of commencement week as follows: -- Annual sermon to graduating class by Rev. F. N. Willis, D.D., in the M.E. church on Sunday evening, May 24; Class play, “The Rivals,” at the Beardsley theater on May; 27; - commencement exercises at the Beardsley theater May 28. Several of the more noteworthy events which have taken place in high school circles the past week are given below in this column.

Won at Clarinda

Red Oak won one first and one second in the declamatory contest held at Clarinda Friday night, in which contestants from Clarinda, Shenandoah and Red Oak competed. Miss Laura Gonick won first in the oratorical class and Miss Carol Willis was second in the humorous class. The contest was one of a series of various sorts which are held each year by the three schools.  Miss Gonick’s selection was “Toussant l’Ouverture,” and Miss Willis’ “Abbie’s Account.”

Cast of the Play

 Members of the graduating class are working on the class play, “The Rivals,” and will be prepared for the performance by the date set. The cast of characters is as follows: Sir Anthony Absolute, Thos. Murphy; Capt. Absolute, Allison Collard; Fauckland, Leland Replogle; Sir Lucious O’Trigger, Ralph Willis; Fag, Arthur Brown: David, Jacob Focht; Boy, Albert Axelson; Thomas (coachman) Gordon Anderson; Mrs. Malaprop, Helen Goodrich; Lydia Longuish, Carol Willis; Julia, Margaret Telfer; Lucy, Grace Larson.

Two Baseball Games

The local boys played two ball games the latter part of last week, one here Friday with Oakland, which they won by a score of 6 to 1, and one Saturday in Shenandoah, when they defeated the boys of that city’s high school by a score of 2 to 1. The crowd here was not large, but the game was a good one. Olson, who pitched for Red Oak, allowed but three hits, while the home boys got to the Oakland pitcher for nine safe ones. Olson also had 12 strike-outs to his credit. The score by innings was as follows
Red Oak – 20100102=6
Oakland – 000100000=1

[transcribed by C.D., November 2004]

Iowa Old Press
Montgomery County