Iowa Old Press

The Red Oak Sun
Red Oak, Montgomery co., Iowa
Friday, January 21, 1910
Boll & Clark Publishers.

Death of John Ashmore, Citizen of Villisca Since 1874.
VILLISCA, Jan. 18 - John Ashmore, who-for 35 years had been a resident of Villisca, died at his home here Tuesday, Jan. 11, after illness of one day from heart trouble. He was born in Scioto county, O., March 11, 1846, served in the 11th Ohio cavalry through nearly three years of the civil war and at its close moved to Galesburg, Ill., where he was married Sept. 23, 1868, to Miss Zelpha Beard. In 1873 they came to Iowa, and in 1874 to Villisca. He was a member of the M. E. church and of the G. A. R. post. The funeral services were held in the M. E. church Thursday morning, Jan 13, conducted by Rev. Enoch Hill, and internment was in the Villisca cemetery. Mr. Ashmore is survived by Mrs. Ashmore and seven children, Mrs. Hattie Morley of Clarinda, Charles Ashmore of Blanchard, Mrs. Lydia Lassell of Des Moines, Mrs. Lulu Saunders of Burlington
Junction, Mo., Mrs. Eva Ulrich of Bedford, Mrs. Venus Nance and Lester Ashmore of Villisca.

STEPHEN B. SEELEY, who died at his home here Jan. 11, after short illness, was in his 78th year. He was born in Pottsdam, N.Y., May 29, 1832, moved to Pitkin, Ill., when a young man and was married there to Miss Agnes Powers Oct. 1, 1854. They moved to College Springs, Iowa in 1884 and from there to Villisca in 1905.
He is survived by Mrs. Seeley and three children, Lucius Seeley of Lyons, Ka., George and Miss Fannie Seeley of Villisca. Funeral services by Rev. Enoch Hill were held in the M. E. church Thursday, Jan. 13, and interment was in the Villisca cemetery.
T. F. Norton, of Villisca, who for several years has been a traveling salesman for the McCord-Harlow Shoe Co., of St. Joseph, Mo., has become a stockholder and assistant secretary and general salesman of the McCord-Donovan Shoe Co., which is a consolidation of the former company and the McCord Rubber Co. Mr. Norton will continue to reside here.
Frank Selley and Omer Garrison have exchanged rural mail routes, the former now having route No. 2 and the latter route No. 3.
J. C. Powers and son, Guy, and John Moore are here for a visit of a week in the home of Mr. Powers' mother, Mrs. N. C. Powers.
Thomas Day recently underwent a surgical operation for removal of his appendix in a hospital in Clarinda. He is recovering.
F. E. Evans has purchased the J. G. Sams residence property on Fifth ave. He will move to the place about March.
O. H. Christopher, from Council Bluffs, is spending two weeks in the home of his sister, Mrs. W. F. Brenton.
Mrs. H. H. Ash, here from Absarokee, Mont., on a visit departed a few days ago for a visit in Oskaloosa.
Mrs. James Carmichael was in Bedford one day last week; going there to attend the funeral of a cousin.
Mrs. John Doon arrived from Vinton a few days ago for a visit in the home of her uncle, W. A. Alcorn.
Rev. W. J. Watson, of the Baptist church has been laid up for several days with lumbago.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Stearns and one to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Warne lately.
Miss Mary McCoy entertained about 30 young lady friends at a "doll party" one evening lately.
Miss Olive Squires has returned from a visit of two weeks with her parents at Wabash, Neb,
G. C. Beals has returned to Chicago after a visit of three weeks whit his family here.
Mrs. George Marsh has given up her employment in the Weber store.
The question of building an armory for Co. B is being discussed.
Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Hoskins have moved to Charlton.
Plenty of old newspapers at the Sun office at 10 cents per 100.

[transcribed by C.D., July 2005]

Iowa Old Press
Montgomery County