Iowa Old Press

The Red Oak Express
Red Oak, Montgomery Co. Iowa
May 1904

The memorial day services in Red Oak on May 30 will be held in the forenoon at the Armory commencing at 9:30 o'clock. The G. A. R. post and the Women's Relief corps will meet at the Odd Fellows hall at 9 o'clock and march to the Armory Besides the principal address, which will be given by Judge Smith the McPherson, the program will include: Prayer, Rev. Silas Cooke, chaplain; song, "New Hail Columbis," chorus under direction of Miss Mayme Frank; Lincoln's Gettysburg address, C. C. Platter; song by chorus, "O, Stern Old Laud"; "America" by the chorus and audience. Following the services at the Armory the organizations assembled will form a procession to the cemetery where the ritual memorial services will be given. Earlier in the day the soldiers graves will have been decorated by 15 young ladies of the city schools, divided into squads of five and under the supervision of old soldiers. All business men are requested to close their places of business from 9 until 12 and all old soldiers, Co. M and civic organizations are requested to participate in the exercise.

L. J. Sandell, who moved to Coffey county, Kas, some time ago, has been seriously ill for several weeks, but is now recovering. His daughter, Mrs. E. D. Holly, of Elliott, who went there lately to visit him, returned Wednesday with Mr. Holly who went there a few days ago. Mr. Holly brought back the news that oil had been struck Tuesday on Mr. Sandell's farm at a depth of 960 feet. The drill had penetrated the oil-bearing sand to a depth of 40 feet. How much deeper the oil strata will prove is not known, but in most places in the locality it ranges from 20 to 30 feet. It is thought Mr. Sandell will have the best oil well in that section.

The business lot at the southeast corner of the public square known as the Nazarenus corner has been bought by Mrs. Aroella Reifel from J. O. Pleak, of Mills county, living near Henderson, who bought it from A. B. Shriver, of Winterset, several months ago. The consideration named in the deed is $6000.00. Mrs. Reifel purposes building on the lot this summer, erecting a brick business building extending to the alley. It will be either a two story or a three story building, with handsome front.

The 23rd class from the Red Oak high school, 32 in number, will graduate next week. The class day exercises will be held in the Armory on Tuesday evening, May 31. The graduating exercises will be in two parts. Part 1 will be at the high school Wednesday afternoon, June 1, beginning at 2:30 o'clock. Part 2 will be at the Armory Wednesday evening. A feature of the latter will be an address to the class by Prof. Wm. C. Wilcox, of the University of Iowa, on "America, an Opportunity." Admission to the class night and graduation exercises will be by ticket. Tickets will be on sale at Platt's store after 10 o'clock Saturday morning, at 25 cents for one as for all.

[transcribed by C.D., Sept. 2004]

Iowa Old Press
Montgomery County