Iowa Old Press

Red Oak Sun
Red Oak, Montgomery Co., Iowa
April 11, 1902

Reports of the Clerk and Treasurer Presented at the Council Meeting
The city's fiscal year closed last Monday with the regular April meeting of the council. The old council met at the usual hour with a full attendance. The clerk's monthly report for March showed collections aggregating $871.75 of which $125.35 went into the general fund, $646.40 into the waterworks fund, $90 into the cemetery fund and $10 into the sewer fund. Claims amounting in all to $1236.18 were ordered paid. The sums coming from various funds were: General fund $937.49, waterworks $219.19, fire department $53.50, cemetery $6. The following is a list of the BILLS ALLOWED.
S. S. Davis' salary, street com'r & marshall $60.00
M. E. Moulton, city clerk and expenses $28.96
Chas Damuth, night watch $40.00
C. A. Hough, trea'r, salary $50.00
L. A. Thomas, salary $26.00
Todd Griffith, salary $125.00
L. Fikes, salary $9.00
Geo. Brown, salary $17.50
P. F. Clark, salary $14.00
John O'Rouke, salary $14.00
Henry Peterson, salary $15.00
C. H. Wilson, salary $18.50
J. T. Lockley, ledge of election $8.50
Joel Carey, same $3.25
A. W. Harding, same $3.25
Jas Allen, same $3.25
N. O. Larson, same $3.25

Tables summerizing the local report are given herewith. The clerk's report shows that he collected $1134.51, which exceeds the collections of last year $624.56. Licenses brought in $733.10, fees $227.60, moving permits $75, and water,---- collections wer $3440.10, which is $744.15 in arears of the water rents colled during the previous year. His report shows the net floating indebtedness of the city to be $47,822 and the bonded debt $60,000. The report of Jas Raftery, fire chief, showed that there had been 18 alarms of fire during the year, but water was used at only eight of them. The fire losses are given at %10,411, while the insurance on property affected was $7986. Following is a detailed statement showing particulars of the 18 alarms turned in:
May 2, Hand car house ......
May 21, Kerrihard foudry .....$1750
June 6, Call to aid of Villisca ......
June 30, Lane implement Co. warehouse ......$500
Aug. 18, L. B. Pike barn ......$125
Sept. 6, Pulley & Phippen laundry ......
Nov. 10, J. W. Sautbin building ......$150
Dec. 11, Griffith Bros'feed store
S. S.Davis feed store, Hillikeg's blacksmith
shop, J. T. Hobson's barn, C. M. Kelly's
building, Hotel Johnson ice house, barn and
sample room .....$3500
Dec. 15, Mrs. S. E. Hoer's residence .....$750
Dec . 16, A. W. Watson's residence .....
Jan. 6, Webster school building .....
Jan. 19, E. E. Powell's residence .....
Feb. 7, L. Plummer's babrer shop .....$235
March 15, Shank & Ellett's drug store .....$21
March 29, Geo. Chapman's barn .....$10
April 5, H. R. Christy's store ...

Death of C. A. TenEcke, of Villisca in a Hospital, from Pneumonia
Villisca, April 9 -- C. A. Ten Eyck, for 15 years a respected resident of Villisca, died, in the Presbyterian hospital in Chicago last Friday morning from pneumonia after illness of about a week. He went to Chicago about three weeks ago to have a surgical operation performed, went through with it and so far recovered as to be about ready to leave the hospital when he was taken sick with pneumonia. He was in his 55th year. He was born near Toronto, Canada, Nov. 26, 1847, removed to Wisconsin with his parents when he was quite young, came to Iowa in 1875 and to Villisca in 1887. He was married to Miss Melissia Henry Sept. 12, 1879. Mrs. TenEyck and six children survivie him. The funeral services were held at the home on Sunday morning and were conducted by Rev. Wm. Dudley, of the M. E. church. The remains were taken to Carl, Adams county, for burial by the side of the graves of Mr. Ten Eyck's parents.

[transcribed by C.D., December 2010]

Iowa Old Press
Montgomery County