Iowa Old Press

The Villisca Review
Villisca, Montgomery co. Iowa
Thursday, June 9, 1898

Real Estate:
E. A. Scholz to L. F. Holbrook lots 280, 281, 282 and w20 ft. n1/2 288 and 289 et al Villisca ..$20000.00
F. M. Heberlee to F. M. Byrkit etal lots 1 and 5 blk 2 R.R. add Red Oak ..$1000.00
F. M. Byrkit et al to C. W. Heberelee lots 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33 Fairview and Red Oak ..$700.00
F. W. Maker to C. W. Simmons sw se 16 73 37 ..$1800.00
S. E. Price to J. C. Pettit lot 10 blk 11 Red Oak ..$1000.00
C. A. Niemeyer to Titus Bennett w1/2 lot 4 blk 33 Red Oak ..$1200.00
M. G. Mott to C. J. Hexkman lot 195 Hawthorne ..$30.00
C. A. Davis to M. W. Davis lot 3 Davis add., Villisca ..$1200.00
Anna C. Sandell to Chas Sandell se 1 71 38 .. X
E. L. Ware B.B. Clark lot 3 ne ne 4 72 38 .. $200.00
C. F. Hockett to J. S. Crooks lot 29 Land's add., Red Oak ..$900.00

We find ourselves overstocked on summer footwear. We believe it a good plan to GIVE YOU the full benefit of any concessions we have to offer at this time. It is best appreciated when most needed. We therefore inaugurate on FRIDAY MORNING June 17, a large clearing sale of footwear. Come in and select the shoes you like, the prices of which are plainly marked on the box, deduct 25 PER CENT from the marked price and pay me the balance. This is the kind of a clearing sale we are going to have. WEST SIDE SQUARE E.Y. RICE.

Word was received Monday by C.C. Tomlinson, giving an account of his brother's death at Battle Ground, Indiana, which occurred June 8th. Joseph Tomlinson was well known in this vicinity, having lived on the home farm southeast of town since coming here in 1857, excepting nearly four years, until about four years ago, when he went to Indiana to reside. He was in business nearly three years at New Market and one year at Soldrege, Nebraska. He leaves a wife and one child, a daughter aged about 15. He was born in Highland county, Ohio, in 1832. Of late years he has been afflicted with Brights disease and his system was so undermined that his final sickness was very brief. He was highly regarded in this community and in his home neighborhood and will be remembered for his cheerfulness and good nature and his friendly ways. He was a good citizen a kind neighbor.

BRIEDWELL - At his home near Van Horn's Mills, Monday June 6th, 1898. Abram Briedwell, aged 66yrs., 1 mo. And 27 days. Mr. Briedwell was born in Lawrence Co., Indiana, April 11th, 1832 but came to this county in an early day. He was married Feb. 18th, 1855 to Mary J. Smith. He left a wife and five children to mourn his loss. Funeral was held at the house. Sermon by writer. Text, 2 Samuel 14-14 interment was made in Arlington cemetery where Arlington cemetery where a large crowd of people followed him to his last resting places. He sleeps awaiting the call of his Master at the last day. There was a smile on his faces as in life which made us think of the days when he sat and listened to the word of God as we discoursed at the Old S. H. His name was recorded as a member of A. C. church at Hazel Grove S. H. He sleeps but not forever. We shall meet him in the morning, and friends let us live so as when Jesus calls and awakens the dead, we shall be with the blessed.

CARD OF THANKS: -- We desire to express our heartfelt thanks to our neighbors and friends who so kindly assisted us in our sad bereavement. May God bless all, and when death visits your homes and takes from you a dear husband and father may he be cared for as tenderly as was ours.

[transcribed by C.D., January 2005]

Iowa Old Press
Montgomery County