Iowa Old Press
People's Telephone
Red Oak, Montgomery Co., Iowa
April 11, 1883
D. B. Miller is again doing business in Red Oak and has lost all
faith in the doctrine that young men should go west if they
desire riches, and the real comforts of life. We gladly welcome
him back.
Z. T. Fisher, Jr. is to be J. M. Bartholomew's business partner
at Sioux Falls. Mr. Fisher is thoroughly posted in business
matters, and will make a useful citizen wherever he locates. We
wish him unlimited success.
Work Given Out. On receipt of your address we will make an offer
by which you can earn $3 to $7 evenings, at your home. Men,
women, boys or girls can do it. H. C. Wilkenson & Co., 195
and 197 Fulton street, New York.
No sooner has the milk war ended in the east than a telephone war
looms up in the west. R. Wadsworth, Superintendent of the
telephone exchange, is battling with our city dads. Both parties
are appealing for succor to the same god of war.
Sperry made the injunction stick as against the Review and Call.
-- Record.
Stand from under, Johnnie, the day of just retribution has begun
to dawn. The figures on your yard stick may be considerably
changed when honest counts can be obtained.
DIED.-- In this city, April 4, 1883,Prof. John F. Devereaux aged
50 years. Professor Devereaux came to this city some four years
ago, and opened a school for the purpose of instructing young men
in the art of book-keeping and the science of language. As a
linguist he had but few superiors in the west, and had he lived
to carry out his designs, his merits as a scientist would have
been more generally appreciated at home and abroad. His worst
enemy was himself, too often neglecting the necessary observance
of the immutable laws of health. The professor made but few
acquaintances in our city, consequently his value to many young
men, anxious to acquire a knowledge of the classics is entirely
unknown. A few lovers of literary pursuits in Red Oak feel his
loss, but the average citizen does not realize that at a period
of life when men become most useful, Professor Devereaux was
stricken down.
The Express in speaking of our effort to prevent the
county board from making illegal use of the people's money, says:
"The object of the Doctor in bringing the injunction, was to
determine whether that amount should be paid to each of two
papers or to both together. It is supposed that if his paper had
been so selected he would have had no doubts on the subject...
The Ludlow Shoe is handsome, good-wearing, and reliable. Sold
only by ROBERTS & SON. A large stock of MEN'S FINE SHOES-now
in stock-call and see them.
Roberts & Son.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That by virtue of a special execution,
directed to me from the Clerk of the District Court of Montgomery
County, on a judgment obtained in said Court, on the Third day of
April, 1883, in favor of R. M. Roberts as defendant, for the sum
of Thirteen hundred and Fifty-Six Dollars and Fifty cents, and
costs taxed at $13.35 and accruing costs, I have levied on the
following real estate taken as the property of the said defendant
to satisfy said execution, to-wit: The northwest quarter of the
quarter of section No. sixteen, (16), in township No.
seventy-two, (72) north of range No. thirty-seven, (37), west 5th
principal meridian. And will offer for sale to the highest bidder
for cash in hand, on the 3d day of May, A. D. 1883, in front of
the Court House door, in Red Oak Junction, Montgomery county,
Iowa, at the hour of one o'clock, p. m., of said day, when and
where due attendance will be given by the undersigned.
Sheriff of said County
[transcribed by C.D., December 2004]