Iowa Old Press

The People's Telephone
Red Oak, Montgomery Co., Iowa
Friday, 2 January 1880

~ We had the pleasure of "shake" with one of Red Oak's former citizens, Mr. Frank Gleason, now of Audubon, who paid Red Oak a visit last week.

~ The board of supervisors of Montgomery county depreciated and dwindled into a trio of mere partisan schemers, when Samuel Ewing retired from office.

~ A. A. Clapp at Ashby's old stand on Coolbaugh street, keeps fresh meats at lowest prices. Also staple and fancy groceries in good supply at lowest living rates.

~ Young Frank Franklin had his foot broken by the runaway of a team the other day. Dr. E. O. Baxter repaired the broken member and the patient is doing finely.

~ Mills & Anunons are closing out their stock of groceries, with a view of changing location. They are making great reduction in the prices of goods, many of which are being sold at cost.

~ MARRIED. - On Sunday evening the 18th inst., by C. M. Mills Esq., at the residence of the brides father, A. C. Buffington, Mr. Isaac T. Cook and Miss Dora Bell Buffington, all of this county.

~Celeste, the wonderful Australian girl pianist, assisted by the talented vocalist, Alice L. Clark, will give an evening's entertainment in this city, Jan. 29th , for the benefit of Red Oak Library Association.

~DONATION - On Friday afternoon and evening, Jan. 30th, there will be a donation party for the benefit of the pastor of the M. E. church on the Red Oak circuit, at the residence of Chas. Dekay, in Grant township. All are cordially invited to attend.

~ The renowned Vocal Concert Troupe, the Huchison family, of "the tribes of John and Jesse" are coming, and will favor this place with two concerts, at Brysons Hall, Monday and Tuesday evenings, Jan 26th and
27th, inst. The troupe is too well known to need further recommendation. We predict for them a full house.

~ Some rascally scoundrels burglarized L. D. Hornady's house last Wednesday night and went through things generally. Mr. and Mrs. Hornady are visiting in Ohio, and left their house unoccupied. We hear that considerable damage was done to furniture, but to what extent the villains were successful in obtaining booty, we are not apprized.

~ Saturday was a lovely day, balmy for May. Red Oak was alive with people. Thousands thronged the streets and business was rushing. The city needs more hitching room for teams; hundreds have to stop in the streets or vacant lots, in the alleys and by ways.

~ We gleaned from the dispatches of the 19th inst. The republicans in possession of the State House, and refuse admittance to the Fusionisis, The Fusion Legislature have secured Union Hall where they will hold regular sessions of the Legislature. The State officers have secured rooms in the same building. There are two legislatures, two Governors, and two sets of State officers. All is peaceable, but threats are frequent. Probably congressional interference will be required to settle the dispute.

~ A team belonging to a Mr. Franklin coming in with a load of corn on last Tuesday, took fright just east of Kerrihard's mill, and ran away, colliding with another wagon and break in both into fragments. A young Mr. Franklin who was driving, was seriously hurt, his foot and lower being badly mangled.

~ DIED. - At 8:35 o'clock, Tuesday eve, the 20th inst., Mr. Thomas E. Dennis, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Dennis, of this city, aged 19 years, 6 months and 1 day. Funeral services will be held at the family residence of his parents, Thursday, the 22nd inst., at 11 o'clock A. M.

~ Among those who have favored us with a call at our sancturn since our last issue. We note: J. Clawson, Erial Stevens, W. A. McGreer, A. W. Harding, D. Finly, D. Lautis, M. C. Talbot, Judge Cannon, Dr. E. O. Baxter, Hon. Geo. T. Ashby, Geo. K. Powers, W. L. Caldwell.

~ Representative Fisher and young son, Belden, returned from Des Moines on Friday evening. We are glad to learn that Master Beldon has been elected a messenger for the house of Representatives during the present session of the legislature.

~ Miss Emma Bishop gave a leap year party at her home last Friday eve. The girls escorted the boys, and they had a general good time. Refreshments were served in magnificent style. Let us from another.

~ We hear that our enterprising merchants, Dan. Gunn and C. H. Stockwell, have leased the large brick room of C. DeRoberts, north side, and will enlarge their business accordingly. Success to them.

~ Mainburg and Gassner's delivery team ran away last Friday, and done considerable damage to their wagon and also to Mr. Graham's fence tearing away three or four panels. No further damage.

~ REMOVAL. - The 99 cent store has been moved two doors east of the old stand. In the room formerly occupied by N. W. Cook & Son next door to H. Roberts & Son.
C. H. Stockwell

[transcribed by C.D., November 2004]

Iowa Old Press
Montgomery County