Iowa Old Press

Melrose Bell
Melrose, Monroe co. Iowa
January 4, 1923

Fitzgerald - Murray
A pretty wedding of the new year took place Tuesday when Miss Regina Fitzgerald and Mr. Edmund J. Murray were united in Marriage at st. Patrick's church at 7 o'clock. Rev. Father McCormick officiating and celebrating the nuptial mass. The bridal couple entered the church unattended. Miss Marie Murray, sister
of the groom, and William Fitzgerald, brother of the bride, were witnesses to the ceremony. Following the services at the church a wedding dinner was served at the home of the brides mother, Mrs. Mary Fitzgerald, to which the immediate relatives attended.

Mrs. Murray is the daughter of Mrs. Mary Fitzgerald, was born and grew to womanhood in this community, a young lady of may accomplishments and a great favorite among a wide circle of young friends. She is a graduate in music from St. Joseph's Academy, Des Moines, and has been employed for some time
in giving music instructions with good success. The groom is the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Murray, a young man of good education. He was with the marines in the world war. The happy young couple left on No.4 Tuesday evening for Minneapolis where the groom has employment with the civil service in the post office department. The best wishes of their many friends are extended to them for their future happiness and prosperity.

[transcribed by T.W., October 2005]

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