Iowa Old Press

The Ute Independent
Ute, Monona County, Iowa
October 9, 1936

Local History-The Past Week

Mr. and Mrs. Hanly Burton of Roundup, Montana, were visitors at the Jesse Reed home a week ago Friday. They were enroute to Chicago where Mr. Burton is taking a medical course. Mrs. Burton will be better remembered as Martha Stocker, the daughter of Dr. Stocker, a former Ute dentist.

A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon D. Crary of 3308 Garretson avenue, Sioux City, at the Methodist hospital in Sioux City on October 4. Gordon is a son of Mr. and Mrs. S.D. Crary, former resident of Ute.

Mrs. Elmer Page of Gary, Indiana, and Mrs. Joe Gaynor of Clarion, Iowa have been called here by a serious illness of their mother, Mrs. Holthaus. She is at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ed T. Hartigan, South of town.

Members of the Rebekah lodge were entertained at a party at the Willis Churchill home Friday night. Losers of a recent contest held by the lodge members were to entertain the winners.

Tuesday afternoon fifteen ladies gathered at the home of Mrs. Sam Campbell to help her celebrate her seventieth birthday. Lunch was served and a genuine social good time resulted.

Mrs. Walton Cunningham and two daughters, who had been here for several months, departed Sunday morning for Roundup, Montana, where Mr. Cunningham is employed.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Allen of Roundup, Montana, are visiting here at the home of Mrs. Allen’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E. Riddle, and with other relatives and friends in this vicinity.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Bensley were here from Council Bluffs, Monday, visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Collister. Mrs. Bensley and Mrs. Collister are sisters.

Miss Hazel Sankey, who is employed at a beauty shop at Winnebago, Nebraska, spent the week end here at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T.A. Sankey

Don Wilkins arrived here last Thursday from Knightsen, California, for a visit with his father, A.K. Wilkins, and other relatives and friends in Ute and vicinity.

Walter Wimer, from the Naval Training Station in San Diego, California is here on a 30-day furlough, visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wimer.

Mrs. Jay Holloway and baby departed Friday night to make their home in Muskegon, Michigan, Mr. Holloway having secured employment there.

Warren Churchill came home Friday night from the CCC camp at Clarinda, Iowa, to spend several days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Churchill.

Mr. and Mrs. Pete Sankey and children were visitors in Omaha Saturday and Sunday. Miss Leone Sankey came home with them to spend the week.

Miss Ida Klaus, nurse, who is employed at the Denison hospital, has been visiting here at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Klaus.

O.W. Jones and Son report a very successful sale of Hampshire’s at their annual fall sale on Monday. The attendance was large. Seven more Hampshire’s than advertised were sold, and for the 57 head the average price was $38.75.

Rev. J.A. Kane returned last week from about a month’s vacation spent with his parents in Connecticut. His parents accompanied him home.

Mrs. Howard Bramson entertained at her home last Friday afternoon at a shower for Mrs. Harlow Henry, a bride of September 28.

Mrs. Ridley and two daughters, Lois and Charlotte, of Mapleton, were supper guests Sunday evening at the Wm. Wimer home.

Mr. and Mrs. Chris Steen and Helen and Archie were Soldier visitors Saturday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Steen’s mother.

Mrs. J.M. Simmons returned home Sunday from Battle Creek where she had visited a few days at the home of her son, Earl.

Mrs. Alice Herrington departed on Tuesday morning for Minneapolis, Minnesota, to visit at the home of her sister.

Miss Marie Carlson was honored at a miscellaneous shower at the Wm. Shannon home Thursday night last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Englebert Steele from Idaho, have been visiting here at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Steele.

Tom Gaylor and his aunts, Misses Elizabeth and Mamie Higgins, visited Sunday at the Patsy DeVine home at Anthon.

Henry Harm, who is attending Iowa State Collage at Ames, spent the week end with his mother, Mrs. Etta Harm.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wimer and little granddaughter were Sunday dinner guest at the Leonard Wimer home.

The Verne Marten family moved last week to the Jay Perry residence in the north part of town.

Alvina Chedister of Mapleton, formerly of Ute, is a patient at St. Joseph hospital, Sioux City.

Mrs. Lizzie Loyd is visiting at the home of her son, George, at Council Bluffs. Iowa

Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Harris were Sunday visitors at the Chris Steen home.

Mr. and Mrs. Chris Steen were Onawa callers Monday afternoon.

Mrs. Fred Mordhorst is seriously ill at the home of her son, John


Dewey Cummins, son of Mr. and Mrs. D.B. Cummins of Ute, was married Saturday, September 26, to Miss Dorothy Colgan of Cedar Rapids. The ceremony took place at the Immaculate Conception church at Cedar Rapids. Mrs. Cummins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Colgan, is a graduate of the Immaculate Conception high school. Mr. Cummins is a graduate of the Ute high school and the school of journalism at the University of Iowa. He is employed in the composing room of the Cedar Rapids Gazette.

A beautiful wedding ceremony was performed at the St. Rose of Lima Catholic church at Denison by Rev. Father Casey, October 1, uniting in marriage Miss Margaret Miller, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis F. Miller, at Ute, and William P. Fineran, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Fineran of Denison, Iowa. The bridesmaid was Miss Betty Miller, sister of the bride, and Leo Fineran, brother of the bridegroom, was best man.
The bride wore a gown of wine colored velvet and she carried a bouquet of talisman roses. The bridesmaid wore a dress of green crepe and her bouquet was also of talisman roses. At 10 o’clock breakfast was served for the wedding party and members of the immediate families at the home of Mrs. Francis Smith, a sister of the bride. The couple then left for Sioux City for a visit with Mr. Fineran’s sister, Mr. and Mrs. Fineran will leave for Oregon in a short time. A miscellaneous shower was given Sunday evening, September 27, for the bride at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Miller, south of Ute. She received many nice and useful presents.

Rev. Lane Transferred To the Pierson Church
The list of appointments of pastors made at the Northwest Iowa Methodist Episcopal conference at Fort Dodge contains the information that Rev. W.F. Lane, who has been pastor of the Ute and Charter Oak churches for several years has been transferred to Pierson, Iowa. The new pastor for Ute and Charter Oak is L.A. Hunsley.
Former Ute pastors and their appointments are: C.R. Yeager, Renwick-Hardy: E.J. Plummer, Hartley-Everly; G.E. Scheider, Ireton.

M.E. Church Notes
Rev. L.A. Hunsley, Pastor
Church Service at 11:15 a.m.
The Methodist Conference, held at Fort Dodge last week, assigned a new pastor to the charge of which the Ute Methodist Church is a part. Rev. L.A. Hunsley comes from Rock Valley, and will be here for the service next Sunday.
Rev. Lane was appointed to the Methodist Church in Pierson.
Dorothy Widmann, little daughter of Rev. and Mrs. E.H. Widmann, is recovering satisfactorily from an operation performed last week at the Lutheran hospital at Sioux City. She will be able to come home in a few days.
Burnetta Larson, nine year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O.M. Larson, , had the misfortune to break her left arm September 28 while playing on the trapeze rod at No. 7 school.

Fried Chicken Supper
The Sunshine club will serve its annual chicken Supper in the Legion hall Saturday, October 10. The menu: fried chicken, gravy, mashed potatoes, baked beans, pickles, jelly, cake and coffee. Price : 25 cents per plate.

Items of Interest In Nearby Towns

Bryceson New Commander
Floyd Bryceson of Moorhead was elected Commander of the Monona County America Legion Organization at Blancoe Monday night. Floyd succeeds Dr. W.E. Nye of Onawa who has served in that office the past year.
Gaylor Brown, our new state commander, and Dr. Stauch of Whiting gave reports on the national convention at Cleveland that were very interesting. The Cleveland convention was the best attended of any meeting yet held by the Legion—Soldier Sentinel.

Feedlot Tour to be held October 8
The annual feedlot tour is scheduled to be held Thursday, October 8. Starting at 8:30 at the Ed Reimer and Son farm, north of Schleswig, the caravan will visit 25 farms in this vicinity. At noon a speaking program will be held at the Louie Reimer farm. Although no definite program has been arranged there will be speakers here from the Iowa State College at Ames, from Omaha, Sioux City and Chicago. All feeders, farmers and men interested in cattle feeding are invited to join the caravan. The tour will be in charge of Ed Reimer, J.A. Rohwer, and County Agent Paul Johnson. More than 85 car loads of cattle will be viewed by the visitors that day, and of these, it is probable that about 50 cars will be entered in the International at Chicago in December. Schleswig is proud of the fact that the cattle feeding industry is able to profit and benefit by learning the methods of the Schleswig area farmers- Schleswig Leader.

Work on Onawa Theatre Started
Excavation work on the new theatre building has started and R.A. Oliver, manager, announced that Julius Johnson, contractor, has received the contract for the erection of the new building.
Just as soon as the Quakenbush Company finishes the excavation at the Onawa light plant, they will begin work on the new structure.
Mr. Oliver made a trip to Omaha the first part of the week and purchased the new equipment. The theatre will be one story high, 25 feet wide, 124 feet long and will be of brick. It will be completely modern throughout, fully equipped with the latest in sound, projection, heating and cooling units, at the cost of $25,000.—Onawa Sentinel.

Lutheran Church Notes
Rev. E.H. Widmann, Pastor
St Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church will have Sunday School sessions at the usual hour next Sunday at 10 a.m. Sunday evening at 7:30 p.m. Rev. W.P. Schroeder of Charter Oak, will preach in German. The pastor will be absent, preaching twice at Fort Dodge.

[transcribed by C.S., March 2008]

The Ute Independent
Ute, Monona County, Iowa
October 16, 1936

Local History The Past Week

Mr. and Mrs. William McGraw and Mrs. McGraw’s mother, of Rock Rapids, Iowa, were visitors in Ute a short time Friday afternoon while enroute to Des Moines to spend the week end. “Billy’” as a lot of Ute people know Mr. McGraw best, was one season a catcher for the Ute Warrior baseball team, and a mighty fine gentleman as well as an A-1 ball player.

John Patrick of Castana, and Ralph Patrick from Omaha, former resident of Ute, were callers at The Independent office last Friday afternoon while visiting old friends in town. Ralph who is employed by the Union Pacific Railroad company in Omaha, had not been in Ute for ten years.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Allen, who had been visiting here for three weeks with Mrs. Allen’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Riddle, and with other relatives, departed Monday for their home at Roundup, Montana. They will visit at Sioux City, Ireton, and in the Black Hills on their way home.

A reception was held at the Christion church Tuesday night for Mr. and Mrs. Harlow Henry, who were recently married. The church people presented them a set of dishes and the boys class of the Sunday school also presented them a gift.

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Larson were called to Waterloo Wednesday night by the serious illness of their daughter, Mrs. Rosa Olson. Ed Spahn and Cylde Tracy took them as far as Marshalltown.

Editor Flack of the Onawa Sentinel was a caller at the Independent office last Friday afternoon. He was a member of the touring republican boosters from the county seat town.

Relatives were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Tracy Saturday night in honor of their 25th wedding anniversary. It was also Mrs. Tracy’s birthday anniversary.

Loyd Golden, nine year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Golden of Mapleton, and grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Reynolds of Ute, is seriously ill at the hospital at Iowa City.

Miss Ethol Robbins departed Monday morning for Los Angeles, California, after spending the week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rolla Robbins.

Mr. and Mrs. Lesley Franklin and daughter, Mary Louise, were callers at the Rolla Robbins home Sunday afternoon. Zona Robbins returned to Dunlap with them.

Mr. and Mrs. N.E. Edwards returned last Saturday from Geyersville, California, to attend to business matters. They will return to California soon.

Mrs. Ida Holloway has returned from Muskegon, Michigan, where she had been for some time, and is now at the home of Mrs. Harmon at Onawa.

Miss Anna Turpin returned home Saturday night from Onawa where she had been employed for several months at the home of Mrs. Selby.

The Ute high school baseball team won its ninth straight game Wednesday at Danbury. The team defeated Danbury by a score of 7 to 1.

Mrs. Chris Steen and Helen and Mrs. Carl Lee and Jennie were Monday afternoon visitors at the Mrs. Wm. Mordhorst home.

A very large crowd attended the Clayton Walters sale Wednesday and the sale is reported to have brought fair prices for the offerings.

Mr. and Mrs. Chris Steen and Archie were Sunday afternoon visitors at the Elmer Thompson home near Soldier.

A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Freerking at the Marie Christansen hospital Friday morning, October 9.

Ronald and Louesa Kraft, Mildred Tracy, Lucille Bramson and Edna Downing were visitors in Sioux City Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Spray Malone attended the funeral of their friend, Richard Baer, at Denison Sunday afternoon.

Mrs. G.R. Coleson of Council Bluffs, visited here this week at the home of her sister, Mrs. Clayton Walters.

Fred Brandt and son were here from Nebraska several days the past week looking after property interests.

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kirk and family of Dunlap were Sunday supper guests at the Rolla Robbins home.

Earl Berg departed the latter part of last week for California, driving a car through for another party

Mrs. Golbert Johnson of Omaha, is visiting here at the home of her mother, Mrs. Frank Davis.

Mr. and Mrs. L.S. Malone and Charlotte Robbins were Mapleton callers Tuesday evening.

Adolph and Haldor Rye were Thursday evening visitors at the Chris Steen home.

Mrs. Floyd Malone of Charter Oak spent Tuesday afternoon at the Spray Malone home.

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Anderson of Sergeant Bluffs, were visitors in Ute Sunday.

A 10 ½- pound son was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Mohr, Friday, October 9th.

Mariana Sharp is a patient at the Marie Christensen hospital.

Weekly News Letter From East of Town
Social Events and Local Happenings Among Our Eastern Neighbors,
Reported By Elsie Kiepe

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Neddermeyer, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Neddermeyer and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lintin were callers in Onawa one day last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schroeder of Charter Oak were visitors at the Wm. Bartles home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kiepe visited at the Henry Wedemann home Sunday.

A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gosch, Jr., Sunday evening.

Esther, Clara and Halene Bartels visited Sunday with Elsie, Helen and Marjorie Kiepe.

Mr. and Mrs. C.H. Claussen and son of Schleswig, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Neubaumn and son, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Meyer and daughter were dinner guests in the Erhart Gosch home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Neuman and family spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Ferdinard Schnoor.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Klaus and family and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Buschmann and family were callers at Denison Saturday.

Mrs. Holthaus Passed Away Wednesday
Mrs. Holthaus passed away Wednesday morning, October 14, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ed Hartigan, after a several week’s illness. Funeral services will be held at St. Mary’s church Friday morning at 8 o’clock. Burial will be at Ashton, Iowa. We will publish a complete obituary next week.

Observes 92nd Birthday
W.A. Crary, celebrated his 92nd birthday anniversary Monday at the home of his son, S.D. Crary, 2016 South Nicollet, Sioux City. Mr. Crary resided in Ute many years before going to Sioux City to make his home in 1922.

Had Attained the Age of 80 Years
Caroline Mordhorst Had Lived In Ute Vicinity Past Half Century
Funeral services were held at St. Paul’s Lutheran church at two o’clock Tuesday afternoon, October 13, for Mrs. Caroline Mordhorst who passed away Sunday noon, October 11, at the home of her son John in Ute. Burial was at St. Clair cemetery. Caroline Mordhorst nee Koepke was born on August 21, 1856 in Jago, Schleswig Holstein, Germany. On February 18, 1881, she entered holy matrimony with Frederick Mordhorst. God blessed this union with three children, John, Mrs. John H. Knutzen (Anna) and William Mordhorst. Mr. and Mrs. Mordhorst emigrated to this country in 1882 and settled in Clinton, Iowa, from were they moved to Charter Oak and two years later moved to a farm south of Ute. They retired to town in 1916. Mr. Mordhorst died in 1923 and Mrs. MOrdhorst lived alone until about two years ago when she went to make her home with her daughter, Mrs. Knutzen, south of town. She had been in poor health since July and been at the home of her son, John. Infirmaties attendant to old age made their presence felt more and more. About two weeks ago she became bedfast and her condition soon became critical. She departed this life Sunday noon at the age of 80 years, 1 month and 20 days. She is survived by her three children, John, Anna and William, six grandchildren and two great grandchildren. She had been a faithful member of her church and was also a member of the Ladies Aid for many years.

Onawa Business Man Mutilated By Train
Mystery Surrounds The Tragic Passing Out of John Heller
Whether John Heller had been murdered and left on the railroad tracks, or that he had deliberately placed himself there with suicidal intent, were much debatable questions after the finding of his mutilated body Tuesday afternoon about three miles south of Onawa. His car was also found parked by the roadside near the scene of the tragedy, and his revolver was found on the railroad tracks. The gun showed no evidence of having been fired recently. Mr. Heller was 55 years of age, and was an electric appliance dealer at Onawa. He was clerk of the district court from 1920 to 1928. He was also a former state agent. John Heller was well known and well liked over the entire county and all are grieved and shocked at his untimely demise. He is survived by his wife and one daughter. In earlier life John was a baseball player of keen ability. Just recently this writer visited with John in his office at Onawa and reviewed those ball games of long ago. John was catcher for the Blencoe team when it met the Ute Indians in two notable games, one of which went eighteen innings and the other fourteen.

Neighborhood News from South of Town
Local and Personal Mention About Our Southern Neighbors, Reported by Leonard Ehlers
-Ben Termuhlen of Dunlap was a business caller in this vicinity Wednesday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fester and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ehlers and family were Sunday guests at the home of Albert Marten, Jr., at Mapleton.
-About sixty relatives gathered at the Henry Dethlefs home Sunday in honor of Mrs. August Waderich’s birthday which is on October 16. The day was spent in visiting and playing games, all departing for their homes at a late hour wishing Mrs. Waderich many more happy birthdays.
-Mr. and Mrs. Bennett Hanson and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Frydenlund and family of Soldier were Sunday guests at the home of Ervin Naab.
-Mrs. C.J. Christensen and daughter, Esther, were business callers in this vicinity Wednesday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Claus Knutzen visitors at the Herbert Gibbs home last Wednesday evening.
-Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hanson and Vera visited at the Fred Ehlers home Friday evening.
-Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Fester and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Fester were Mapleton visitors Friday.
-Oscar Holt of Denver, Colorado, visited Sunday at the Floyd Mitchell and Carl Mangen homes.
-Mrs. Carl Ulven and daughter, Marla, spent several days last week at the Floyd Mitchell home.
-Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Knutzen and Ruth, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Torgerson and Leo, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Schwingdorf and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hanson and Vera, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Longlee visited at the Louis Fester home Sunday afternoon.
-Floyd Mitchell spent Sunday afternoon helping his father put up rafters on his new addition to the barn.
-Mr. and Mrs. Albert Marten and Alvera returned home on Saturday evening from Lake Park, Iowa, after several days’ visit with relatives in that
-Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fester and family were Sunday visitors at the home of Floyd Mitchell.
-Alfred Fester called at the Fred Ehlers home Monday morning.
-Mr. and Mrs. John Wellner and Roy and Darrell Borchert visited at the Fritz Thies, Jr., home Sunday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Naab and Sherman were Monday visitors at the home of Fritz Thies, Jr.
-M.O. Britton of Soldier, was a business caller in this vicinity Monday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Pithan were Sunday afternoon visitors at the home of Al Pithan.

Items of Interest In Nearby Towns - News From Around About Us You’ll Want to Read

Mapleton Man Dies Five Hours After Car Wreck
Vern L Prunty, 40 years old, operator of the South Side service station and gargage in Mapleton and a veteran of the World was, passed away in St. Joseph’s hospital in Sioux City shortly after 6 o’clock Thursday evening, about 5 hours after the car he was driving went into the ditch along Highway 35 between Mapleton and Danbury. Found 60 feet from the car by one of the Brenner boys living near where the accident happened, Prunty was rushed to Dr. Ingham’s office in Mapleton and then taken immediately in the Byers ambulance to the Sioux City hospital. Both legs and one arm were broken and he suffered internal injuries that caused his death, despite everything that medical science could do to save his life. With him at the time of the accident was Mrs. Prunty, formely Mary Gotto, who also was thrown from the car when it careened into the ditch and overturned several times. She was brought to Dr. Ingham’s office, suffering from severe shock and body cuts and bruises. She was still there Thursday evening for treatment. Mr. Prunty was repairing Supt. K.C. VanOrden’s Plymouth 4-door sedan at his garage and was in need of repairs, so he drove the VanOrden car to Danbury about 1 o’clock after them, taking Mrs. Prunty along for the ride. They were within about 3 miles of Mapleton on their return trip when either a flat tire, a defect in the car or loose gravel caused them to swerve to the right of the road into a post and then to the left side of the road and down into a deep ditch, through two fences and off into a field, according to available information. Both Mr. and Mrs. Prunty were thrown through the top of the car which apparently turned over two or three times. Mr. Prunty was at least 60 feet from the car, while Mrs. Prunty was only about half as far away. The car was wrecked and was brought to the Service garage by Don Head. Mr. VanOrden had insurance on it. Surviving are Mrs. Prunty and one daughter, about 7 years old and one brother, Bob Prunty, of Bronson, formely of Mapleton— Mapleton Press.

Long Time Danbury Resident Leaves For The West
Ed Tangeman, veteran iceman—drayman for 26 years, resident of the town of Danbury for over 50 years and a family figure on our streets, expected to leave this Wednesday for Aberdeen, Wash., to make his home with his daughter, Mrs. Gus Tronstrom. The idea of going to the home of his daughter to take things easy the balance of his days was not hard for Ed to ponder over, but what touched this fine man deeply were the thoughts that the people here, he has loved and cherished, he might never see them again. This made the going hard and he expressed it many times. It was necessity that made him make the move to the fireside of his loved ones and such moves sometimes become urgent although they cause many a heart throb and a mist to come before the eyes. So long, Ed, and may the years to come be as happy as the ones that you spent in good old Danbury— Danbury Review

North Western to Abandon Tracks Between Manning and Harland
The Chicago and North Western Railroad Company has applied to the interstate commerce commission for authority to abandon 21.4 miles of its line between Manning and Harlan, and to obtain trackage right over the parallel line of the Chicago & Great Western railroad. The line is question was laid in 1881, and runs through a corner of Crawford County, south of Aspinwall— Denison Bulletin

Catches Black Gophers
While looking after his traps Tuesday, Philip Staley was quite surprised to find a black gopher in the trap. The feet and tail were light colored and there were a few white spots on the nose, otherwise the creature was coal black. This is a very rare catch and probably one for Ripley’s “Believe It Or Not,” as we have never heard of a black gopher before— Charter Oak Times

Who’s Who
Miss Mohr graduated from the Iowa State College for Teachers in 1929, from a two year primary course. She had been teaching eight years. She taught two years in a country school, one year at Oto, and has been teaching in Ute for five years. Her favorite hobbies are reading and playing the piano. This summer she spent one week at Clinton. She attended the Legion convention and saw the Legion parade of twenty five bands. She also spent two days at the Iowa state Fair.

[transcribed by C.S., April 2008]

The Ute Independent
Ute, Monona County, Iowa
October 23, 1936

Local History The Past Week

About seventy five people attended the basket dinner at the Christian church Sunday given as a farewell for the Clayton Walters family who are leaving soon to make their home in California. Among those present from out of town were Mr. and Mrs. L.C. Palmer of Mapleton, Mr. and Mrs. G.R. Coleson of Omaha, and the Harry Walters family of Smithland.

All water taps in Ute are being equipped with mater meter and you will now pay so much per thousand gallons, which is the only fair and correct method. This will settle all arguments about usage and wastage of water. If you use it or waste it, it is your own business because you will be paying for what actually trickles through your meter.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wimer and Glenn Golden and children were in Sioux City last Sunday to see Mrs. Golden, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wimer, who has been a patient in a hospital there the last few weeks. She is improving rapidly now and will return to her home in Mapleton on Wednesday.

Miss Ida Klaus departed Monday for Mankato, Minnesota, where she will be employed at the Lutheran hospital. Miss Klaus had been employed as nurse at the Denison hospital and had been visiting here several weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Klaus.

Margaret Duxbury, county recorder, and Mrs. Claire Garvey, of Omaha, were here Monday afternoon to attend an organization meeting of St. Clair township democratic women. The meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Wm. Shanahan.

William Wayne Marshall, son of W.W. Marshall, has gone to Chillicothe, Mo. Where he enrolled Monday in the Chillicothe Business college. He is taking a course in business and secretarial training.

LOST-In front of Carl Klaus residence Thursday evening, a package containing rust colored twin sweater set, tan 2-piece dress, 2 handkerchiefs. REWARD. Finder leave at Independent office.

Mrs. Elmer Page and daughter, Ellen Sue, returned to their home at Gary, Indiana, Saturday. They had been here for several weeks during the illness of Mrs. Page’s mother, Mrs. Holthaus.

Walter Wimer from the U.S. Navy, San Diego, California, was a weekend visitor with his sister who is a patient in St. Joseph’s hospital in Sioux City, and with other relatives there.

Mrs. Amanda Sankey and Robert and Owen Simmons of Omaha spent Sunday with relatives here. Mrs. Etta Harm, who had spent last week in Omaha, returned to Ute with them.

Mr. and Mrs. J.P. Gaynor, who had been called here by the illness and death of Mrs. Gaynor’s mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Holthaus, returned to Clarion, Iowa, Saturday.

Marvin and Marie Engelke sponsored the dance held at the Legion hall Saturday night. The music was furnished by Bert Dale’s orchestra. A large crowd attended.

Miss Marvel Anderson went to Scranton Friday to visit her parents and attend the homecoming celebration at Scranton high school. She returned Monday.

There will be a reception at the Methodist church on Monday evening, October 26, at 8 o’clock, in honor of Rev. and Mrs. L.A. Hunsley.

The Methodist Ladies Aid will serve supper at the Legion hall on Tuesday evening, November 3. Watch next week’s paper for the menu.

Mrs. Frank Gehling of Calmar, Iowa and Mrs. Louis Frerich of Ossian, Iowa attended the funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Holthaus last Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Shanahan, Mrs. Wm. Shanahan and Miss Margaret Hartigan were visitors in Sioux City on Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. John Wellner and Lucille and Caroline Borcherdt were guest at the Wm. Neumann home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Wimer and baby, Carol, were Sunday evening visitors at the Tim Shanahan home.

Mrs. Rose Davis went to Los Angels, California, Tuesday for a visit with her son, Frank.

Walter and Frank Wimer visited friends and relatives at Moorhead last Sunday.

Vern Marten has treated his business front to a fresh coat of paint.

Albert Pithan was a caller at the Wm. Neumann home Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. A.L. Miller were visitors in Sioux City Monday.


Miss Marie Carlson, daughter of Mrs. Rosa Carlson, was married to Cornelius L/ (Crill) Flynn, Thursday, October 15, 1936, at 10 o’clock a.m. at St. Mary’s rectory, Rev J.A. Kane officiating. Their attendants were Marie Shanahan, friend of the bride, and James Flynn, brother of the bridegroom. The bride’s dress was of brown alpaca and her accessories were brown. The bridesmaid wore a rust colored crepe dress with brown accessories. At noon a buffet dinner was served to twenty-five relatives and friends at the home of the bride’s mother. The wedding cakes were baked by Mrs. Wallace Jones. The couple departed that evening for a short wedding trip, returning home Sunday evening.
The bride graduated from the Ute high school in 1928 and for the past eight years had been employed as assistant at the Ute Post office, terminating her work there the first of August. The bridegroom has been engaged in farming and they will make their home on the Flynn farm south of town. The Independent joins their many friends in extending best wishes.

Miss Helen Kuhlmann, daughter of Mrs. Dora Kuhlmann, and Walter Bartels, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bartels, were married Sunday, October, 18. The ceremony took place at the Lutheran parsonage at 11:45 a.m. with the pastor, Rev. E.H. Widmann, officiating, Miss Erma Lafrentz and Roy Borcherdt were the attendants. The bride’s dress was dark green crepe, with which she wore brown accessories. The bridesmaid’s dress was brown and her accessories were brown. Both carried bouquets of roses. Following the ceremony the bridal couple and the attendants drove to Denison where they had dinner. Mr. Bartels is employed at Wilson Bros. store and Mrs. Bartels is employed at the A.L. Miller store. She will continue her work there. The Independent extends congratulations.

WEEKLY NEWS LETTER FROM EAST OF TOWN - Social Events and Local Happenings Among Our Eastern Neighbors
Reported By Elsie Kiepe

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Christensen and family, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Namany and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Engelke and family, George, Eleanor and Lucille Wendt, Marvin Engelke, Elmer Meyer, Gus and Bill Klaus helped Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Meyer celebrate their fifth wedding anniversary Wednesday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Erhard Gosch and family visited at the home of Henry Gosch Jr. Friday evening.

Marie Engelke spent a few days last week at the Lewis Meyer home.

Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Meyer and family visited at the Lawrence Gosch home Friday evening.

A group of friends and neighbors helped Joe and Josephine Ohnimus celebrate their birthday Friday evening. Cards were played by the men and bunco by the ladies. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Henry Klaus and Mrs. Walter Amstein. At the close of the evening lunch was served. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Walter Amstein and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Steele and family, Mr. and Mrs. George Klaus and family, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wedemann and son, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Reister and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinard Schnoor and family, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Klaus and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bartels and family, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Klaus and family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kiepe and family, Mrs. Tillie Schriever, Gus and Bill Klaus.

Herman Kiepe, Jr., and Glenn Gosch left Sunday morning for Jefferson, Iowa, were they have obtained work.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kiepp and family visited at the home of Fred Mohr Sunday afternoon.

Ruth Mohr spent Sunday at the John Mohr home where her sister Edna is employed.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kiepe and daughter, Helen, were callers in Onawa Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Neddermeyer and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Neddermeyer visited at the Fred Mohr home Monday evening.

Elsie Kiepe is helping Mrs. Erhard Gosch with her house cleaning this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Knutzen and family and Mr. and Mrs. Erhand Gosch and family were visitors in the Henry Gosch, Jr., home Friday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Meyer and daughters spent Sunday at the C.H. Claussen home in Schleswig.

Mr. and Mrs. Herman Meyer and August Meyer of Ricketts were visiting in the Erhard Gosch home Sunday.

Milton Struck Secures Position In Ricketts Bank
Milton Struck has accepted a position in the Farmers Savings Bank in Ricketts and started in on his duties last Thursday. The vacancy in the bank was caused by the resignation of Arnold Claussen, who went to Duluth, Minnesota. Milton is the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Struck. He graduated from the Schleswig schools and later took a business course in Des Moines. He was married this past summer, since which time he and his wife have been staying with his parents on the farm. They will continue to make their home here for the present—Schleswig Leader

Neighborhood News from South of Town - Local and Personal Mention About Our Southern Neighbors
Reported by Leonard Ehlers

Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Britton, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hanson and Vera, and Mrs. Henry Hanson and daughter Peggy were Sunday visitors at the Ole T Hanson home in Soldier.

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Fester, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Schwingdorf and family and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Longlee were entertained at the Allan Torgerson home Sunday, the occasion being Mrs. Torgerson’s birthday.

Mrs. Henry Hanson and Peggy departed for Michigan Sunday to join Mr. Hanson who has employment in that state.

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Pithan visited at the Wm. Shanahan home Sunday.

Wm. Knutzen and Ruth called at the Erwin Knutzen home Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Carritt and family and Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Fish were Sunday visitors at the home of Hartwig Neubaumn.

Sunday afternoon visitors at the Fred Ehlers home were Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Naab and Sherman, Alfred Fester and son, William, Louis Waderich and Loyle and Leonard Ehlers.

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lehmberg of Soldier were Sunday visitors at the home of Walter Neubaumn.

Mr. and Mrs. John Knutzen were Sunday dinner guests at the home of John Mordhorst.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ehlers and Ruby and Lionel visited at the Wm. Fester home in Mapleton Saturday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Knutzen and Ruth visited at the C.F. Knutzen home Sunday.


Mrs. Alex Olson
Funeral services were held at the Adventist church Monday afternoon, October 19, for Mrs. Alex Olson of Waterloo, Iowa, who passed away at this place Friday, October 16 1936. Mrs. Olson had been in poor health for the past six years, and pneumonia was the immediate cause of her death. Rev. Howell of Onawa, conducted the services and burial was in St.Clair cemetery. Rosa M. Larson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Larson of Ute, was born at Ute on August 24, 1899. She was a graduate of the Ute high school with the class of 1918. On June 29, 1922, she was married to Alex Olson at Minneapolis, Minnesota. Mrs. Olson is survived by her husband; daughter, LaVonne, 13 years of age; three sisters, Mrs. Conrad Galstar of Ute, Mrs. Albert Kottman of St. Paul Minnesota, Mrs. Joe Baker of Minneapolis, Minnesota; one brother, Peter Larson, and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Larson of Ute.

Card of Thanks
We wish to acknowledge, with grateful appreciation, the kind expressions of sympathy in our bereavement Alex Olson and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Larson and family.

Mrs. Elizabeth Holthaus
Funeral services were held at St Mary’s Catholic church at 8 o’clock Friday morning for Mrs. Elizabeth Holthaus, who passed away Wednesday morning, October 14, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ed Hartigan. Burial was at Ashton, Iowa. Elizabeth Holthaus nee Frerich was born January 29, 1854, at Festina, Iowa and grew to womanhood in that vicinity. She was united in holy wedlock to Bernard Holthaus, who in 1900 preceded her in death. To this union five children were born, Joe, Catherine, Victoria (deceased), Alma and Evalyn. Mrs. Holthaus had been making her home at Gary, Indiana, with her daughter, Evalyn, for the past ten years and each summer visited her daughters, Mrs. J.P. Gaynor and Mrs. Ed Hartigan. About two weeks ago while visiting at the latter’s home here she was stricken with a stroke and never rallied. She was a kind and devoted mother to her children and shall be greatly missed by her loved ones and all who had the pleasure of knowing her. Mrs. Holthaus is survived by four children and six grandchildren.

Card of Thanks
We wish to extend our thanks to all kind friends and neighbors who assisted us during the illness and after the death of our beloved mother. Mrs. Elizabeth Holthaus.
The children

County Attorney
To The Voters Of Monona County:
I am the Democratic candidate for the office of County Attorney. I have practiced law in Monona County since 1915. From 1919 to 1921 and from 1933 to 1935 I was County Attorney. I have represented the Board of Supervisors as special advisor in drainage and other matters during past years. I have also served as a member and president of the Onawa school board. My experience in these position should be of great benefit to me in my work as County Attorney because some of the most important duties of the County Attorney are to advice the Board of Supervisors, county and township officers and school boards. The people of Monona County have been very kind to me, and I wish to take this opportunity to extend my thanks for the generous support which I have always received. I wish to be elected County Attorney for the term beginning January 1st, and it is my ambition, if elected to make the best record of my life in that office. For the information of the voters I wish to submit the following brief review of the duties of the County Attorney;

Duties of County Attorney
The County Attorney has many duties to perform in both civil and criminal matters. There is quite a general belief that the County Attorney devotes his time almost exclusively to the prosecution of persons accused of crimes and misdemeanors. But in a rural county such as Monona County, his work in civil matters requires as much of his time and is fully as important to the public as his work in criminal matters. It is his duty to advise the Board of Supervisors, all county and township officers and all school boards of the county, and to attend upon and advise the grand jury. These boards and officers are constantly submitting matters to him pertaining to their duties, and seeking his advise in legal questions that are involved. In larger counties, the County Attorney is given assistants to handle the specialized departments of the office. It is the custom in such counties to have a special advisor for the Board of Supervisors. But in a rural county like Monona the County Attorney must at all times be prepared to do that work himself in addition to his other duties. And when we consider that the business of Monona County, handled by the Board of Supervisors alone, amounts to approximately one-half million dollars every year, we can appreciate the numerous legal questions that must be submitted to the County Attorney for his opinion.
Respectfully yours,
Geo. E. Allen

Items of Interest In Nearby Towns - News From Around About Us You’ll Want to Read

Hazel Palmer Attending Cornell
Miss Hazel Palmer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L.C. Palmer of Mapleton, and a freshman student at Cornell college at Mt. Vernon, Ia., is a member of the Methodist church choir at Mt. Vernon and one of fifty Cornell students admitted to membership in the Oratorio society after tryouts in the Conservatory of Music. Miss Palmer sings alto—Mapleton Press

D.E. Brown Moves Office to Omaha
D.E. Brown of the Brown Catafalque Company, recently moved his office to Omaha and is now located at 606 So. 14th street in that city. The frames of the Catafalques are made in Omaha, but the drapes department is still located in Onawa—Onawa Sentinel

Charter Oak Man Killed
William Schroeder, 48, of Charter Oak, an employe in a construction gang there for the Iowa highway commission, either fell or was pushed beneath the wheels of an eastbound Chicago, Milwaukee, St Paul and Pacific freight train. John Gottburg of Schleswig, Crawford County coroner, who investigated said Schroeder’s body was badly mangled in the accident. Both arms were severed from the body. A transient riding on the same train said he thought Schroeder had boarded the train at Charter Oak and was going to Arion, Iowa. He notified the train crew of the accident shortly after he had seen Schroeder’s body hurtle beneath the wheels, officials said. The dead man was unmarried. His body was taken to the Sieberg funeral home at Charter Oak—Journal

Obituary of Mrs. Clara Anderson
Clara Knutson Anderson was born October 7, 1888, at Soldier, Iowa. She was baptized and confirmed in the Lutheran faith and grew to women-hood in this vicinity. In the year 1916 she was united in holy wedlock to Albert Anderson, who preceded her in death. To this union 7 children were born. She was bedfast for a week with pneumonia, and passed away at her home southeast of Soldier Wednesday, October 7, 1936, at 5 p.m. aged exactly 48 years. She leaves to mourn her departure six sons, Leland, Quinton, Howard, Warren, Bernard and Albert Jean; one daughter, Zelda, and her aged mother, Mrs. Mary Knutson: three sisters, Mrs. Emil Sweum, Sioux City, Iowa, Mrs. Sadie Rayburn of Needles, California, and Mrs. C.O. Anderson of Soldier, Iowa; one brother, C.E. Knutson of Ute, Iowa and many other relatives and friends.
Funeral services were held at the south church Saturday afternoon. An exceptionally large number of friends and neighbors attended. Rev. Tweet conducted the services and the remains were laid to rest in the Soldier Valley cemetery—Soldier Sentinel

[transcribed by C.S., April 2008]

Monona County