Iowa Old Press

Moorhead Times
Moorhead, Monona co. Iowa
Thursday, March 1, 1934

Max Nellor, Editor
Willard Moore, Associate Editor

(front page)


Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Johnson announce the marriage of their daughter, Evelyn, to Irven Hansen, son of Hans Hansen, of Turin. A double ring ceremony took place at the Rev. Anderson home in Onawa at 11:00 A. M. Thursday, February 22. Miss Bethine Petersen and Mr. Chris Thorgensen accompanied them. A three course dinner was held at the bride's home and served by La Vonne and Ano Johnson, sister and cousin of the bride. Dinner guests consisted of the two immediate families and grandparents. After March 1st they will be at home at the Thayer Brown farm where they are employed for the coming year.

Mr. Edwin Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Johnson, and Miss Lucille Jepson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Jepson, were united in marriage at the Christian church parsonage Thursday, Feb. 22, 1934, by the Rev. Dwight M. Walker. They were attended by Mr. Howard Jepson and Miss Margaret Johnson. Both of these young folks are members of highly respected, life-time families of near Moorhead. Edwin and Lucille are fine young folks who possess qualities that are necessary to make a success of life. After a short honeymoon, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson will be at the home of the groomıs parents and after March 1st will be at home on the farm west of Moorhead. The TIMES joins their many friends in wishing them a happy and prosperous wedded life.

A surprise quilting party was held at the home of Mrs. Roy Thompson Thursday in honor of Mrs. Ralph Casperson, before she moves to her new home north of Woodbine. Each friend had made a quilt block with her name upon it and Mrs. Thompson had joined the quilt and put it into the frames. The entire quilt was quilted that day by the ladies. A bountiful pot luck lunch was served at noon. Those present were Mesdames Vern Thompson, Adams, Ralph Casperson and daughter Frances, Horace Mullen and sons, F. A. Green, A. Bolton and daughter, Geo. Johnston, Geo. Vandivort and daughter, Frank Gorham, Asa McDole and daughter Ruth, Geo. Hull and daughter, Hazel, Frank Jones, Keith Gorham, G. Gorham, Jno. Bennett and daughters Marcella and Marjorie, Lucy Millard, Dawson and baby, Andrew Shol and daughter Doris, Harry Dick and children, Geo. Hicks and daughter Venora Legge, Laurence Pryor, Ed Robertson and daughter Elizabeth. Several friends names were upon the quilt who were unable to be present.

Sunday morning at about ___, Night Watch Solberg was making his last rounds of the Moorhead business houses preparatory to going home, he noticed smoke coming from the W. J. Henderson garage and machine shed and hurriedly he rushed there finding the building afire. He put in the alarm and awoke neighbors and in a short while a large crowd gathered to help keep the blaze from spreading to buildings nearby. The shed, Chevrolet coach, International truck, stove wood, workmen's tools, oil etc., were completely burned beyond all use again. It is thought that a short in the wiring on the Chevrolet was the cause of the fire. Mr. Henderson states that there was no insurance.

Last Friday night at Soldier the boxing exhibitions were well attended and all bouts pleased the fans. In the main event Glen Winegar won over Shorty Cunningham with a very easy margin. Glenn coasted thru nicely and at no time was it necessary for him to really bear down. Bill Miller knocked out Allen Meadows in the first round. Several exhibitions were put on by small boys that was well worth the money. The next fight will be at Soldier Thursday night March 8th.

E. G. Jones, democrat, from up on the Jordan, has his nomination papers out over the county for the office of Monona County Supervisor.

Phyliss Colleen Morrow was born Aug. 6th, 1932, and departed this life, Tuesday morning, Feb. 20, 1934, at the age of one year, four months and fourteen days. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morrow of Cherokee, Iowa. She was taken suddenly sick Monday night and passed away about 7:30 Tuesday morning at the Sioux Valley hospital, where she had been taken earlier in the morning, but she passed away, while everything was done that loving hands could do to save her life.

She was a bright and loving child with a happy disposition and will be sadly missed in her home. She leaves to mourn her, her father, her mother, four sisters and five brothers, besides two grandfathers and several aunts, uncles and cousins. Funeral services were held at the Christian church Tuesday afternoon at one o'clock, with the Pastor Rev. M. Dwight Walker in charge. Interment was made in the Spring Valley cemetery.

Last Friday night at the Moorhead high school gym Moorhead high school first and second teams defeated the Ute first and second teams in a very easy manner. Both Moorhead teams had possession of the ball most of the time. This is the last home game of the season. The east and west side business men play a game of basketball with the east side winning. This team remains undefeated while the west side has lost only one game this season. West side players were: Torry Outhouse, Harry Mortensen, Mr. Gilbert, Glen Wilson, Clyde Crews and Chet Blackman. East side players were: Bill Henderson, Wayne Outhouse, Shorty Solberg, Roy and Floyd Bryceson and the writer.


Don Moore returned to Maquoketa, Iowa, to the C. C. C. Camp, after a ten day visit with home folks. Don has about fifteen days left.

Spring Valley Corn-Hog officers elected were: John Neal, Chm; Martin Johnson, Vice-Chm.; Raymond Fredrickson, Com-Member.

A number of friends of Wayne Outhouse came in last Saturday evening and reminded him of his birthday by spending a social evening at his home. Wayne is four score years young and still likes baseball and basketball. The seven-up crowd dropped in for a pleasant evening Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Art Coberly, Bertha and Eddith Coberly were shopping in Omaha Monday.

Mrs. Jake Mortensen, Mrs. Marvin Mortensen and Gale Mann were shopping in Sioux City Friday.

Mrs. Ernest Ravonsborg of Turin and Mrs. Glen Outhouse and Janet Gay spent Tuesday in the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Moore.

Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Wilson, Zelpha and Arla Olson, spent weekend at Iowa City visiting with Frank, a student there.

F. A. Pellissier and J. Ray Hubbard were business callers in Mapleton Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Twedt entertained in their home at dinner Sunday evening. The guests were Ella LaSeur, Carlos Eskelsen, Ed Shea, Irene Berg, Evelyn Engen and Jim Pickle.

Herman Lewis, John Adams, Dale Welliver and Wm. Townley were in Sioux City on business Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mertensen spent Sunday afternoon and evening visiting in the home of her parents in Charter Oak.

Francis Horler spent the weekend visiting in the Morris Moorhead home.

Athey Keith and Troy Winegar were business callers in Sioux City Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Outhouse were attending to business in Onawa Saturday.

Last Wednesday afternoon Mrs. M. M. Feller was very pleasantly surprised, when a number of her neighbors came in to help her celebrate her birthday. The afternoon was spent in a social way, after which a dainty lunch was served. The guests presented Mrs. Feller with a lovely lunch cloth, and then departed wishing her many more happy birthdays.

Mr. and Mrs. Wilton McDole, of near Dunlap, spent last Wednesday evening visiting in the Wilbur Skow home.

Mrs. Potter and Paul Evans of Atlantic, Iowa, came last Thursday afternoon to spend the day visiting with their numerous friends. Miss Leora Mustard returned with them for a visit.

Irene Berg was shopping in Sioux City Monday.

Mrs. Merle Logue, Sally Jean and Effie Wright drove to Holstein last Thursday afternoon and visited until Friday in the Carl Neilsen home. Mrs. Neilsen and children accompanied them home and spent the weekend here, Mr. Neilsen coming after them on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Merle Logue spent Sunday evening visiting in the Glen Outhouse home.

Miss Margaret Carlson and Miss Pauline Clausen spent the weekend visiting in the home of Miss Carlsonıs parents in Des Moines.

Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Outhouse entertained Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Outhouse and Letha Mae at dinner Saturday. The occasion was to celebrate Wayneıs birthday.

Athey Keith drove to Sioux City Friday and took Mrs. Page Moorhead and her sister Alice to get their mother, Mrs. Timm, who has been in the hospital there, taking her to her home in Charter Oak.

Martha Perrin visited Mrs. Pearl Wilson, Sunday p.m.

John Morrow drove to Woodbine Sunday evening taking Miss Alice Morrow to her home.

Iven Clark and family of Mondamin, are moving to the Fred Pomeroy place Wednesday.

The Eastern Star Lodge held their instruction meeting at the lodge hall Wednesday evening. Mrs. Dorothy Ulrich of Denison was the instructor.

Mrs. Oldham of Soldier invited six Moorhead couples to her home Thursday evening for a bridge party.

Mrs. Irvin Twedt is substituting, teaching a few days this week for Irene Berg.

John Boswell and family left Wednesday for Cameron, Mo. Hubb Man of Orson is moving onto the place vacated by them.

Martin Johnson shipped out six truck load of cattle to the Sioux City market Monday.

John Garvin and Ed Malcom drove to Pisgah Monday to see Mr. Garvinıs brother, Phillip.

Marsella Bennett, who has worked at the Roy Thompson home several days last week, returned home Friday night.

The Happy Hour Club met at the home of Mrs. Vet Woodward Thursday afternoon, Mrs. Jack Edwards entertaining. Carpet rags were served for the hostess. Pot luck lunch was served.

A program was given at the Lovell school house Thursday night in honor of Washingtonıs birthday. There was a nice crowd present and a very good program was rendered. A little over $6 was realized from the sale of popcorn and candy and votes for the most popular young lady present and the laziest man.

A house dance was held at the Sam Dai home Friday night before Mr. and Mrs. Dai move to their new home.

Lee Moore, Mr. Rudd and Mr. Loagle of Soldier called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Moore Sunday.

Miss Mary Kelly visited at the Geo. Heistand home Sunday morning.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Edwards visited at the home of Mrs. Edward's mother, Mrs. Vet Woodard, Monday.

Neil DeLance helped John saw wood all week.

Quite a number of the farmers attended the corn-hog program meeting at Center school house Saturday morning, there were fifty-four farmers present. The committee elected were: Peter Weber, Asa McDole and Keith Gorham.

Marcella and Wayne Bennett called at the Geo. Heistand home Saturday p.m.

Tom Garnigal of Dunlap called at the Geo. Heistand home Friday.

Elmer Moore visited at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Moore, Monday p.m.

Dale Mathison called at the Jno. Bennett home Sunday afternoon.

Miss Hazel Johnson called on Miss Stella Androy at the Thompson home Monday evening.

Carl Purcell and wife attended a dance at the Orville Berg home Monday evening.

Hazel Johnson called at the Herman Androy home Monday p.m.

Frank LaSeur and wife and son Loyal spent Tuesday at the Guy Kress home.

Guy Kress and wife spent Tuesday evening at the Harry Hinkel home.

Ed Gohring, James Young and wife and Hazel and Dudley Johnson spent Wednesday at the Harry Hinkel home.

Carl Purcell and wife spent Wednesday at the Harry Hinkel home.

Guy Kress and wife spent Friday evening at the home of their son, Roy, in Soldier.

Carl Purcell and wife spent Sunday at the John Hinkel home.

John Hinkel, Carl Purcell and Dudley Johnson spent Monday evening at Harry Hinkel's.

Mrs. Guy Kress spent Saturday afternoon with Mrs. Harry Hinkel.

Miss Virgil Androy and Miss Hazel Johnson visited at the Harry Hinkel home Sunday evening.

James Seaton and family visited Thursday evening at the Donald Hinkel home.

Lindsey Nuzum and family visited Sunday at the L. P. Mortensen home.

Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hinkel and Norma Jeanne were callers at the Chase Carson home Friday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Lindsey Nuzum and Russell visited Tuesday evening at the Ole Johnson home.

James Seaton put up ice Friday.

Lindsey Nuzum moved Tuesday to the farm formerly occupied by Walter Sorenson.

Chas. Surber and family attended a surprise party on Wayne Outhouse Saturday evening.


Alice Earlywine of Woodbine visited last week in the Walter Christiansen and W. Perrin homes.

Mrs. Olive Salin returned home the first of the week from several months visit with relatives at South Sioux City, Neb., and Castana.

Mrs. Roy Wood returned Monday after a three weekıs from home. Mr. and Mrs. Wood attended the Farm and Home Week at the Iowa State College and from there went up to Webster City to se their daughter, Leanna. Mrs. Wood remained there for a longer visit with Leanna and Mr. Lee attended the banquet and other celebrations in connection with the 75th anniversary of the organization of the Baptist church there.

Art Jepson, Delbert Harris, Art Coberly and Frank Beall drove to Sioux City Thursday where they attended a horse sale.

Hubert Mann and wife and son, Dearion, of Orson, Ia., visited over the weekend in the Carl Mann home.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy McCue entertained the 500 bunch at their home Wednesday evening at a farewell party for Mr. and Mrs. Ed Tornow, who are moving to Ute March 1st. There were 24 guests present and Mrs. McCue served a delicious lunch at the close of the evening.

A 'Production Credit Association' meeting was held in Sioux City Tuesday representing seven counties in Iowa and Nebraska. This association is sponsored by the government for the benefit of the farmers and was attended by 250 men. Those from Moorhead attending were: Dale Welliver, Herman Lewis, Will Townley, Park Moorhead, Jno. Adams, Frank Andrews and Edd Savory.

The members of the L.D.S. church having birthdays in February held their monthly birthday party at the Aid building Friday evening. Mrs. R. Knudsen and Mrs. Chester Davis were the hostesses and served a lovely lunch-games were played until a late hour when happy birthday was extended and all departed for homes, waiting for the March birthdays.

Darrel Anderson and wife from Van Buren, Ark., arrived at Moorhead Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Sig Johnson drove to Ticonic Tuesday to attend the funeral of a friend.

Roy McCue and wife were shopping in Onawa Wednesday.

Mesdames Anna Keith and Francis Shea were shopping in Onawa Monday.

Lorainne Olive is just recovering from a two weekıs illness of the flu.

Edd Tornow's moved Wednesday to the Fawn Butler farm near Ute.

Bird Oliverıs brother and son of Mondamin visited at their home Tuesday.

Harry Jensen and wife of Webster City and Bert Miller and wife of Boone visited a short time Thursday p.m. with Mrs. Jennings, as they were enroute from the Druggist Convention in Sioux City to their respective homes.

Wedding bells are ringing once more, as Miss Irene Berg and Mr. Jim Pickle were quietly married at Sioux City Wednesday, Feb. 28. Irene is the oldest daughter of Nels Berg and grew to womanhood in our vicinity and is well liked and highly praised by all who know her. She is a graduate from the Moorhead high school and at present is teaching a rural school. Mr. Pickle comes highly recommended as a young farmer from Virginia, having came from his home state about five years ago and has worked in this locality during this time and all speak well of his work and ability. He is a nephew of Frank Yonts.They expect to make their home on a farm near Castana. Congratulations and best wishes are extended to this young couple.

Wednesday evening a party of about 100 friends of the John Boswell family met at the Aid building and had a farewell party for them. Mr. and Mrs. Boswell were presented with a friendship quilt with 66 friendıs names worked on it. The two girls, Ethel and Alice, were given a dress. Seven freezers of home made ice cream and about fifteen cakes served as refreshments. A lovely time was had by all. Many farewell greetings were extended and good luck and best wishes for their new home at Cameron, Mo.

A farewell party was give at the Eddith Nash home Friday evening for the Nels Berg family who are leaving our locality the first of March. About twenty-five friends were present and a nice time was had by all.

The Moorhead pre-school opened Tuesday morning of this week. This is a project in relief work in education and is financed by the Federal government. The school is conducted by Miss Eddith Coberly. At present the school is in session from 9 a.m. to 12:00 noon. Parents who have children enrolled are asked to send a pint of milk with each child, if possible. The six weeks tests were given last week and the report cards were given out Wednesday of this week.

The winners of the grade school home declamatory contest: Charles Neal, Bertha Coberly and Marian Sandvold appeared in the contest at Soldier Wednesday evening. The Ute, Soldier and Moorhead grade schools were competing. Results will be given next week.

The basketball team is entering the State Sectional Tournament which is to be held at Onawa this week. Moorhead meets the strong Mondamin team Thursday at 8:30 p.m. Your presence will help. The grade team and the second team are entering a tournament in Onawa next week. All the county schools will compete.

[transcribed by L.Z. from copy provided by R.P., March 2013]

Moorhead Times
Moorhead, Monona co. Iowa
March 15, 1934

A Democratic Newspaper
Max Nellor, Editor
Willard Moore, Associate Editor

Mr. and Mrs. James Moore were Dunlap visitors Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Heistand and sons visited at the Clem Lovel home Thursday night.

The Farm Holiday Ladies Auxiliary put on their play at the Legion Hall in Moorhead Saturday night to a large crowd. Everyone enjoyed the play and other features of entertainment.

Clarence Fredericks called at the James Moore home one day last week.

The Happy Hour Club met at the home of Mrs. R. Singbile Thursday afternoon, Rugs were torn for the hostess.

Mrs. Jack Edwards visited at the Vet Woodard home Monday.

Mrs. DeLance and son Elwain and daughter Clara were Sunday afternoon at the Geo. Heistand home.

Mr. Harry Dick shelled corn at the Elmer Moore and Mike Mathison homes Tuesday.

A chivalry was given Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dai at the home of Mr. Dai’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Dai, Sunday night. Cigars and candy bars were given by the revelers.

John Garvin was a Dunlap visitor Tuesday.

At the school election Monday, Elmer Moore was elected director for the coming year to succeed John Garvin.

Mrs. Lorena Lee called at the James Moore home Saturday morning.

John Garvin was a Woodbine business visitor Saturday.

Willis Lance escaped a badly mashed foot one day last week. While sawing wood, a large log rolled part way on his foot causing him to limp around for a few days but he was very fortunate not suffer worse injury.

Miss Coyla Robbins of Robbins of Soldier is again working in the Arnold Adams home.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lee and Max Lee called at the John Bennett home Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Don Hodges visited relatives in Little Sioux Sunday.

Willis Lance and Jno. Bennett attended the Legion meeting in Dunlap Monday night.

Wesley DeLance and wife gave a house dance at their home Friday evening.

John Garvin and wife attended church in Pisgah Sunday.

L. P. Mortensen and family visited at the John Mortensen home Sunday.

Harry Jerup and wife and a friend from New Castle, Wyoming, were visiting at the James Seaton home last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Chase Carson and Vernon and Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hinkel Jr. were Friday evening visitors at the Donald Hinkel home.

Mrs. James Seaton and Clifford and Maynard visited at the Ed Munson home Sunday afternoon.

Irene Franklin is working at the Walter Christiansen home.

James Seaton and family and Louise Ortner visited Wednesday evening at Chris Jerup’s.

Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Wilson were Omaha visitors Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. David Outhouse and Ethel spent Sunday at the Rogene Sherer home near Pisgah.

Mrs. May Moshier of Woodhull, Illinois, spent last week at the home of Mrs. Frank Andrews, leaving on Saturday for Wakefield, Neb., where she will spend a week visiting a sister.

Mrs. Vernie Pearey and children visited Sunday afternoon at Elmer Shol’s.

Miss Ruby Jones spent the weekend in the home of her parents in Onawa.

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nielson and children of Holstein were Sunday dinner guests in the Dora Wright home. Mrs. Wright accompanied them home for a two week’s visit.

Mrs. Harry Mortensen spent last Friday visiting in the home of her parents in Charter Oak.

Ival Outhouse and Swede Anderson, students at Morningside, spent the weekend with home folks.

Miss Mary Roberg, Grover Rasmussen and Mr. and Mrs. Page Moorhead entertained six tables at bridge Thursday evening in the Moorhead home. Mrs. Roy Bryceson and Cleall Chapman won high score prizes. At a late hour a very dainty lunch was served, after which the guests departed.

Little George Emmet, two year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Harmon, fell from the porch to the cement walk Monday and knocked two front teeth out and cut his mouth severely. Mrs. J. W. Townley took him and his mother to Pisgah where Dr. Rogers the dentist took care of him. Dr. Rogers said that was the youngest patient he had ever worked on.

Mrs. Art Coberly sprained her ankle badly last week.

Last Wednesday night Harry Mortensen was very pleasantly surprised when ten of his friends came in to help him celebrate his birthday. The evening was spent playing bridge and at a late hour home-made ice cream and coffee were served with his birthday cake. The guests departed wishing Harry many more happy birthdays.

Ed Raymond and wife were in Pisgah Tuesday, Mrs. Raymond having dental work done.

Morris Moorhead and wife were Omaha callers Monday.

Mrs. Geo. Keith and Mrs. Dr. Coleman were shopping in Onawa Tuesday.

Mrs. Walter Wright and Mrs. Merle Logue were shopping in Omaha Saturday. Mrs. Dora Wright, who has been visiting there, returned home with them.

Mrs. Irven Tweedt, Jeanne Lupton, Ella LaSeur and Mrs. Geo. Wilson were shopping in Omaha Saturday.

Mrs. Ernest Ravonsborg of Turin and Mrs. Glen Outhouse and Janet Gay spent Tuesday visiting in the Claude Moore home.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Christensen are the proud parents of a new daughter born Friday. Both mother and Doris Elaine are doing nicely.

Friday night a few friends came in as a surprise at Bertha Stolley’s in honor of Mrs. Alice Croft. A good time was had by all; Mrs. Croft returned to her home at Kirkman, Iowa, Saturday. Mrs. Ida Stewart and Mrs. Stolley drove their mother home and returned Sunday.

Mrs. Merle Logue and Mrs. Glen Outhouse were shopping in Onawa Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. John Kortman and Clarence of Charter Oak spent Sunday in the Harry Mortensen home.

Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Uptegrove of Onawa visited Sunday evening in the home of their daughter, Mrs. Walter Wright.

Ralph McMains and wife visited at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McMains home, in Woodbine Saturday. Little Jimmie who had been visiting there returned home.

Lynn Wilson and wife and Ira Wilson spent Tuesday evening at the David Outhouse home.

School election was held at Spring Valley No. 5, putting in Elmer Shol for sub-director.

Mrs. Frank Andrews was surprised on Tuesday of this week by 15 of her neighbors, who gathered to remind her of her recent birthday, and a very pleasant afternoon was spent. After the usual visiting a delicious lunch was served and all departed for their homes wishing Mrs. Andrews many more returns of the happy event.

Mrs. Alma LaSeur, Emma Mortensen and Mrs. Harry Mortensen were shopping in Sioux City Tuesday.

Floyd Bryceson and wife were shopping in Omaha Saturday and driove from there to Underwood, Ia., where they spent Sunday with friends.

Frank Beall’s were shopping in Omaha Monday.

Mrs. Harold Martin entertained sixteen friends Wednesday in honor of Mrs. Will Ordway, formerly Florence Anderson of Onawa, who just recently announced her wedding which took place Dec. 30th, 1933.

Art Coberly was in Omaha Wednesday.

Harvey Christensen and wife of Yankton, S.D., who were married Feb. 12 visited Moorhead relatives last week on their honeymoon trip. Harvey is a nephew of Casi and Bert Mann.

Mrs. Jackson and Mr. McCracken of Manilla, Ia., were guests of Will Townley’s one day last week.

Adolph Johnson and family have moved from the farm to town and are living temporarily with her folks, Jake Sonberg’s.

Harry Morrison of Onawa was a business caller here Thursday.

Frank Welliver and Ira Wilson marketed cattle in Sioux City one day last week.

Harry Dickson, a former Turin banker, but now of Co. Bluffs, was in Moorhead last Thursday on business.

A good many from here attended the funeral of Mrs. A. Rasmussen at the Bethesda church Friday.

Mrs. Andy Knoff is the first to report young chickens, she had some six weeks old. Mrs. John H. Johnson has 20 young ones this week.

The regular meeting of the Masonic Lodge was held at the lodge hall Monday night.

C. E. Moorhead and wife were supper guests and spent the evening Saturday in the J. W. Townley home.

Mrs. Stolley and her mother and sister, Mrs. Stuart, visited Thursday p.m. with Mrs. Frank Andrews.

Bert Man and wife drove to Sioux City Tuesday and took Holver Holverson and wife to visit his two brothers, Gilbert and Ole, who are confined to the Lutheran hospital.

Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hadden, newlyweds, were very delightfully surprised when about 200 friends came to their home last week and gave them a shower.

Mrs. Gordon Mann returned home last of the week from a weeks visit at Soldier in the home of her father, M. Mathison.

Robt. Tracy is moving his family to Bastrop, La., this week.

Herman Lewis and Frank Andrews were at Rosalie and Concord, Neb., last Thursday on business.

Frank Andrews and Art Jepson were in Kingsley, Ia., the latter part of the week on business.

Mrs. John H. Johnson entertained the Ladies Aid of the Bethesda church at her home Wednesday.

Mrs. C. E. Moorhead and Mrs. J. W. Townley were shopping in Onawa Saturday.

Mesdames Francis Shea and Anna Keith visited last Thursday at Holstein in the Carl Nielsen home.

Amon McIntyre and wife entertained Bruce Wallace and wife and Etta Jennings to dinner Sunday.

The Jennings Coffman family of Omaha visited over the weekend in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Pellissier.

Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Peterson came down from Sioux City Tuesday evening to the home of her Grandma McElwain to visit her mother, Nettie Kesterson and their little son, Jackie Ray, who is staying with his two Grandmas and attending kindergarten. They visited Jackie’s school Wednesday morning and returned home that evening.

Mrs. Glen Outhouse and Janet and Mrs. Merle Logue and Sally and Miss Marie Wright were shopping in Omaha Monday.

Mrs. Roy Wood visited Monday at Theressa Adams home and helped her quilt.

A nutrition meeting of the Farm Bureau was held at the Chester Davis place Tuesday.

Earl Wilson and wife and baby and Clinton Wilson and friend, Miss Marie Jarvis of Lyons, Neb., visited in the Geo. Wilson home over the weekend. On Sunday they all drove to Woodbine and had dinner in the home of their parents, Jim Wilson and wife.

Arthur Buchandahl and wife are rejoicing over the arrival of an 8 ½ lb. son who came to gladden their home Tuesday, Mar. 13.

Gene Gamet and wife of Pisgah visited Moorhead folks the latter part of the week.

Mort Fredrickson and wife of Blencoe were visitors Tuesday in the home of their son, Clarence and family.

L. Sharp of Sioux City was calling on J. W. Townley Sunday.

Fred Dunlap of Woodbine moved onto the Cowan farm in Sioux Twp.

Versel Knudsen is confined to the house this week with German Measles.

Merle Shaffer and sister Millie of Belvidere were Sunday guests in the Carl Mortensen home.

J. W. Townley bought a mule of Herman Lewis last week.

Mrs. Minnie Rawlings of Omaha is visiting this week in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ed Shoff. Mrs. Shoff and her mother spent the day Tuesday in the A. McIntyre home and Wednesday in the Mark Jensen home.

Mr. and Mrs. G. Adams were callers at the W. Christensen home Sunday evening, getting acquainted with the new girl.

Jim Sorensen and family moved onto the Chris Daugaard place and Mr. Daugaard has gone up near Turin to make his home with his daughter, Mrs. Walter Croy.

Chas. Moorhead and Geo. Johnson were in Sioux City Monday, where they purchased over 40 head of cattle. J. Ray Hubbard and Andy Knoff were there the same day and purchased a truck load of calves.

Mr. and Mrs. R. Knudsen drove to Blencoe Saturday where they set up that night with A. J. Frisk, who is very low at his home there.

Ella LaSeur and Virgie Tweedt gave a shower at the Tweedt home Tuesday evening in honor of Irene Pickle. Eleven guests were present, nine of them from Woodbine. The house was daintily decorated in pink, the lunch conforming. Mrs. Pickle was delighted and a pleasant time had by all.

Mrs. Rasmussen Called Away Suddenly
Anna Maria Rasmussen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Johnson, was born August 10, 1894, near Moorhead, Iowa. She was Baptized Sept. 16, 1894, in Ingemann’s church and after instruction in the Bible and catechism she made the good confession April 3, 1910, in Bethesda Lutheran Church. On Feb. 20, 1916, she was joined in holy wedlock to Albert M. Rasmussen.

The husband together with the three children, Julia, Irven and Wilber, three brothers, Martin, Jens and John Johnson; and many other relatives and friends are left to mourn her early departure.]

She died at the Lutheran hospital in Sioux City after a serious operation Tuesday, March 6, 1934, at the age of 39 years. She will not be forgotten by those who knew her, for she was loved by them. She had served her church well, because she had faith in her Lord and loved Him. Her remains were laid to rest in the Bethesda cemetery Friday afternoon with Rev. J. H. Tennesen officiating at the services. The funeral was directed by Mr. Oldham of Soldier.

We wish to thank our relatives and friends for the kindness and sympathy shown us in our sorrow, and for the beautiful floral offerings.
~A. M. Rsamussen and family
~Martin, Jens, and John Johnson and families.

Mrs. Misfeldt Passes Away Suddenly
Rasmine Rasmussen was born in Denmark July 15, 1855, and died at her home in Sioux Township March 9, 1934, at the age of 78 years.

In the year of 1880 she came to America locating in Monona County. On March 2, 1881, she was united in marriage to Christian H. Misfeldt. Three children were born to them, Henry and Carl of Moorhead, Iowa, and one daughter, who died in infancy. The husband died December 15, 1928.

She was baptized and confirmed in the Lutheran faith in Denmark and has been a member of the Ingemann’s Lutheran Church since it was built. She was one of the real pioneer mothers having started housekeeping in a dugout on the farm where she lived until her death.

Besides the two sons, she is survived by five grandchildren. The burial services were held Sunday afternoon, March 11, and the remains were laid to rest in Ingemann’s cemetery. Rev. J. H. Tennesen had charge of the services and Mr. Oldham directed the funeral.

We wish to take this method of thanking the many friends for their kindness to us during our recent sorrow. Also for the many beautiful floral offerings.
~Mr. and Mrs. Henry Misfeldt and family.
~Mr. Carl Misfeldt

Tenus Christensen and family and Oscar Larson and family visited Thursday evening at the Ervin Hansen home.

Mrs. Thorvald Peterson and Dorothy Jeanne and Mrs. Lawrence Hundahl were Castana visitors one day last week.

Stenos Swanson and wife attended the funeral of Mr. Cole at Little Sioux Friday.

John P. Johnson and family and Albert Rasmussen and family were Sunday dinner guests at the Jens Johnson home.

Mr. and Mrs. Sophus Lauritsen and Clifford and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Eskelsen and Laurel Ann visited Sunday evening at the L. Hundahl home.

J. W. Hunt and family visited Sunday at the Rev. McCue home.

Elmer Rains and Ben Nuzum and families of Pisgah and Tenus Christensen and family spent Sunday at Wm. Losh’s.

Mrs. Stenos Swanson called on Mrs. Chester Blackman Saturday afternoon.

Jessie Hunt and family, Fay Taylor and family, Ernest Oliver and family, and Earl Ulton spent Sunday at Bird Oliver’s.

Irene Flint spent Sunday afternoon with her sister, Mrs. Thorvald Peterson.

Ule Braudenburg and wife, of Mondamin, visited Monday at Bird Oliver’s.

Mrs. Sigard Johnson spent Monday afternoon with Mrs. Stenos Swanson.

Mr. and Mrs. Anton Fredrickson entertained M. C. Fredrickson and wife and son, Verne, Nels Fredrickson and wife of Onawa, Raymond and Herald and families, Arthur and wife and Miss Esther in honor of Anton’s birthday, Thursday.

Following is the resutls of the Moorhead Independent School District election held Monday:
For Director:
Roy Bryceson 86
Delbert Harris 41
Jens P. Johnson 73
Wayne Outhouse 15
John Neal 21
John Shea 2
Martin Johnson 1

For Treasurer:
Harry Mortensen
Carl J. Sandvold
There were 125 votes cast with one spoiled ballot.
This elects as directors, Roy Bryceson and Jens P. Johnson; as treasurer, Harry Mortensen.

Deputy Sheriff Willie Sorensen was over from Onawa Saturday evening and made the announcement that he is a Democratic candidate for the office of Monona County Sheriff at the June primaries.

Mr. Sorensen is a Moorhead man, living here all of his life except since he has been deputy sheriff.

Sealed bids will be received until noon Monday, April 2, 1934, for the cemetery work. 
Rights are reserved to reject any or all bids.
Any information desired may be obtained from the undersigned.
~John Adams, Spring Valley Township Clerk.

The Statement of the condition of the Moorhead State Bank published January 11th, 1934, stated that to be their condition at the close of business January 30, 1933, whereas the Statement set forth the condition as of December 30, 1933. 
We are glad to make this correction  ~Max Nellor, Editor.

[transcribed by L.Z., July 2014 & Jan 2020]

Iowa Old Press
Monona County