Iowa Old Press

Onawa Weekly Democrat, April 24, 1919


On next Saturday Miss Mercer, the county demonstration agent, will give cooking demonstration at the Dane here in Turin.  All re invited in to the demonstration.  Miss Mercer will do a lecture at the same time.

Miss Mable Bartholomew is now employed at the Turin Garage as Bookkeeper.

Ralph Dorward is now riding around in a new Buick Six recently purchased at the Turin Garage.

Remember that your telephone dues are now payable at the Turin Telephone exchange.  Come in today.

Our telephone dues are now due and payable at the Turin exchange.  Call and settle.

On last Saturday little Dorothy Rutledge was happily surprised by having a number of her little friends call on her to help celebrate her birthday. The afternoon was delightfully enjoyed by the little folks who were present.

Mary Voiles is attending the duty at the Turin telephone exchange during the absence of Miss Lillian Trafton, who is visiting with friends in Minnesota.

Richard Madsen and wife were in the County Seat on Saturday where they were attending to some shopping and also calling on friends.

The Mesdames Harl and Thayer Brown were in Onawa on Saturday where they were attending to some shopping and calling on friends.

Mr. and Mrs. Walfred Anderson were in the County Seat on Saturday attending to some matters of business.

Harry Dickson and wife were over Sunday visitors in Sioux City at the home of friends.

Axel Madison is expected to arrive in the States from France about the 26thof April. He is on the Minnesota.  It is not known whether he will be given a furlough at that time or not.

Mrs. Van Kinnick and Mrs. Sam Jackson were in Onawa on Monday where they were attending to some shopping and also visiting with friends.

E. E. Morse was in the County Seat the latter part of the week looking after some matters of business.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sheets were in Sioux City the first of the week, where they were visiting with friends and relatives.

The Easter services at the M. E. church on last Sunday was a success.  The young folks taking part in the program did exceedingly well and it was enjoyed by all who were present.

Mrs. Struble and daughters were in Soldier over Sunday where they spent the day visiting at the home of friends and relatives.

Fred Reese was in the County Seat on Monday where he was in attendance to a meeting of the Monona-Harrison ditch trustees which was being held.  Fred is the clerk of the board.

H. C. Bridgeman and wife were in Castana on Saturday.  Mr. Bridgeman going up to look after some matters of business and Mrs. Bridgeman doing some shopping.

Miss Beatrice Heldt is spending a number of days during the past week at Pisgah, Iowa, where she is visiting in the home of friends and relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. Chris Knudsen spent last Sunday in Sioux City where they visited with friends and relatives for the day.

Quite a large number from this vicinity went to Onawa last Saturday afternoon with the expectations of hearing the Jackie band and drill team from the Great Lakes, but on account of Government orders which were issued, the band and team were called back to the Great Lakes after but a few dates were filled.  The Chairman of the District failed to notify the local chairman at Onawa or the newspapers and thus they were expected right up to the time of their appearance.

Mrs. Fred Knudsen was in Onawa on Monday where she went to spend a few hours at the bedside of her father, Mr. Myers, who has been quite ill for several weeks.

Chris Larsen arrived in Turin the latter part of the week for a few days furlough.  Chris is located on the South Dakota, where he has been for over one year.  He is now located at some point on the Atlantic coast.

On Tuesday Mr. Chris Larsen and Miss Lillian Trafton left for Worthington, Minnesota, here they go to spend a few days visiting at the home of friends.

Frances Hansen who is now attending the Four C college in Des Moines is home on a few days visit with his mother, who resides in Sioux township.

William Bristow and family left the latter part of the week for Edgemont, S.D., where they intend to make their future home.  It is understood that William has taken up a claim in that country.

On last Wednesday at the home of the bride’s parents occurred the marriage of Mr. Gene Morse to Miss Mary Daugaard.  Rev. Mr. Payne of the Turin Methodist church officiating.  After the ceremony the young people departed for Omaha and other parts where they spent a few days visiting and sight-seeing. They returned to their home here the first of the week and will make this place their home.  Both of these young people are well known in this vicinity and come from excellent families.  The best wishes of the community is with them in their wedded life.


Mr. and Mrs. Charles Seaman and children spent Sunday with her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gullick of Lossing.

Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Fosnot of Onawa were visiting Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Asa Smith.

Mrs. Maude Potter of Whiting was visiting over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dean.

Mr. and Mrs. Nick Dearsen and family were visiting on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. Morton.

Glen Stevens of Hawarden was visiting on Sunday with Herbert Kirk.

Mrs. Floyd Dean’s baby has been quite sick with the flu.

Mrs. Steve Seward has been quite poorly the past week.

Mr. and Mrs. Tom Fiscus have the flu this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fletcher and two daughters were visiting on Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Fred Gullick of Lossing.

Orville Smith has a case of the mumps this week.

Mrs. Roy Brooks and children were in this vicinity on Sunday.

There was quite a large crowd fishing from the Badger Lake bridges.

Mr. and Mrs. Alva Anderson and children spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Funkhouser.

[transcribed by L.Z., January 2022]

Monona County