Iowa Old Press

Soldier Sentinel

Soldier, Monona co. Iowa
Thursday, Sept. 5, 1918

Little Etta Sterling, 10-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. Sterling, passed away Sunday from blood poisoning caused by a boil.

The editor took an auto ride over the George Johnson plantation last Saturday. His corn will make 60 bushels but was cut to 20 to 25 bushel by the hot wind. We visited his modern home, which has electric light in every room including the basement and a washing machine run by gas.

An old time reunion was held at the A. P. Skow home on the Willow, Sept. 1. Participating in the jollification were Ole Skow and wife, J. Skow and family, Mark Ballantyne and family and D. B. Severson and family. Not present was the Louis Skow family who were in Minnesota.

Miss Olga Olson is saleslady this week in the absence of Miss Elsa Hanson.

John Olson of Church street is furnishing vegetables and melons to his many customers every day.

Prof. Chas. L. Starr, of Oxford Junction, Iowa, is the new principal of our public school.

Last week while Henry Norby was driving over the George Swenson bridge with a two-horse wagon loaded with blocks, the 50-foot span gave way as he was in the middle. Mr. Norby was treated at Dr. Jungeršs office but had no broken bones. The horses and wagon came out in good shape.

[transcribed by L.Z. from copy contributed by R.P., March 2013]

Monona County