Iowa Old Press

Castana Times
Castana, Monona co., Iowa
May, 1913

Harlow Erskine Dead.
While many people from many parts of the county were in Onawa yesterday the words, “Harlow Erskine is dead,” passed from lip to lip. Mr. Erskine was an old settler to the county and especially to Kennebec township where he had made his home for many years. The Times has no material on hand which to gather a complete obituary notice, but such will not be needed to the large circle of friends and acquaintances who knew him. While Mr. Erskine always retained his interest in Monona County he was for a long time in the government employ at Washington D.C. and his acquaintances and knowledge of public men covered the whole country. He was a kindly man, well read and advanced in thought. In an early day he taught school in Monona County and when in a talk liked to recount some of the pranks the kids of Kennebec township forty years ago; and the “kids” now grown to men and women of mature years will look back at the years that have passed and speak a word of praise, mingled with regret, for the old schoolmaster of the days that are to be no more. The Times has no particulars as to the funeral or where the burial will [be].

[Iowa Old Press note: the date on this paper may be incorrect, see also August 1913.]
[Transcribed by T.M., November 2007]

Monona County