Iowa Old Press

The Mapleton Press
August 3, 1911

State of Iowa, Monona County, as District Court in Vacation.
To All Whom It May Concern:
Notice is hereby given that an instrument in writing purporting to be the last will and testament of Anna R. Chapman, deceased, was this day produced, opened and read by the undersigned, and that I have fixed Monday, the 16th day of October, 1911, as the day for hearing proof in relation thereto.
Witness my official signature with the seal of said court hereto affixed, this 31st day of July, 1911.
Clerk District Court
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Dr. Wheeler Surprised.
Dr. Nellie E. Wheeler was agreeably surprised last Tuesday evening when about two-score of her friends appeared at her home and demanded admittance.  The visitors, for the most part, were members of the local Rebecca Lodge, and the gathering was in the nature of a farewell party.  Dr. Wheeler is the retiring secretary of the lodge, and before the guests departed they presented her with a fine Rebecca pin, in appreciation of her work as a member and officer of the lodge.  The surprisers brought refreshments, and a jolly evening was spent.
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Miss Hansina Rubbak, of Sioux City, arrived here last Sunday, and has since been the guest at the C. M. Christenson home.

[transcribed by L.Z. Oct 2019]

Iowa Old Press

Monona County