Iowa Old Press

People’s Press
Mapleton, Monona co. Iowa
August 5, 1886

-It is rumored that the Milwaukee has purchased the northwest quarter of section 33, township 84, range 42, for a station at Ute, on the forks of the Soldier, and will locate town on the Sioux on the old Van Dorn farm, two miles south of Smithland. If this latter item is true, it will be another good plum in Monona’s dish this year and will give the northwest quarter of our county four first-class towns. We are almost full, but we will try and stand it.

-Mrs. S. B. Gilmore starts this afternoon for the eastern part of the state to visit relatives, expecting to be absent a month.

-Hugh Neely has been shelling corn for J. W. Smith this week at the rate of about three cars per day. The Farmer’s Alliance of Cooper township shipped several ears of corn lately.

-Charles I. Whiting Tuesday ordered nine full uniforms for the Mapleton Cornet Band, from a Philadelphia firm. They will cost $150, and with the caps and pouches bought a short time ago, will enable the boys to make a handsome appearance.

-M. L. Dudley went to Deloit last Thursday and returned Friday, bringing Mrs. Dudley home with him, she having visited Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Dudley for some time.

-Rev. G. C. Haddock of Sioux City was assassinated on Tuesday night by some unknown persons. The ball entered the left side of the neck, about three inches below and a little back of the ear, and passed entirely through. It is said that Mr. Haddock’s participation in the liquor cases was the cause of the deed.

[transcribed by L.Z., March 2019]

Iowa Old Press
Monona County