Iowa Old Press

The West Iowa Gazette, Saturday, Jan. 30, 1864

D. W. Butts, Editor

Onawa City, Monona County, Iowa


Audited and allowed by the Board of Supervisors of Monona County from June 1st, 1863, to January 1st, 1864


Name of Claimant
[do means ditto or same as above line]

Cause of Claim Amount
126 to 128 G. R. Outhouse Services as Assessor Belvidere twp $ 12.90
129 to 131 Wm. L. Ring Assessing Maple township 1863 $ 18.00
132 to 135 Jas. Armstrong Assessing Franklin township 1863 $ 40.50
136 F. A. Day Service on Road Committee $ 2.75
137 do Services as Auditor $ 36.00
138 Joe B. P. Day Assessing Kennebec township $ 21.00
139 F. A. Day Original entries at Land Office $ 10.00
140 do Supervisor Salary $ 5.50
141 Wm. H. Wiley Services as Assessor Franklin township $ 15.00
143 Thomas Hayes Ass'r Road Committee & Supervisor Salary $ 29.70
144 J. R. Bouslaugh Road Com'r & Supervisor Salary $ 10.00
145 Addison Oliver do $ 6.00
146 C. Dunham senior do $ 2.58
147 do do $ 11.06
148 D. W. Butts Printing notices for Drainage Commiss'r $ 5.00
149 do Printing notices for Co. Judge $ 5.00
150 do Printing Delinquent Tax List 1861 $ 25.00
151 do do $ 25.00
152 do do $ 20.00
153 do do $ 20.00
154 do do $ 10.10
155 Mills & Company Stationary &c. $ 77.88
156 H. E. Colby Road Commissioner services $ 1.00
157 R. G. Fairchild Bill of sundries $ 2.93
158 C. C. Bisbee Services as Trustee Belvidere twp $ 6.00
159 Moses Adams do $ 3.00
160 C. Dunham junior Services as Clerk Boyer township $ 7.50
161 U. U. Comfort Services as Trustee Franklin township $ 3.00
162 John A. Heisler Services as Clerk Maple township $ 5.00
163 Geo. R. Outhouse Services as Assessor Belvidere township $ 12.10
164 C. Dunham jr Services as Assessor Boyer township $ 22.50
165 Elijah Cobb Services as Assessor Preparation township $ 19.50
166 Wm. B. Whiting Services as Assessor West Fork township $ 27.50
167 Adam Miers [unreadable copy] $ --
168 Rowland Cobb do (same as the above line #167 which is not legible) $ 2.92
169 C. E. Whiting do (same as the above line #167 which is not legible) $ 8.89
170 J. R. Bauslaugh do (same as the above line #167 which is not legible) $ 10.58
171 Robert Lindley Bounty $ 1.00
172 R. G. Fairfield Bill of sundries $ 4.35
173 Wm. H. Wiley Salary $ 10.00
174 do Key to Desk in Court House $ .70
175 Wm. B. Whiting Excess on No. 166, Jan. 8, 1863 $ 9.98
176 Wm. H. Wiley Salary $ 15.00
177 do Stationary $ 3.55
178 do do $ 3.50
179 C. H. Holbrook Salary qr ending June 30, '63 $ 25.00
180 do do $ 25.00
181 do do $ 25.00
182 do Clerk hire $ 25.00
183 Wm. H. Wiley Salary $ 25.00
184 do do $ 25.00
185 Wm. L. Phillips Road Commissioner services $ 7.50
186 F. A. Day do $ 7.49
187 D. M. Dimmick do $ 3.75
188 C. E. Whiting do $ 4.37
189 H. A. Agens do $ 1.87
190 A. A. Davis do $ 1.87
191 J. C. Chopper do $ .62
192 Joe B. P. Day do $ 20.00
193 Thomas Hayes Supervisor salary $ 4.60
194 do do $ 4.60
195 J. R. Bouslaugh do $ 6.00
196 do do $ 6.00
197 Adam Miers do $ 11.12
198 F. A. Day do $ 9.50
199 Adam Miers Bounty $ 1.00
200 Rowland Cobb Supervisor salary $ 11.84
201 Addison Oliver do $ 6.00
202 C. E. Whiting do $ 11.00
203 Wm. H. Wiley Stamps for Clerk's office $ 2.00
204 D. W. Butts Printing for county $ 42.50
205 Robert Lindley Bounty $ 1.00
206 J. A. Hittle Salary $ 3.00
207 do Salary and summoning Jury $ 6.00
208 do Impaneling Petit Jurors $ 5.25
209 Wm. H. Wiley Work done for county $ 1.70
210 do Salary $ 24.00
211 Abel Smith Witness in Winteringer case $ 4.64
212 Elijah Adams do $ 4.76
213 Theodore Warren do $ 5.00
214 J. A. Heisler Services as Grand Juror $ 3.00
215 Esom Lee do $ 4.00
216 Geo. W. Dirst do $ 4.00
217 A. McCleery do $ 3.00
218 Rowland Cobb Services as Petit Juror $ 3.00
219 Elijah Cobb do $ 8.00
220 B. W. Warren do $ 3.00
221 A. Bullock Bounty $ 1.00
222 J. Q. Adams Services as Petit Juror $ 3.00
223 William Berry do $ 3.00
224 Hiram B. Ernst Witness before Grand Jury $ 1.00
225 Wm. McCleery Services as Grand Juror $ 3.00
226 Cornelius Dunham do $ 6.80
227 Thomas Maynard Services as Talesman Petit Jury $ 3.00
228 Adam Miers Services as Grand Juror $ 4.40
229 Edward Winegar do $ 4.00
230 Jesse Melton do $ 5.50
231 Wm. L. Ring do $ 5.70
232 Stephen Tillson do $ 3.15
233 Meal McNeal do $ 3.25
234 John Elwell do $ 3.10
235 D. W. Sampson do $ 3.00
236 John S. Blackburn Services as Petit Juror $ 2.30
237 James Bently do $ 11.00
238 J. R. Bouslaugh do $ 11.00
239 Wm. H. Wiley do $ 11.50
240 H. E. Colby do $ 9.20
241 John Dingman do $ 9.30
242 Elijah Walker do $ 9.10
243 John Erb do $ 9.10
244 N. A. Whiting do $ 9.10
245 John N. Combs do $ 10.20
246 Isaac Ashton do $ 9.10
247 C. C. Bisbee do $ 10.10
248 Charles Hathaway do $ 9.70
249 Levi Skinner do $ 6.00
250 Samuel Fairchild Services as Talesman on Petit Jury $ 6.00
251 D. W. Butts do $ 3.00
252 Wm. Burton do $ 3.00
253 Henry Myers do $ 3.00
254 John Suthers do $ 3.00
255 Moses Adams do $ 3.00
256 Robert McCleery do $ 3.00
257 Theodore Bouslaugh do $ 3.00
258 Henry Heisler do $ 3.00
259 Wm. H. Wiley For stationary for County $ 3.25
260 C. H. Holbrook For quarterly salary $ 25.00
261 do do $ 25.00
262 do do $ 25.00
263 do do $ 25.00
264 Wm. H. Wiley For stove for Court House and freight on same $ 24.00
265 Wm. H. Wiley For Express Charges on Poll Books $ 1.10
266 Wm. H. Wiley For lumber for Court House $ 15.00
267 Wm. Sumner for Bounty $ 1.00
268 John H. Overucker for services as Baliff six days and nights $ 13.50
269 S. E. Wright for services as witness before Grand Jury $ 1.00
270 Henry Canfield for same $ 1.00
271 A. W. Jordan for two bounties $ 2.00
272 C. E. Whiting for services as Judge of Election & Supervisor salary $ 4.70
273 Rowland Cobb do $ 2.00
274 Addison Dimmick for services on Road survey $ 1.25
275 Elza Cheadle for same $ 1.25
276 James Armstrong for locating road $ 35.00
277 John F. Beers for services as trustee Kennebec township $ 2.00
278 J. D. Woodward for same $ 2.00
279 F. A. Day for services as Judge of election $ 1.50
280 Cornelius Dunham sr. for Supervisor salary $ 5.84
281 J. R. Bouslaugh for same $ 4.00
282 D. W. Butts for advertising for County $ 18.60
283 John A. Hittle for the board of prisoner $ 12.00
284 do for irons for prisoner $ 6.00
285 do for quarterly salary $ 6.25
286 do for attending prisoner $ 6.00
287 do for serving subpoena calling Jury $ 6.30
288 F. A. Day for services as Clerk of Election $ 1.50
289 H. L. Erskine for same $ 1.50
290 J. D. Woodward for services as Judge of Election $ 1.50
291 Seth Smith for same $ 1.50
292 John F. Beers do $ 1.50
293 John Elwell for services as Clerk of Election $ 1.50
294 J. Gorham Herriman for same $ 1.50
295 William Burton for services as Judge of Election $ 1.50
296 N. McNeal for same $ 1.50
297 U. U. Comfort do $ 1.50
298 J. A. Heisler for services as Clerk of Election $ 1.50
299 J. Q. Adams for same $ 1.50
300 James Beatly for services as Judge of Election $ 1.50
301 B. Warren for same $ 1.50
302 Theodore Bouslaugh for same $ 1.50
303 Joseph Robinson for services as Clerk of Election $ 1.50
304 Wm. B. Whiting for same $ 1.50
305 Tobias Fegenbush for services as Judge of Election $ 1.50
306 J. N. Comos for same $ 1.50
307 G. M. Scott for services as Clerk of Election $ 1.50
308 Elijah Cobb for same $ 1.50
309 Samuel Scott for services as Judge of Election $ 1.50
310 Edward Johnson for same $ 1.50
311 Orrin Butts do $ 1.50
312 C. C. Bisbee for services as Clerk of Election $ 1.50
313 T. R. Carritt for same $ 1.50
314 J. C. Crabb for services as Judge of Election $ 1.50
315 Adam Miers for same $ 1.50
316 John Cleghorn for services as Clerk of Election $ 1.50
317 J. A. Goodrich for same $ 1.50
318 Charles Cleghorn for services as Judge of Election $ 1.50
319 John Hague for same $ 1.50
320 Isaac Ashton do $ 1.50
321 Cornelius Dunham jr for services as Clerk of Election $ 1.50
322 Wm. G. Myers for same $ 1.50
323 William H. Jordan for services as Judge of Election $ 1.50
325 J. T. Howard for same $ 1.50
326 E. D. Dimmick Bounty $ 1.00
327 Wm. H. Wiley Salary $ 25.00
328 do Stationary $ 3.50
329 Jackson Erb Baliff for Sheriff $ 3.00
330 P. B. Skinner Witness for State $ 3.50
331 Addison Oliver Supervisor Salary $ 2.00
332 F. W. Brooks for two Bounties $ 2.00
333 Wm. H. Wiley Salary $ 11.00
334 Esom Lee for services as Talesman on Petit Jury $ 2.00
335 D. W. Sampson Repairing chairs for Court House $ 2.50
336 Charles Atkins Stationary and Freight $ 2.23
337 Thomas Hayes Supervisors salary $ 2.60
338 H. L. Erskine do $ 3.00
339 Wm. L. Ring Bounty $ 1.00
340 J. S. Blackburn do $ 2.00
341 Wm. McEyers do $ 2.00
342 T. Fegenbush do $ 2.00
343 Henry Bursham do $ 1.00
344 Wm. H. Wiley Salary $ 5.00
345 F. G. Oliver Bounty $ 10.00
346 Seth Smith do $ 1.00
347 H. B. Ernst for costs in case of State against Todd and Agens $ 2.50
348 H. T. Myers for same $ 8.05
349 H. P. Jordan do $ .70
350 John Rounds do $ .70
351 Maria Agens do $ .50
352 J. H. Foster do $ .50
353 C. F. Buss do $ .50
354 C. W. Williams Witness fee $ .70
355 J. R. Bouslaugh Supervisor Salary $ 4.90
356 H. L. Erskine do $ 8.00
357 J. R. Bouslaugh do $ 10.00
358 Adam Miers do $ 8.60
359 Thomas Hayes do $ 9.80
360 C. Dunham sr. do $ 7.80
361 John N. Combs for Bounty $ 10.00
362 C. E. Whiting Supervisor Salary $ 11.00
363 Richard Stebbins School Superintendent salary 6 days $ 12.00
364 Richard Stebbins Bill of sundries $ 10.00
365 C. H. Holbrook Bill of sundries $ 7.78
366 C. Dunham sr. for attending canvass of votes at Denison $ 3.90
367 Addison Oliver for attending canvass at Sac City $ 10.00
368 Addison Oliver Supervisor Salary $ 6.00
369 F. A. L. Day for miskink Tax List $ 93.00
370 George ERb for services as Baliff for Sheriff $ 12.00
371 D. W. Butts Publishing resolutions of Board Supervisors $ 4.00
372 Wm. H. Wiley Salary $ 6.00
373 do do $ 1.00
374 George Lindley Bounty $ 1.00
375 John A. Hittle do $ 4.00
376 N. A. Whiting Supper for Jury by Order of Court $ 3.00
377 Charles Hathaway Bounty $ 2.00
378 Daniel Keene do $ 4.00
379 Thomas Rickman do $ 1.00
No. Claimant's name Cause of Claim Amount
01 James M. Durphy Bounty $ 5.00
02 Tobias Fegenbush do $ 5.00
03 Wm. H. Wiley Clerk salary quarterly ending Dec. 31, 1863 $ 11.50
04 J. N. Hite Bounty $ 7.00
05 T. T. Bouslaugh Bounty $ 1.00
06 Mosiah Wineger do $ 1.00
07 Elijah Walker do $ 1.00
08 Lempa Brattain do $ 2.00
09 F. G. Oliver do $ 5.00
10 Adam Miers do $ 2.00
11 J. C. Crabb for services as Trustee of Belvidere township $ 2.50
12 C. H. Holbrook Salary for quarter ending Dec. 31, 1863 $ 25.00
13 do do $ 25.00
14 do do $ 25.00
15 do do $ 25.00
16 John A. Heisler for services as Clerk of Maple township $ 4.50
17 C. C. Bisbee for services as Clerk of Belvidere township $ 2.00
18 T. T. Bouslaugh for services as Trustee of Maple township $ 2.00
19 Adam Miers for services as Trustee of Belvidere township $ 2.00
20 John A. Hittle balance of salary for 1863 $ 6.25
21 John Elwell for services as Clerk of Franklin township $ 5.00
22 Jas. Armstrong for services as Drainage Commissioner $ 9.00
23 John Cleghorn for services as Clerk of Ashton township $ 5.00
24 Isaac Ashton for services as Trustee of Ashton township $ 1.00
25 F. A. L. Day for entering Soldier's Bounty tax in Tax List $ 8.00
26 F. A. L. Day for services as Trustee of Kennebec township $ 7.00
27 D. W. Butts for publishing delinquent tax list of 1882 & c. $ 30.00
28 do same $ 5.00
29 do do $ 25.00
30 do do $ 25.00
31 do do $ 25.00
32 do do $ 25.00
33 do do $ 25.00
34 do do $ 22.50
35 U. U. Comfort for services as Trustee of Franklin township $ 2.00
36 do Bounty $ 2.00
37 J. R. Bouslaugh Co. Judge salary '63 $ 2.10
38 do do $ 20.00
39 do do $ 17.90
40 R. G. Fairchild for services as Trustee of Franklin township $ 2.00
41 F. A. Day Auditing Co. Books $ 20.00
42 B. L. Erskine Supervisor Salary $ 7.00
43 do do $ 4.00
44 J. R. Bouslaugh do $ 12.00
45 Isaac Ashton do $ 10.24
46 B. L. Bederock do $ 8.00
47 F. A. Day do $ 10.00
48 Addison Oliver do

$ 2.00


~WM. H. WILEY, Clerk B'd of Supervisor, Monona Co., Iowa


[transcribed L.Z.]



Monona County