Iowa Old Press

The West Iowa Gazette
Onawa City, Monona co. Iowa
September 23, 1863

NOTICE is hereby given to the qualified electors of Monona county, Iowa, that as the general election of 1863, to be held on the second Tuesday of October next, the following officers are to be elected:
One person for Senator in the 43rd Senatorial district.
One person for Representative in the 62d Representative district.
One person for Probate Judge of Monona county, Iowa.
One person for Treasurer & Recorder of Monona county, Iowa.
One person for County Surveyor of Monona county, Iowa.
One person for Drainage Commissioner of Monona county, Iowa.
One person for Sheriff of Monona county, Iowa.
One person for Coroner of Monona county, Iowa.
One person for Superintendent of Common Schools of Monona county, Iowa.
Also, at the same time, elections are to be held in the several Townships, to fill such township offices as will become vacant on the 1st of January, 1864.
~J. A. HITTLE, Sheriff of Monona county, Iowa, Onawa, Sept. 23.

At Onawa, Iowa, on the 16th, (of Consumption) Em E., daughter of Samuel and Elinor Fairchild, aged 18 years, 6 months and three days.

Gently we closed her eyes.
When their light fled;
Smoothed out her shroud-folds,
Wept she was dead.

Lightly we laid her hands
On the still breast.
Where no care or sorrow
Might waken unrest.

Softly we parted back
From the cold brow,
The ripples of wavy hair,
Motionless now.

Pressed on the paling lips
One last kiss,
Though knowing our darling
Felt not its bliss.
Carried her from the home,
Shrouded in gloom.
Its light and its glory
Laid in the tomb.

Earth to earth, dust to dust,
Spirit to God!
Bow we in faith and trust,
To the dim rod.

Know we that dear one
Early is blest,
In a beautiful‹beautiful,
Beautiful rest.

[transcribed by L.Z., October 2011]

Monona County