Iowa Old Press

Osage News
Osage, Mitchell County, Iowa
March, unknown year

Ole Hallingby, Jr., came home from Chicago University last week. He graduated last October but has since been taking post graduate work and expects to return next week for further work. What he does he belives in
doing well.

Rev. E. J. Lockwood has returned from his trip to the Pacific coast. He occupied his pulpit at Cedar Falls again last Sunday, the first time in many weeks. He is much improved in health and expects to become fully recovered soon.

Mrs. James Gardner, living in the Fourth ward, passed away yesterday morning. We had not previously heard of her being in poor health. The funeral will probably be held today. The News extends its sympathy to the
bereaved ones.

Geo. McCabe, formerly an employee of the Sun office, was in the City Saturday with his bride. He is now engaged at Charles City. The News extends congratulations and wishes the newly married pair a happy life in
the typographial union.

S. D. Dennison, of Clarion, Iowa, has been visiting his sister, Mrs. J. F. Auner, since Saturday. Mr. Denison was an old school mate of the writer at college, and an excellent student. He is now enjoying a good practice as an attorney in his native town.

The Mitchell and Brownville lodges A.O.R. will meet with the Osage lodge on Saturday evening, March 18, for the purpose of witnessing an exemplification of the secret work of the order by Hon. A.M. Potter and degree team, with complete paraphernalia, from Waverly.

Antone George Jr., station agent at Otranto station, arrived here Friday to visit a couple of days with friends. But his father, mother and two brothers were so glad to see him, it was Monday when he got started back. Everybody is always glad to see Antone.Milford Monitor.

Little Cedar:
At the regular annual school meeting Mr. Rabenau was re-elected director of Dis. No. 2. At the special meeting held Monday afternoon of this week, Dr. Evans was elected director at large for the township. Both are capable and energetic men, and will undoubtedly make good officials, but the perfect man that can please everybody has not made his appearance yet.

The High School Declamatory contest was held in the Baptist church last Friday evening. The nine contestants acquitted themselves well, showing a good degree of preparatory training. The contestants receiving the medals were Miss Maude E. Roberts and Arthur J. Young. Supt. Salisbury, C. R. Graves and Prof. Kugler acted as judges.

Mrs. A. M. Walker was in town last Friday.

Miss Hariss visited her father and brother the last week of school.

Melvin Jewett, his wife and child, visited the Hammonds last week.

Mrs. Jno. Nicholson, from Buffalo Center, is visiting friends in this vicinity.

The Women's Missionary society met with Mrs. Mosher last Thursday. The day was fine and attendance good.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hocum are the proud parents of a fine baby boy, born Monday.

Mrs. Raenau does not seen to recover from her serious illness as fast as her friends would like to see her.

Dr. Evans is gone to Rochester, Minn., to-day.

[transcribed by M.O., February 2006]

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