Iowa Old Press

Osage News
Osage, Mitchell County, Iowa
August 8, 1929

Osage News
Piano Recital Is Given by Miss Lesch's Pupils -- Twenty-six Students Appear in Concent at Her Home.
The pupils of Miss Lillian Lesch gave a piano recital Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at her home. Those who took part were: Geneva Casey, Adeline Lugg, Dorcas Shelledy, Edna Lugg; Theone Peterson, Veda Seaton, Ruby Morische, Dorothy Huesselmann, Josephine Naden, Norma Huesselmann, Robert Flack, Arnold Warren, Genevieve Fish, Maxine Hogan, Phyllis Beland, Junior Flack, Lloyd Woodiwiss, Grace Samuels, Lloyd Samuels, Ruth Reld, Jeanne Nicols, Marian Lewis, Mary Louise Havig, Doris Holliday, Mae Yeoman, Vida Larson.

[transcribed by M.O., December 2005]


Osage Press News
Osage Mitchell County
August 2, 1929

Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Culver, Mrs.and Mrs. L. A. Muller, left Sunday morning from Charles City on a couple of weeks trip to New York.

J. F. Koch and son Lloyd spent the first of last week on a motor trip to Columbus, Wis.

Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Hansen of Wibaux, Mont., spent last week here with relatives, Sunday morning going to Rochester, where Mrs. Hansen will remain for an operation for goiter.

Mr. and Mrs John Robertson were called here from Minneapolis the first of last week by the death of Mrs. Robertson's mother, Mrs. Bertha Knutson. Mr. and Mrs Robertson remained for a few days visit. On Sunday at 3:30 Mr. Robertson was taken suddenly ill with a hemorrhage of the lung, from which he passed away. The funeral was held at the First Lutheran church, Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock conducted by Rev. C. A. Langehough.

Mr. and Mrs Wilmer Rosel and two sons, Miss Florence Belz and brother Walter, drove up to Mankato, Sunday where they met Mr. and Mrs. Frank Groth of Branton, Minn. From there, Mrs. Groth and her niece, Miss Florence Blez, left on a month's trip out to Seattle, Wash., where they will visit relatives.

Mrs. M. Phillips visited at Lake Cornelius on Tuesday and Wednesday.

The Baptist Ladies held a farewell picnic in the park on last Tuesday complimentary to Mrs. Charles Gray who is moving to St. Paul.

Mrs. Charles Gray and family went to St. Paul on Wednesday. The last of their furniture was loaded in a car that day. Mr. Gray's C.G.W. run will contiue out of here for the present but later in the fall the run will be changed to St. Paul, where he can be at home more.

Mrs. Georgia Ann Eastman accident hurt her nose last week while attending to outside farm work.

Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Merrill and two children and Mrs. Fern Ure motored to Riceville Sunday evening.

Miss Mildred Williams accompanied Bud St. John of Riceville to Clear Lake Sunday to spend the day.

Leonard Lutz and sister, Stella, were business callers in LeRoy on Saturday.

Gene Boswell and sister, Mildred, and cousin Arthur Moon of Eagle Grove, attended the show in Osage on Sunday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Bart Ott returned last week after a vacation spend in northern Minnesota.

Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Thomas and family of Spencer, Ia., were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ney, the former being a brother of Mrs. Ney. They were on their way to Bedford, Va.

The south road has been temporarly closed and on Monday the small concerte bridge below the hill was blasted out and is being filled in with dirt. The ditch west of the new bridge has been dug and the channel of the creek changed and the water is now running in its new course.

The west half of the Osage Greenhouse is being torn down this week, preparatory to the erection of a new, modern greenhouse. Joe Larson proprietor, expects to clear off the space this year, and next spring he will build one house, adding a house each year until the space is filled. The greenhouse being torn down is old and inefficient.

Fred Birum, who operates the Osage cafe in the old Sprage block on West Main Street, has leased the entire building from the Masonic Lodge, the present owners. Mr. Brium expects to intall a pool hall in the room now being vacated by the Loney second hand store. The hall upstairs will be used for dances.

Will Loney has rented the Motor Inn building, across from The News office, and is moving his furniture stock in this week. The Motor Inn is owned by W. J. Starr, who has remodeled it to a considerable extent. Mr. Loney will continue to handle second hand furniture, as well as some new goods.

Alex Turnmire has purchased the lot and building now occupied by the Gilchrist-Hammond barber shop. The lot belonged to the Champion estate and the building to the Cl. L. Isackson estate.

Mr. Turnmire expects to open a restruant in the building about Sept. 1. Some remodeling will be necessary, and an addition will be built onto the rear. Mrs. Turnmire and Earl Lewis, who now run the Humphery sandwich shop, will have charge of the resturant. They have built up a very successful business where they now are, and believe they can duplicate it in the new location.

C. A. Peterson, proprietor of the East End grocery, is building Michell County's first tourist camp. Five cabins are to contructed on the vacant lot back of his store, on East Main street, two of which are already built. One building containing a shower bath will also be erected. Each of the five cabins will contain a folding bed, table and two chairs; and will be ten by ten feet in size. Some time this fall the cabins will be plastered, and a stove placed in each one. The new camp is in an unusually good location, being on both highways Nos. 9 and 218.

Charles Dalin is again the owner of the Osage Cleaners, having repurchased the business from Kenneth Clow. Mr. Clow is now associated with I. E. Vaughn in the Clevrolet business, making his headquarters in Charles City.

F. J. Frazee and his grandfather, Marion Eckford of Madison, Wis., who is visiting her paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Eckford, and Mrs. Cora Emerson, all spent Sunday at West Bend and Clear Lake.

[transcribed by M.O., December 2005]

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