Iowa Old Press

Mitchell County News
Osage, Mitchell County, Iowa
May 25, 1919

Mrs George Domincovich Hammers Up Mrs. Banisin
One of the most exciting battles in the history of Good Old Bloody Third, took place when Mrs. George Domincovich took her hammer in
hand and proceeded to demonstrate to Mrs. Katie Banisin that she could, and would, take up her bed and walk. The two ladies in question are sisters. A few years ago Mrs. Katie, with her husband, Joe and two children, moved here rather short of household goods. Mrs. Domincovich, out of the fullness of her heart loaned her a bed. Then one day Mrs. Katie came over and worked a day for Mrs. George Domincovich,
and on Monday evening Mrs. George decided she wanted the bed back, and was informed she could have it when she paid Mrs. Katie for the days work. This simple statement greatly incensed Mrs. George, and after threatening to completly annihilate the whole Banisin family, she got a hammer and proceeded to inforce her statements. The family all took to the trees excepting Rose, who calmly continued her washing. She evidently was no match for the infuriated Mrs. Domincovitch, as Mrs Banisin is now nursing a black eye, is minus several teeth, and probably
will wash with one hand for some time. A justice trial was held Wednesday at 1 o'clock, the outcome of which we have not yet heard.

Claude Jewett, Returned
Solider Killed In Accident
A very sad accident occured at Kensett, Iowa, last Saturday evening when Claude Jewett, son of George Jewett, was instantly killed, his car turning turtle. Mr. Jewett was home from France on an indefinite furlough, having been in a number of big drives. He was wounded several times and gassed a couple of times, but came out all right each time. How the accident happened will probably never be known, but it is thought he was driving too fast, and the car slipped down an enbankment. His neck was broken. The body was not found until 4 o'clock the next morning. He was a nephew of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Godfrey, Mr and Mrs. Frank Crawford, Mrs. Alice Godfrey and Mrs Arthur Smith. They attended the funeral driving over Monday. His cousins, Warren Godfrey and wife, also drove over.

[transcribed by M.O., January 2007]

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