Iowa Old Press

Osage News
Osage Mitchell County
January 15, 1914

B. L. Henderson delivered hogs at St. Ansgar Saturday.

B. L. Henderson and family were guests at Hart Raub's Sunday.

Mrs. Debbie Dowd is visiting her sister, Mrs. John McSweeney.

J. M. Decker and wife spent last Thursday at the O. B. Jacobs home.

Will Delaney and wife of Union were calling in this vicinity Monday.

Rasmus Jorgensen is moving from the Gregg farm to a farm near St. Ansgar.

Helen Duckwitz was an over Sunday guest of her friend, Florence Kindschuh.

Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Julius attended the Yeomen lodge at Osage Monday evening.

Ross Decker and Wilmer Koon were entertained at the Lemon home Saturday evening.

The Lemons, Coopers and Roberts' attended the Woodman banquet at Stacyville Thurdsay evening.

Mabel Wilson was obliged to come home from her school work at St. Ansgar last Wednesday owing to sickness.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter McCann and baby, also Melborn Barker, were entertained at the Charles Steelman home Sunday.

Will Ford is on the sick list, having chills and fever.

Wellington Lewis has been on the sick list the past week.

Mrs. Thomas Armstrong has been suffering a severe cold.

Quite a change in the weather between Sunday morning and Sunday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Mack and their guests spent Monday afternoon at the Armstrong home.

Mr. and Mrs. George Hill and Miss Fern Morse and friend of Orchard attended the service Sunday evening.

Evangelist Armstrong and wife and Mr. and Mrs. Mack took dinner at the Bryant home Tuesady of last week.

Ray Dodge and Miss Eva Doan came out from Osage and attended the fathers' meeting Sunday afternoon.

Wednesday of last week, a telephone message came from Fairbank calling Miss Fox home on account of lllness in her family.

[transcribed by M.O., March 2006]

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