Iowa Old Press

The Osage News
Osage, Mitchell co. Iowa
Thursday, February 1, 1912

Published every Thursday Morning By C. H. Addington
Designated by City Council as The Official Paper for the City of Osage.
Official Paper of Mitchell County
Subscription Price..$1.50 per year
Entered at the postoffice at Osage, Iowa, as second-class mail matter.

-The weather the past week has been quite good for this time of year.
-Paul Palmer and family of Stacyville spent Sunday at S.G. Palmer's.
-Mrs. Wm. Ehlke is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Geo. Brandt at Toeterville.
-Wm. Ehler of Calmer, Ia., spent a few days last week visiting his brother-in-law, Antone Meinert.
-The roads seem to be getting rather high from ground and as a result some loads land wrong side up if they get a little off track.
-Geo. Gerhart was out from Stacyville several days last week assisting his brother, Fred, in giving his auto an overhauling and fixing up in general so it will be ready for business when the auto season opens.
-Jas. Palmer, Jr., got his ice house filled last week and Henry Brainard got his partly filled. H.B. is trying an experiment this winter and making a part of his ice at home from well water, set in small tanks to freeze.

-Charles Elliott and wife visited at the John Elliott home Sunday.
-Will and Alice Weber spent Sunday at the Jacob Weber home.
-Mrs. Philip Blonigan and family spent Sunday at the parental home.
-Bill Weber drove over near Riceville Monday after a load of seed oats.
-Master Jakie Weber is very much improved from his recent indisposition.
-Leonard Classen and Carl Kane spent Sunday evening at the Miller home.
-Mrs. Phil Bissonette took a tumble from her cutter Sunday, so we were informed.
-Joe and John Miller and Mrs. Theo. Foxen returned from Boscobel Friday, where they had been summoned by the death of a sister.
-Joe B. Merrick went to Dubuque one day last week to visit his father at that place.
-Gus Classen is going to have a sale preparatory to moving to Boone, Iowa, about the first of March.
-Lillian Weber departed last Friday for Madison, Wis., to visit relatives. From there she goes to Milwaukee, to work in a wholesale house.
-This community was saddened last Tuesday by a telegram announcing the death of Mrs. W. Byers, of Boscobel, Wis. She leaves a husband and four children, four brothers, five sisters and a father to mourn her death. Mrs. Byers is better known to many as Miss Katherine Miller.

-Miss Bulah Lambert spent last Sunday at home.
-Miss Jessie Stacy came home from Randolph Friday.
-Joe Nedd was a new Hampton business visitor Monday.
-Pearl Dillon spent Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. Lewis.
-Same Grace accompanied Mr. Horgen on his trip to Moline, Ill.
-Fred Wall, Jr., was a new Hampton business caller Monday.
-Walter Leslie and Chester Grace were Rochester visitors Sunday.
-Miss Sopha Smith is at the Henry Kinter home for a few weeks.
-Martin Gable of Stacyville was in McIntire on business last Thursday.
-Mrs. C. Kinter spent Saturday visiting at the Albert Fessenmeyer home.
-Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wall, Sr., were down to Alta Vista, Saturday on business.
-Fred Van de Walker, has rented the Wm. Harrison farm for the coming year.
-Michael Hastings went down to Elma Wednesday to attend a leap year ball.
-Miss Anna Fitscher entertained the L.A.S. of the M.E. church last Thursday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Will Shepherd spent last Wednesday visiting at the John Bailey home.
-Ben McIntire, Daisy Wall and Curt Woodard were Osage business visitors Friday.
-We understand that Milo Dodd will have an auction sale soon, and be leaving here.
-Miss Helen Pillsbury went down to David Saturday for a visit at the John Nicholas home.
-Harold Clark came up from Charles City and spent Sunday at the Curt Woodard home.
-Martin Leddy who has been quite poorly for some time past is feeling much better at this writing.
-Mrs. Fred Smith and family were over to Stacyville Tuesday to visit at the John J. Adams home.
-Barney Dillon was over to Mitchell last Tuesday. He went to Mill, returning home the same day.
-Mr. H. Horgen left Sunday evening for Moline, Ill., on a business trip for the firm of Horgen & Sergent.
-Mrs. Neta Woodard is on the sick list at this writing and Violett Smith is teaching in the primary room.
-There was a social dance at the Walter Loftus home Friday evening which was well attended and enjoyed by all.
-Mrs. John McNulty spent a couple of days last week at the home of her sister, Mrs. Will Adams near Brownville.
-Miss Maude Hine came down from LeRoy Thursday evening and visited until Saturday with Miss Anna Fitschen.
-Mr. Furgeson is down near Tipton this week looking after his interests there preparatory to moving in the spring.
-Mrs. Carl Johnson came over from Osage Thursday to be at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. House during the sale.
-Mr. J. M. Kline received the sad news of the death of his mother which occurred at the Fred Beebe home at Marion last Friday.
-The new band is doing just fine. There are fifteen members and everyone is more than pleased with the progress they are making.

-Elwood House is having a serious time with his ear, which was hurt in a wrestling bout some time ago. He is having it treated in hopes that it may soon be all right again. Here's hoping.

-Dr. Tommy Walker came up Thursday and removed the cast from Aunt Jane Morrow's limb and found the injured hip bone knitting in fine shape. He says she can get up in a week.

There was a little social gathering at the Santa Crittenden home last Friday evening. Some of the young people and neighbors gathered there to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Dodd Lattimer.

Mrs. Wollason was called to Valpriaso, Ind., last week on account of the illness of her brother. We understand Minnie went to Waterloo to stay with her sister while Mrs. Woolason is away.

The auction sale at the Frank House place east of town last Thursday was well attended. Mr. House has been buying stock here for quite a number of years, and has made many warm friends who will be sorry to have him leave here but our best wishes go with him to his new home at Princeton, Minn.

Although we have been having a very severe winter, our local land man, J. J. Nedd, has been kept very busy, having closed a deal between B. D. Sergent and Albert Ott, both of McIntire, besides a number of other transactions of the same nature. If you wish to change your business for a farm or your farm for some business proposition, just call on or write Mr. Nedd, as he is in touch with some good bargains and will find you just what you are looking for.

Page 2
Read the "Political Announcements" column.

The Iowa Primary election will be held on Monday, June 3rd.

We have been expecting a January thaw for the past thirty days. It didn't come.

Iowa should make it unanimous for Cummins. We never had a better chance to win the presidency, not even with Allison.

The spelling school will be one of the big attraction at the Short Course. It will be held in Sprague's Opera House on Friday evening, February 23rd.

"Tom Atherton of the Osage News has purchased the Clear Lake Mirror," is the way a dispatch from Mason City to the Register & Leader read in last Saturday's paper.

The persistency of those who would make Roosevelt the republican candidate for president is to be admired. It sometimes looks as thought they would accomplish their purpose.

It is evident that Senator Adams is looking for support among the progressive republicans who are dissatisfied with Congressman Haugen. We predict that he will be disappointed.

County Recorder, Mrs. Dodson, of Polk county, is the only county officer that the Des Moines papers speak a good word for. This should be a good argument for the Woman Suffragists.

The Democratic state convention to select delegates to the national convention will be held at Burlington on May 9th. Their convention to nominate state officers will be held on July 25th at Cedar Rapids.

With Holden as the Republican candidate, Meridith, the standard bearer for the democrats and Galloway waving the prohibition banner, we certainly would have a good race for the governorship.

Haugen, Hubbard, and Woods were the only Iowa members to vote for the democratic bill reducing the tariff on steel. We commend their action. There were twenty progressive republicans who voted for the measure. The bill passed 210 to 109.

The Women Suffragists propose to wage war on every candidate for the legislature who is not on record as favoring "votes for women." It is said that in Polk county there area some anti-suffrage candidates and it is the intention to defeat them at the primary.

Mr. F. G. Atherton has purchased the Clear Lake Mirror and takes possession this week. Mr. Atherton has had many years of experience in the newspaper business, and will give the people in our neighboring city a good live paper. In a political way we are inclined to think that it will be an anti-Haugen paper.

It was only a few years ago that the farmer looked upon the grain binder as a luxury to be possessed by a few. Later it was a necessity and every farmer had one. History is now repeating itself, the machine being the automobile. The time will quickly come when every farmer will own an automobile and with that time will come the building of permanent roads.

Much as been written about the great Panama Canal, but we have seen nothing more interesting that the article which Mr. E. W. Tupper has sent us and we will publish it at an early date. Mr. Tupper, who is a son of Geo. Tupper of East Lincoln, has been on the Isthmus three years in the Chief Engineer's department, is thoroughly conversant will all phases of the work.

The Des Moines Capital is trying hard to "queer" the Cummins candidacy, the latest being to declare that he is being treated coldly by the metropolitan press and that he is not receiving serious consideration in political circles. As a matter of fact, Cummins' announcement received a great deal of notice and it is generally conceded that if Taft is not nominated on the first ballot Senator Cummins will have a strong following.

In the District Court of Iowa, in and for Mitchell County, March Term A.D. 1912
William Gilman, Plaintiff vs. John B. Gilman and Mrs. John B. Gilman, his wife, W. H. Gillman and wife Mrs. W. H. Gilman, C. M. Gilman and wife Mrs. C. M. Gilman, et al., Defendants. To the above named defendants and each thereof: You and each of you, are hereby notified that there is on file in the office of the Clerk of the District Court in and for Mitchell County, State of Iowa, the petition of plaintiff, William Gilman, claiming that he is the absolute and unqualified owner of the undivided one-third of the following described real estate situated in the City of Osage, Mitchell County, Iowa, to wit; Lots No's One (1), Two (2), and Three (3) in Block No. Ninety Seven (97), and Lot No. Six (6) in Block No. Ninety Eight (98), according to the recorded plat of said City; and claiming that he acquired such interest in said premises, and title thereto, under the law, as the surviving husband of Ruth J. Gilman, who died, intestate, in said county of Mitchell, on or about Nov. 20, 1881, seized and possessed of the said premises; further claiming that each of the above named defendants, John B. Gilman, w. H. Gilman and C. M. Gilman, has an undivided two-fifteenths (2-15) interest in the said premises, as heir at law of the said Ruth J. Gilman and that the defendants, Mrs. John B. Gilman and Mrs. W. H. Gilman and Mrs. C. M. Gilman, have no interest whatever in the said premises, except the dower, or contingent interest each may have as the wife of each of said other defendants respectively; also claiming that said real estate, and none thereof, can be equitably divided in kind, without detriment to the interest of all concerned, and plaintiff prays that the said premises be partitioned as provided by law, that the same be sold and the proceeds, after payment of all costs and expenses of said action, be divided among the persons interested therein as the law provides, and that the proportion to be awarded said defendants be in accordance wit their respective interests and shares as above set forth.
And you are further notified that unless you appear thereto and defend before noon of the second day of the next term of the said District Court in and for the county of Mitchell, to begin and held at the courthouse at Osage, said county, commencing on the 11th day of March A.D., 1912, default will be entered against you and judgment and decree rendered thereon as provided by law, and as prayed in said petition.
G. E. Marsh, Attorney for Plaintiff.

In the District Court of Mitchell County, Iowa, March Term 1912 James C. Jones, Plaintiff, vs. Sackett, Belcher & Co., and its successors or assigns, if a corporation, and if a partnership, its individual partners, their wives, husbands heirs, grantees, assigns, devisees and all persons claiming by, through or under them or any of
them and all the unknown claimants to the N 1-2 of the SE 1-4 of Sec. 16 Twp. 100, Range 15, West of 5th p.m. except Railroad right of way, Mitchell County, Iowa. Defendants. To the said defendants:---You and each of you are hereby notified that there is now on file in the office of the clerk of the District Court of Mitchell County, Iowa, the petition of the plaintiff named above, stating that he is the absolute owner in fee simple of the land above described; that he is credibly informed and believes that the said defendants make some claim adverse to the estate of the plaintiff in and to said real estate. Said petition further states:---
That on Jan. 12, 1859, L. S. Hart, Jr., one and the same person as Lemuel S. Hart, Jr., then the owner of the fee in said described real estate conveyed the same to Sackett, Belcher & Co. That the plaintiff is unable to state after diligent inquiry whether the said Sackett, Belcher & Co., was a corporation or a partnership.
That subsequent to said conveyances the said Sackett, Belcher and Co., abandoned said land and that the same was sold to Daniel W. Goodrich or D.W. Goodrich (one and the same person) for taxes and that said Daniel W. Goodrich or D. W. Goodrich came into the fee in said real estate by means of certain tax deeds conveying said real estate. That said tax deeds were regular in all respects.
That on June 16, 1890, the said Daniel W. Goodrich conveyed by Warranty deed the said real estate to this plaintiff who has been in absolute possession of the same since that date.
That there may be unknown claimants who claim an interest in and to the said real estate herein described, but that if there be such unknown claimants the plaintiff is unable to sate just what interest or claim such unknown claimants have or claim to have and is unable to state just how the same was derived or is claimed to have been derived; but if there are such unknown claimants, they claim as the successors or assigns of Sackett, Belcher & Co., if a corporation or as its individual partners, their wives, husbands, heirs, grantees, assigns or devisees, if a partnership, that the residence of such person or persons is unknown to the plaintiff, that he has sought diligently to learn the same and has been unable so to do.
Plaintiff asks in said petition that his title in and to said land be established and confirmed as against all interest or claims of the defendants, and that the title thereto be quieted in him and that the defendants and each and all of them and all persons claiming by, through or under them to be forever barred and estopped from having or claiming to have any right, title or interests in and to said land adverse to the plaintiff.
And now unless you appear thereto and defend on or before noon of the second day of next term of the District Court of Mitchell County, Iowa, at the Court House on the 11th day of March, 1912, default will be
entered against you and judgment and decree rendered thereon as provided by law.
H.G. Barttell, Attorney for the Plaintiff.
Osage, Iowa, Jan. 29, 1912
The foregoing Original Notice is hereby approved as to the unknown claimants and it is hereby ordered to be published as provided by law for four successive weeks in the The Osage News, a weekly newspaper
published at Osage, Mitchell County, Iowa. J. F. Clyde Judge 12th Judicial District in Iowa.

In the District Court of Mitchell County, Iowa, March Term, A.D. 1912
J. W. Barrett, Plaintiff, vs. George I. Lewis and Mrs. George I. Lewis, Defendants.
To the said defendants: ---You and each of you are hereby notified that A. D. Smith, Clerk of the District Court of Mitchell County, Iowa, has been attached as Garnishee by virtue of an Execution issued in the above
entitled cause, wherein J. W. Barett is plaintiff, against you as defendants to answer as to his indebtness to George I. Lewis or having money or credits under his control belonging to defendant, George I. Lewis or either of you.
You are notified that unless you appear on or before the first day of the March Term of the said District Court of Mitchell County, Iowa, to be holden on the 11th day of March, A. D. 1912, and show cause if any you have, why judgment should not be entered as prayed by plaintiff and according to the answers of said garnishee, as default will be entered against you and judgment rendered in accordance with the disclosures of the Garnishee and to the funds in the hands of said clerk, belonging to defendant George I. Lewis as your part of your father's estate has been levied upon to pay said debt.
Dated Osage, Iowa, this 26th day of January A.D. 1912. W. J. Decker, Sheriff of Mitchell County, Iowa
A. E. Roberts, Attorney for J. W. Barrett

Political Announcements:
For Sheriff:
I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of Sheriff, subject to the decision of the Republican Primary, June 3rd, 1912. W. J. Decker.

For County Superintendent:
To the Voters of Mitchell County: Please consider me a candidate for the office of County Superintendent,
subject to the decision of the Republican Primary, June 3rd, 1912. H. E. La Rue.

For County Auditor:
To the Voters of Mitchell County, Iowa: I am a candidate for County Auditor of Mitchell County, Iowa. My
nomination is subject to the decision of the Republican voters at the Primary Election to be held, June 3rd.
Geo. J. Cummings

For County Treasurer:
To the Voters of Mitchell County, Iowa: I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of County
Treasurer, subject to the decision of the Republican Primary, June 3rd, 1912. L. P. Tibbetts.

For Clerk of the District Court:
To the Voters of Mitchell County, Iowa: I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the Office of "Clerk of the
District Court," subject to the decision of the Republican voters at the Primary Election to be held, June 3rd, 1912. A. D. Smith.

For County Attorney:
To the Voters of Mitchell County: I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of County
Attorney, subject to the decision of the Republican voters and the June Primary, 1912. Carl H. Spaanum.

For County Attorney:
To the Voters of Mitchell County: I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of County Attorney, subject to the decision of the Republican voters at the Primary Election to be held, June 3rd, 1912. A. E. Brown.

For Representative.
To the Voters of Mitchell County: I hereby announce that I am a candidate for Representative from Mitchell
County in the Iowa Legislature, subject to the decision of the voters at the Republican Primary, June 3, 1912, and I hope to meet as many of you personally as the time will permit. Miles K. Culver.

For Representative.
To the Voters of Mitchell County: I hereby announce that I am a candidate for the office of Representative, subject to the decision of the Republican voters at the Primary Election to be held, June 3rd, 1912. Albert Bartle.

For Representative.
To the Voters of Mitchell County: I desire to announce myself as a candidate for the Republican nomination
for the office of Representative, subject to the Republican Primaries, June 3, 1912. Arthur A. Kugler.

Page 4
Mr. Afton Wright returned from Chicago last Sunday.

Dr. Westenberger was down from St. Ansgar on Tuesday.

Mr. Will Davis left on Tuesday for a short stay at Floyd.

Christian Lochen ws taken to Independence last Thursday.

Mr. G. O. Toulousse was up from Waterloo the first of the week.

Mr. Tom Hume of St. Ansgar was down between trains last Monday.

Mr. White of St. Paul was in the city over Sunday calling on friends.

Avilla Gorman was a between train caller from Orchard on Monday.

Miss Betha Dykeman is visiting her cousin, Miss Clara Hoffer, this week.

Attorney Carl Spanum is confined to his home with an attack of the grip.

Little Katherine Cordes was a guest of relatives at Mitchell last Sunday.

Mr. Horace Pieper came down from Mitchell for a business call, on Monday.

Mrs. M. A. Aldrich, of Mitchell, was a guest of Mrs. A. E. Kearney, Tuesday.

Mr. Paul Schillinger of Union was calling on Osage friends the first of the week.

Mrs. Bertha Seifert was calling in Osage from Orchard the first of the week.

Miss Alta Gooder is entertaining Miss Emma Watcher from McIntire this week.

Mrs. Paul Atchinson of McIntire was shopping in Osage on Friday of last week.

Messrs Will and Ole Rodemacher were passengers for Charles City on Friday's train.

Mr. Frank French was at his daughter's at St. Ansgar on Monday and Tuesday.

Mr. Herman of Lyle was looking after business interests here the first of the week.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bennett have gone to Swift, Colorado, for a visit with their sons.

Miss Gertie Goldberg of St. Ansgar was calling in town the early part of the week.

Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Carden will entertain the Dinner Club at their home this evening.

Bring in your harness and get them repaired and oiled before the rush. R. Levers Sons.

Mr. F. W. Jackson returned last Friday from a business trip to Des Moines and Waterloo.

Miss Belle Burrows of St. Ansgar came down Monday afternoon for short stay in the city.

Mrs. Roy Gutches and little son are spending the week with her mother, Mrs. F. Chute.

Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Brown entertained the A.M. Fuller family from Little Cedar on Tuesday.

Mrs. H. P. Benson, of Edmore, N. D., left Friday to visit her daughter at Glenville, Minn.

Miss Lena Harris is supplying at Dr. Whitley's office during the absence of Miss Clara Whitley.

Mr. Lee T. Jester returned to St. Paul last Friday after spending a week or two in this vicinity.

Mr. and Mrs. Gene Patrick returned from Charles City on Monday after spending a few days there.

Mr. Noah Naden was a passenger on Thursday's train to Charles City returning the last of the week.

Last Monday Mr. and Mrs. Will Weinberger of Riceville were visiting at the Richard Dorsey home.

Mrs. Louis Savre is entertaining Miss Ruth Starr of Charles City. Miss Starr arrived last Saturday.

Mr. Hans Hanson and wife of St. Ansgar were calling on friends in Osage the latter part of last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ahrens are rejoicing over the arrival of a son born to them on Friday morning.

Miss Sarah Lange of St. Ansgar came down Friday for a few days visit at the Will Moody residence.

Mr. and Mrs. Jay Schultheis of Riceville were visiting Mr. Schultheis' parents the first of the week.

Mr. Albin Johnel returned last Monday from Madison, Wis., where he has been attending the University.

Mrs. F. J. Davis of Fayette came Wednesday for a few days visit with his sister, Mrs. C. H. Addington.

Miss Lorraine Kroll left last Friday night for Chicago, where she will join her mother, Mrs. Leta Kroll.

Mrs. M. E. Gaffney left on Tuesday for Stacyville to visit for a few days with her daughter, Mrs. S.I. Smith.

Mrs. Frank McKenna who has been spending a few days with relatives at Charles City, returned last Saturday.

Miss Minnie Drake of Ft. Dodge arrived Friday and is a welcome guest at the home of her uncle, I. L. Wayne.

Mr. Ernest Kleckner and Florence Fox of New Haven spent last Sunday at the Mease Gillis home in this city.

Little Kenneth Knapp and brother, Carroll, were guests at their grandmother Knapp Tuesday and over night.

Mr. Ed Meyer and Ed Weber of Stacyville were here on Monday visiting Mr. Jake Wolff.

Mrs. Geo. Sherman and children of Sheldon, Iowa, are visiting at the Rodemacher homes for a week or two.

Mrs. Harold Gardner came over from Stacyville last Monday. Miss Lois James returned to Osage with her.

Mr. and Mrs. Mease Gilles spent several days of last week visiting their daughter, Mrs. M. Fox at New Haven.

Mrs. Wm. Gillis came up from Orchard and spent Sunday and Monday with her husband who is at the City hospital.

Miss Ida Schoenborn left last Friday for St. Paul where she will be employed in a wholesale millinery house.

The Osage First Nature Study Club will hold their next industrial meeting with Mrs. Mary Salisbury, February 8.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Appleton are rejoicing over the arrival of another baby girl. The little one was born on Tuesday.

Misses Janet Brown and Edna Sheehan are spending a few days visiting in the country at the Jim Cutler home.

Mrs. C. B. Stocks left on Monday train for Nashua where she will spend a few days visiting her brother, Mr. Jenson.

Mrs. Ed Miller and three children were paying relatives and friends in Mitchell a short visit from Friday until Monday.

Mrs. Ray Lewis came up from Orchard last Friday to visit for a short time at the Pierce home on west Main street.

Miss Zilla Scott of Stacyville came over last Friday for a short stay at the home of her grandparents, Dr. and Mrs. Bundy.

Miss Julia Everson who was spending the week at Mrs. Carl Johnson's at Orchard, returned home last Friday.

Ralph Grover was a guest of his brother, Roy, at Waterloo from Monday afternoon Jan. 22nd to Sunday morning, Jan. 28th.

Mrs. Geo. Marsh entertained the ladies of the Afternoon Five Hundred Club at the Cleveland Hotel on Tuesday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Almgren went down to Charles City for an over Sunday visit at the home of Mr. Almgren's mother.

Mr. Den Holland came up from Floyd last Friday for a couple of days visit with relatives. He returned on Monday.

MR. Harry Allen and Mr. Johnson of Charles City were up to enjoy the dance give at Fraternity Hall last Friday evening.

Mr. C. G. Klemsrud from St. Ansgar has been spending several days visiting here. She returned to her home on Wednesday.

Mrs. W. T. Morse left for Charles City last Friday afternoon to visit at the home of her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Smith.

Mr. Verne Tenney came up from Waterloo last Friday for a short call on his grandmother, Mrs. Swain, and also friends in the city.

Rev. Miss Jennie Bartholomew went to Waterloo and thence to Webster City Tuesday and returned home this morning.

Miss Edna Sheehan of Emerson, Neb., who for some time past has been visiting friends here, left last Saturday for St. Ansgar.

Mr. Walter Nixon is taking a short vacation from his duties at the post office. He left last Friday for Waterloo and other points.

Mrs. Ludwig Anderson and baby went down to Orchard on Friday last to tarry for a short time with her mother, Mrs. Snively.

Mrs. Jim Culter will entertain what is known as the Younger Set Five Hundred Club, at her home near Orchard this evening.

Mrs. L. J. Dodge and daughter came up from Waterloo last Monday afternoon, returning as far as Charles City the same day.

Mrs. Lorenzen of St. Ansgar spent the greater part of last week in Osage, called here by her sister's death, Miss Anna Schmarzo.

Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Griswold and Delos, and Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Griswold were guests at the Ralph Town home Sunday, Jan. 28.

Mrs. D. W. Loban of Galena, Ill., came yesterday for a visit with Mrs. E. K. Moran and Mrs. John Levers, also other friends in the city.

Mr. Carl Wagner was operated on at the City hospital by Dr. R. L. Whitley, assisted by Drs. Hanson and Lott on Tuesday morning.

Mrs. Elber Lemon of Little Cedar passed through here Tuesday on her way to Mason City to visit her friend, Mrs. W. F. Hannamon.

Mrs. P. S. Selder was a passenger on Saturday for Mitchell. She spent the Sabbath with Mrs. Eckford, returning the first of the week.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Atherton were in town the first of the week visiting friends. They are soon to move to Clear Lake where they will make their future home.

Page 4, column four, five and six.

Mr. Ed Hubbard who for some time has been clerking at Wright & Weatherly is now in the employ of the Lohr Furniture Co.

Miss Doras Russel of Lyle made a short visit at the L.D. Flack home. She came down Wednesday returning on Thursday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Cromer went to St. Ansgar on Tuesday returning on Wednesday. They were guests at the Andrew Spaanum residence.

Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Hadfield were passengers on Monday for St. Ansgar. They were visiting at Prof. and Mrs. Sheldon's for a few days.

Mr. W. C. Adams of Decorah, was in town this week on business connected with the Standard Seed Tester Company in which he is interested.

Mrs. Geo. Decker of Union underwent an operation at the E. C. Harmon home Monday. We are pleased to learn that she is recovering nicely.

Mr. Wm. H. Smith of Minneapolis was in the city the early part of the week. He returned to Mitchell where he is visiting at the Stocks home.

Mrs. O. H. Philips, of Austin, Minn., arrived on Tuesday's train to spend the week visiting at her brother's home, Mr. Wm. Harris and family.

Mr. John Sheldon returned last Saturday from his trip through Kansas and Texas where he visited his sons and looked after business interests.

Miss Elsie Dale went to Nora Springs today for a weeks visit. She is gaining rapidly after her recent sickness but is hardly able to go to work.

Local music talent under the direction of Prof. Price, are preparing an Operetta which will be given in the Opera house some time in the near future.

Mrs. B. K. Mc Ilnay of the Big Cedar Automobile Co., went to Chicago Sunday night and is spending the week at the big automobile show now being held.

Mrs. Lizzie Robertson, who for some time has been living with her sons near Mitchell, was down here the first of the week looking after business matters.

Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Sprague are here from Washburn, Wis., looking after business interests and also visiting at the G. N. Symmes and other friends in the city.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Goplerud paid a short visit at Mrs. Gopleruds' parents, the Peter Groth home at St. Ansgar on Tuesday, returning on Wednesday morning.

John Eldridge, Jr., celebrated his eleventh birthday by entertaining a number of his young friends on Monday evening. Part of the evening was spent at the Lyrie.

Mrs. J. L. Lewis and Grace came up from Orchard last Saturday to spend a couple of days with Mr. and Mrs. Will Thornburg. They returned to Orchard on Tuesday.

Mr. Jasper Miller who for the past two years has been employed in Minneapolis is now having a short vacation from his duties and is visiting his mother in this city.

Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Ball who live on the Cotter farm east of town entertained Mr. and Mrs. George Bennett and Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Baldwin at a six o'clock dinner Tuesday evening.

Mrs. E. A. Knapp and Lena who have been visiting the former's daughter at Sumner returned home on Monday. Miss Lena is again in her accustomed place at Starr Bros. store.

Mrs. Mike Gauss was hostess at a six o'clock dinner at their home on Friday of last week. The occasion was in honor of Mrs. Eli Hite who is spending some time the guest of her daughter.

Emerald Camp, number 1231 of the R. N. of A. of Osage will meet only once a month from Feb. 8, until further notice. The meetings will take place the second Thursday of each month.

Mrs. Turner who was called to Stacyville last week to care for her daughter, Mrs. Chas. Woodiwiss, who was ill, was called to Rudd on Saturday by the serious illness of her mother, Mrs. Hoel.

Mrs. Frannie Orcutt who was called to Sweetwater, Idaho, some time ago to care for her sister, Mrs. Frank Flint, returned last Thursday. We are glad to report that Mrs. Flint has fully recovered.

Miss Fleta Mc Clemens who for the past month has been visiting at her grandparents, L. D. Flacks, left on Monday for a short stay with her aunt at Lyle, before returning to her home at Dougherty, Ia.

As we are having such cold weather for horses to be left hitched out in the cold our Humane Society officers should watch out for the owners and see to it that the horses are blanketed and tied out of the raw wind.

Miss Christena Juenger left last Sunday for her home at Stacyville. Miss Juenger will spend a couple of weeks' vacation under the parental roof.

Mrs. Clyde Henderson and baby came up from Charles City last Saturday and remained a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Myron Tucker.

Mr. Fred Van Vockenburg of Waterloo came up on Friday evening to take in the dance at Fraternity hall that evening. He returned the same night.

Mr. Harry Wallace who was operated on for appendicitis last Wednesday by Drs. Hanson and Whitley at the DuShane home, is rapidly convalescing.

Mrs. Al Cordes left last Friday to spend a short time visiting at the Thompson home at Mona and at Hobkirks at Lyle. She returned the first of the week.

A number of the young people of the Lutheran church very pleasantly surprised the Misses Olga and Cora Krogstad at their home in the first ward. The evening was spent in a most pleasing manner.

The Harmony Club will meet with Mrs. Thomas Ferris on Friday afternoon. The members will enjoy a picnic supper and each one is requested to bring cup, plate, fork, and spoon as well as provisions.

Miss Fannie Eastman who spent a few days at Rochester, Minn., last week stopped off here on her return for a short stay at the W. A. Eastman home. She returned to her home at Nashua on Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Hastings started on their southern trip last Thursday. They will spend some time at Hot Springs, Arkansas, and then continue to Texas. They plan to be absent about three months.

Miss Ella Crawford came up from Orchard the middle of last week to care for Mrs. L. Turner and her little child. Mrs. Cummings who was assisting them was obliged to leave on account of her sister's illness.

Mrs. Sever Klemsrud who resides west of town entertained a number of young ladies at a pre-nuptial shower for Miss Della Dahley on Saturday afternoon. Miss Dahley received many useful articles presented her by the ladies.

Councilman J. W. Clay (who is enjoying a winter in California on full pay) writes that he is enjoying himself in the west very much. He has recently made a trip to old Mexico. He will be back with us before the flowers

Perhaps it may interest some to hear that a little daughter was born on Jan. 21st to Mr. and Mrs. Vinton P. Eastman of Teintsin, China. Mr. Eastman is a son of W. A. Eastman of this city and at one time was a student of the Seminary.

The advertised letters for the week ending January 27th are: Mr. Ed. M. Hopper (4); Elmer O. Martin, A. Hettle, Mr. Lewis Miller, Mr. Frank S. Miller, Mr. Leo J. Plat (2); Mr. C. S. Hamilton, Geo. D. Smith, Mr. S. A.
Lasowook, J. J. Hoyington (2).

Mr. E. M. Thornberg, of Orchard, celebrated his eighty-first birthday anniversary last Saturday. Mr. Thornberg make his home with his daughter, Mrs. J. McWayne and the other guests were, Mrs. John Le___ and daughter, Grace, of Steele, N. D., and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thornberg of this city.

There was a pleasant gathering at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Cole in the First Ward last Saturday. The date was Mr. Cole's birthday and also the anniversary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Cole. A dinner was provided and a dozen or more of the neighbors and friends enjoyed the hospitality of this excellent couple to the fullest extent.

Mrs. Will Byers, daughter of John Miller of New Haven, died at her home at Bascobell, Wisconsin, the early part of last week. The funeral services were held on Tuesday interment taking place at Boscobell.

Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Richardson, who have been enjoying a visit at the home of the former's sister, Mrs. John Schuyler and also with Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Anderson, returned to their home at Meltonville last Friday.

About two weeks ago, Mr. Milt Rucker underwent an operation for a severe stomach trouble at the Mayo hospital in Rochester. The operation was a severe one and he was in a critical condition for a time, but is now on the road to recovery. Mrs. Rucker has been with him and will accompany him home soon.

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P. F. Wernet and son, Charles are Brought Before Justice Stoughton and Bound Over
Probably all towns have illegal dealers in intoxicating liquors. A business which flourishes with few convictions. Last Friday evening Jim Trusedale was found on our streets in an intoxicated condition. On Saturday morning he was brought before Justice Stoughton. It was evident that Trusedale had obtained the liquor from some illicit dealer and as the law provides for the release of a person charged with drunkenness if he makes affidavit showing of whom he obtained the liquor. He was given opportunity to make such a
statement and complied.

His affidavit showed that it was purchased from P. F. Wernet and his son, Charles. County Attorney Kugler promptly filed an information and these parties were arrested and brought before Justice Stoughton. On hearing the evidence Justice Stoughton thought it sufficient to bind the parties over to the grand jury which will meet the 11th of March. At first the bail was fixed at $100.00 each, but later was reduced so that a cash bond of $100.00 was accepted for both. The elder Wenert was able to produce this in the shape of four twenty dollar gold pieces and two ten dollar bills.

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Miss Hazel Cheney drove to Osage Friday.

Mr. R. W. Florence went to Osage Wednesday afternoon.

Mr. John Love was an Osage caller Friday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. George Jackson drove to Osage Saturday.

Mr. O. H. Evens left here Saturday for Chicago with stock.

Mrs. M. E. Gorman was an Osage shopper Thursday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. W. Clay were calling in town Monday morning.

Mr. Jim Naden of Osage was seen on our streets Sunday afternoon.

Miss Avilla Gorman came home from Waterloo the first of the week.

Mr. W. F. Penney drove out to Stillwater Sunday with Mr. Tuttle.

Miss Lola Penney spent Sunday afternoon with Inez and Marion Colley.

Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Foster and Mr. R. W. Florence drove to Osage Friday.

Mr. George Newberry brought quite a drove of cattle to town Saturday afternoon.

Mrs. Mary Rivers of New Haven spent Sunday at the Albert and Henry Morse homes.

Messrs. Raishe Lack and John Love were Osage callers Tuesday afternoon of last week.

Miss Nellie Knudson has been enjoying a visit from her sister, Olga Knudson, of Osage.

Mr. Clarence Giselson went to Osage on the noon train Friday and returned Saturday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Franz Bilharz and little son was calling at the E. Orchard home Friday afternoon.

Mr. O. H. Evans drove out to Den Clark's last Friday to help Mr. Clark with some butchering.

Mr. Frank Morse went to Osage Sunday noon and remained until Monday morning with friends.

Mrs. S. E. Colby and two children went to Mitchell last Thursday noon. They returned Friday afternoon.

Mr. Hans Horgen assisted Mr. Olaf Molstad to haul hogs again to market here Saturday afternoon.

Mr. Isaac Love and son, Will, went to Nashua Friday afternoon for a few days visit with friends.

Mrs. Turner and daughter, Miss Ruth Tuner, of St. Ansgar, spent Saturday afternoon with Mrs. W. D. Bryant.

Messrs Eugene Sprague and Everett Hendricks drove to Osage Saturday evening to attend the play, "Billie."

Miss Grace Lewis who is visiting at the Ed Thornburg home went to Osage between trains Tuesday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Sile Kelley and Mr. and Mrs. John Diertz and little son, of Osage, spent Sunday at the Sid Harlis home.

Mrs. Will Walling and Miss Ella Crawford went to Osage Monday noon of last week and returned the following afternoon.

Mrs. Isaac Love drove to town Sunday morning. Mrs. Raishe Lack and children accompanied her home to spend the day.

Miss Fern Morse and Mrs. Clarence Morse left here Wednesday afternoon for a few weeks visit with relatives in Ripon, Wis.

Mr. Albert Morse is enjoying a visit from a nephew, Mr. J. Bassett. Mr. Bassett is also visiting other relatives in this vicinity.

Several of the young people from here attended a party last Thursday evening at the home of Miss Gladys Jones, southeast of town.

We understand that Mr. John Eldridge of Osage has purchased the Bartlett forty north of town recently owned by Mr. Phil Covey.

Mr. Olaf Molstad has sold his interest in the farm he has been residing on. We understand that he is looking for another location.

Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Florence went to Osage Saturday evening and remained until Sunday afternoon as guests at the Will Mericle home.

Messrs Vincent Blandin and John Forman drove to Osage Saturday evening to assist at the Opera house Vinton Blandin, accompanied them.

Mrs. John Bamford came down from Mitchell last week Tuesday morning and remained until the noon passenger, at the S. E. Colby home.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Thornburg of Osage spent Saturday at the Ed. Thornburg home. Mrs. John Lewis accompanied them to Osage toward evening.

Rev. Tuttle, State Supt. of the Sunday schools, spoke to a fair sized audience here last Sunday morning. Mr. Tuttle is a very interesting speaker.

Mr. Will Hughes, who has been working in the car shops at Waterloo this winter, was calling on friends in town Tuesday evening of last week.

Mr. E. P. Foster drove to Osage Saturday. He returned in the evening accompanied by his daughter, Miss Emma Foster. She returned to Osage Sunday noon.

Mr. and Mrs. Andrews of Spring Valley, Minn., arrived here Tuesday afternoon of last week for an extended visit at the L. W. Andrews and A. P. Underwood homes.

Mrs. A. O. Anderson and little son came down from Osage Friday afternoon to spend a few days with her mother, Mrs. O. D. Snively. She returned home Sunday noon.

Mr. and Mrs. William Gilles drove to town Saturday. Mr. Gilles went to Osage to consult the doctor in regard to his health. Mrs. Gilles remained at the Charles Cheney home.

Among those who attend school in Osage and who were passengers on the noon train Sunday were the Misses Marion, Muriel and Anna Crawford and Lois Andres. Messrs. Calvin Millington, Ray Dodge, John Gorman, Harold Hoisington and Vincent Blandin.

The Measuring social which was to have been given by the Y.P.S.C.E. on the evening of January 5th, and which was postponed on account of severe weather, will be held in the church parlors, Friday evening, February 2nd. Don't forget the date. Everybody come and be sure of a good time.

Messrs. George Jackson and Charles Bowers drove to Osage Friday evening to attend the dance. On their way home, when opposite the George Hill home, the horse became frightened and overturned the cutter, throwing its occupants out. The horse broke loose from the cutter and went home. Messrs Jackson and Bowers also went home. Mr. Jackson's arm was quite severely injured and the cutter was considerably damaged.

Lawyer Kugler drove down from Osage Wednesday afternoon. He was the unfortunate victim of a little surprise, when the cutter was overturned, leaving Mr. Kugler, robes and cushions on the railroad crossing. The horse continued going east on Main street until opposite the State Savings bank where it turned toward the bank, ran against a hitching post and stopped. Possibly this is not the first time Mr. Kugler has driven this horse. However, we are glad to report that no one was seriously hurt and the cutter was but slightly damaged.

[Note from the transcriber. The yellow address label shows the month and year to which subscription is paid. I purchased this copy of the Osage News ..the "yellow address" label is still intact and it says,
"Burditt, Mrs. P.K. Jan.12" It appears that this is her last issue til payment is made again. ]
[transcribed by L.Z., January, February, March 2006]


Osage News
Osage Mitchell County
February 7, 1912

Adren Bond went to Lamont, Friday where he will run his father's farm.

Mr. Lamm and the Art Stokes family were Saturday callers at W. M. Kuhn's.

Miss Ethel Barker was a guest at Oakiren Saturday afternoon and Sunday.

Mildred Overcamp was a Saturday night guest at the Byrnes home in Osage.

Mr. and Mrs. Parkhurst were dinner guests at the Vance home in Osage recently.

Mr. and Mrs. Sam Jacobs and Hazel and Helen spent a day recently at Ray Markham's.

Pete Hanson's mother, who lives with him is having a very severe spell of rheumatism.

Miss Gail Fraze of Lyle, and Miss Glee Lemon visited the Button school Tuesday aternoon.

Mr. and Mrs Mat Evans are at the Arthur Evans home in Osage. Mr. Evans is helping in the ice harvest.

Margaret Herron is recovering from a very painful sprained ankle. The accident occured at school during the play hour.

Mr. Arp's brother from Canada who has been visiting in Minn., recently is here for a visit with his brother and family.

[transcribed by M.O., March 2006]


Iowa Old Press Home
Mitchell County