Iowa Old Press

Mitchell County Press
Osage, Mitchell Co. Iowa
October 10, 1908

The home of Mr. and Mrs. Archie McDougall of Pleasant Valley, was the scene of a beautiful ceremony when on the evening of October 7, 1908, their eldest daughter, Miss Winifred, was united in marriage to Mr. Lloyd Buttolph of Rock. Willing hands and loving hearts had prepared and decorated with flowers the rooms which were soon filled with guests. At eight o'clock Miss Margery Hilton played the wedding march as the happy couple came down the stairs preceded by their pastor, Rev. H. O. Allen, before whom they took their place while he said the earnest words that united their lives, using the beautiful ring service and following with a prayer so full of blessing for them and the new home about to be started that it will long be remembered.
After hearty congratulations dainty refreshments were served by four young lady friends of the bride and afterward all were interesed in looking at the beautiful gifts and in social enjoyment.

The bride has been a capable teacher in our public schools for a number of years, and has been a great worker in church and Sunday school services, as well as a loving helper in the dear home life. From all these places she will be greatly missed as she possesses in a rare degree those graces that
culture of heart and mind only can give. the groom is an industrious and capable farmer and has the
highest respect and best wishes of all who know him. We anticipate the united efforts of these fine talents will make a large place for them and their infulence will always be for good. Mr. and Mrs Buttolph left on the midnight train to visit relatives in the western part of the state and in Minnesota and Dakota.

[transcribed by M.O., October 2005]

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